Upon witnessing the public outcry concerning the Darren Wilson - TopicsExpress


Upon witnessing the public outcry concerning the Darren Wilson indictment, or lack thereof, I feel a sense of sorrow toward the rioters and revolters, for the sincere ones are not merely malcontents, or fomenters, or anarchists, but real people who are justified in feeling voiceless, and disenfranchised; because for over 300 years they and their antecedents have been peonized in the United States in manifold ways. Some, like me, have had to encounter outright apartheid and racialism through various encounters in their lives, while others, like me, have had to experience the all too prominent forms of unspoken and ambiguous methods of Jim Crowism. What these people have in common is the despondency that spills over like an overflowing cup, and when hopelessness can no longer be contained, there is no longer a methodology or a vision. They are like scattered sheep and lost existences, who are angry and aware of their abstraction, but can’t determine a solution. Refraining from “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” will be inconsequential. I’ve been in business for myself for years, and I assure you that the profits of no business, especially multi billion dollar industries (who are already selling their items 50% off anyway), are contingent on a solitary day. But where there is no vision, the people perish. Do you even know how blacks acquired the rights we have now, like the right to vote? By peaceful presentations, such as marches, sit-ins, longterm boycotts, and a willingness to die, blacks in the South FORCED change. Are you willing to die? Are you aware that the Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted for over a year, until Browder v. Gayle was officially enforced at the end of 1956? Can you imagine how difficult it was to commute to work without the public transit system? Make a real sacrifice. Stop giving your money to movies, cable programs, literature, music, and even clothing that dehumanize and animalize blacks, for there will be no activist or well spoken leader who will sweep you away from your oppressors. There is one King, one Savior, who has the keys to another World, where there will be no race, and no corruption, and friends I assure you that we can live in the reality of that soon to be prominent World today through Jesus Christ. He is the Leader who prayed for us (John 17) and saw Satan “fall like lightening” (Luke 10:18) before Martin Luther King had a dream that the hills and valleys would be made low. Repent and turn to Jesus, because he has an answer for our Hope.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 06:00:22 +0000

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