Upper class people who think they can relate to the struggle of - TopicsExpress


Upper class people who think they can relate to the struggle of benefit claimants SERIOUSLY need a reality check. Its no secret that things seriously need changing in this country, but dont think you have a single right to dictate how claimants should get/ spend their money when youve never lived on the breadline, when youve NEVER once worried about financially making it through the month, when youve NEVER seen your family go through utter hell because of money struggles, when youve NEVER been judged on job applications because of where you live. Ive got nothing against you upper class folk enjoying your 3 holidays a year and a fancy cars, but dont think for a second you can relate to those living their lives not knowing if theyll have enough money to feed their babies, or put clothes on their back. Everyone has a right to an opinion- just dont broadcast it casting your judgments on working class people when youve never had a single financial struggle in your life.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:39:10 +0000

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