Urgent! America is being Set Up for Islamic Takeover. Open your - TopicsExpress


Urgent! America is being Set Up for Islamic Takeover. Open your eyes, World, especially Americans. The U.S.A. is on the verge of a Muslim takeover, facilitated by President Barack Hussein Obama. Due to the occupant of the Oval Office’s open-door policy toward Muslims and executive orders, over 100,000 Middle Eastern Muslims are formally immigrating to the U.S. per year. But this does not include thousands of students, workers in various industries and agencies, foreign military personnel serving on U.S. soil, and surreptitious, illegal immigrants (or is anyone naïve enough to think that thousands of Islamists, including radical terrorists, are not taking advantage of the porous southern border of the U.S.?). This huge influx of Muslims into America during Obama’s terms in office and his favoritism toward them has resulted in entire U.S. cities (e.g., Dearborn, Michigan) being taken over by them, domination of the ideology and rhetoric on college campuses, and Muslims being placed in high positions in the Obama administration and positions critical to the security of the U.S.A. Also, the Obama administration has been paradoxically jumping back and forth aiding, training, funding and equipping various, seemingly opposed terrorist organizations and nations, including the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, ISIS, Iran and Hamas (under the guise of “humanitarian relief”). All of these groups and the nation of Iran have vowed the destruction of both Israel and America. Do you think there might be an agenda here – a method to Obama’s madness? For irrefutable, chilling proof from his own mouth that Barack Hussein Obama considers himself a dedicated Muslim, promoting the Islamic world view and agenda, please view the YouTube video at youtube/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY (if it has not yet been banned from YouTube). Most insist that the greatest present danger to America is the faltering economy, the spread of disease (e.g., the ebola virus), natural disasters (e.g., the drought in California), civil war, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, nuclear war with Russia and/or China, the New World Order, or some other event or entity. But few seem to be facing up to the very real, present and rapidly increasing Muslim menace. My assessment is based not only on observation of current events, but Bible prophecy. Scripture indicates that the U.S.A. will be totally destroyed in three stages: (1) a Middle Eastern terrorist takeover (Jeremiah 51:1-4; 27-28), (2) total annihilation of all life in the U.S.A. by “fire” (probably a comet exploding high in the atmosphere above North America) (Revelation 17:16; 18:8), and (3) total physical destruction of America (probably also by cometary impact) (Revelation 18:21). Now, before you write me off as having gone over the deep end, please consider that I am not alone with these views. Although they have not connected all the dots in the same way I have, other very sane, scholarly and reputable individuals not only share but are the sources of most of my interpretations of current events in the light of Bible prophecy. Read, as examples, The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, The Isaiah 9:10 Prophecy by James Fitzgerald and The Comets of God by scientist Jeffrey Goodman. Also, for the solid Scriptural basis for the soon-coming holocaust to America, you are invited to read my book The Tenth Harbinger, available as a free pdf download at TheTenthHarbinger. Finally, my primary purpose is not simply to frighten people, but to spark an awareness of these rapidly unfolding events, before it is too late and they perish. When we love people, we are not going to quietly and calmly say, “Uh, you should be careful; you are about to drive over a 3,000-foot cliff,” are we? When America falls, it will be sudden, just as it was when Hitler and the Nazis took over Germany - overnight. We are going to wake up some morning (any day now), martial law (or rather, Sharia law) will be declared, all communications will be cut off, and all bank accounts and other assets will be confiscated – Obama (the clearest forerunner of the anti-messiah [“Antichrist”] in American history) and the Muslims will be in deadly, terrible control of the country. And there will be no escape, no fighting back, no survival – only pledging allegiance to Allah and Islam, or die (as is happening in many other parts of the world). When that happens – when the American Titanic sinks – our only hope will be to be in the lifeboat called Yahushua (“Jesus”). Are you ready? In the urgent love of the Lord Yahuah (“God”), Watchman Bob
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 14:11:57 +0000

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