Upon thinking of fathers who date their daughters (and for those - TopicsExpress


Upon thinking of fathers who date their daughters (and for those of you who arent familiar with this phrase: this is simply where the father starts to take his daughter out to a dinner and movie or any other dateish scene and begin to show her how a man should treat his daughter. I.E. Open doors for her, look her in the eyes, come to the door instead of texting from the car, ect.) so back to what I was saying, I was thinking of dads who date their daughters as mine did and the impact it had on my love life and self esteem. I would dare say to go a step further, fathers, be her rebound. If your daughter was in any relationship for any amount of time- a month or a few years- be her rebound. I have noticed, in my few years, that women seek approval from a male after the ending of a relationship. Ive seen that though not all, but some guys notice this desire and happily act. This could turn into a dangerous cycle. So, fathers, be your little girls rebound. Dont just date her until she reaches the age that you approve of her dating. Remind her of her worth in love. Now, on this rebound date: 1.) Id say take her ASAP. Break up wednesday? Youll be her date that Friday (or however your schedule works.) 2.) No matter how much daddy protectiveness comes out, do not talk crap about the ex. Or at least I didnt like that. I wanted to defend and you almost seem as though youre the enemy. (it doesnt seem logical, but its how my brain worked. I seen this truth in a few of my friends as well.) 3.) Actually, dont bring him up at all unless she does. 4.) Tell her she is beautiful. 5.) Tell her she is loved. 6.) Remind her of who she is in Christ. 7.) Set another date with your special lady and follow through. After all, she is your little girl and youll always be the man who loved her first.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 21:51:34 +0000

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