Urgent Letter from the Patriarch in Iraq August 5, 2014 His - TopicsExpress


Urgent Letter from the Patriarch in Iraq August 5, 2014 His Holiness Pope Francis Their Beatitudes the Patriarchs of the East Their Excellencies the Presidents of the Bishops Conferences The Christians of Iraq confront an enormous tragedy The Christians of Mosul (Nineveh Province, Iraq), horrified, have fled the city with only the clothes on their back. Their churches have been profaned and on the 2nd of August a mass migration took place from the villages of Telkev, Batnaya and Telleskuf as, knowing that the small town of Sinjar alongside other neighboring villages had fallen and seventy persons had been massacred, gave rise to panic. Here Monday August 4, ISIL commenced the bombardment the village of Telkef and a young Christian was killed. This having been said it is evident that there is practically no collaboration between the central government and that of the Kurdish Region and in addition that the new government is not yet formed! As to our political parties, they have failed in every tangible manner, and this for reasons well known to everyone as well as to each of these parties themselves. As for the Church, she finds herself completely alone, more than ever; nevertheless her leaders are strongly required to react before it is too late in applying the necessary pressure on the international community as well as those other decision-makers in view of fundamental answers necessary to the scandalous crimes and the destructive conspiracies that affect, above all, unarmed citizens in Iraq, Syria, and in Palestine - Gaza. It should be noted that the motivation for all of these killings is the lust for everything that lies beneath the earth like petroleum and gas ... what else explains this war so curiously radicalised and, as if following excellently premeditated plan, does not take the least account of the destinies of the people. We are equally shocked and indignant by the absence of a vigorous position taken by the Muslims and their religious leaders, not the least because the actions of these factions represent a menace for the Muslims themselves. In fact speeches are good for nothing, so too declarations that rehash condemnations and indignation; the same can be said for protest marches. In addition, while appreciating the generosity of our donors, we would say that donations and fundraising too are not that which will solve our problems. We have to demand a large scale administrative (Ed.: governmental) operation on an international level. There is in fact the necessity for a position of conscience to this simple human principle: the demand for real actions and solidarity because we are before a crisis of our very existence, confronting the fact that we will be or we will not be. This is an appeal from the bottom of the heart in the search for a solution that lies uniquely in the hands of the international community and above all with the super powers. We address ourselves profoundly to their consciences and that they should review their positions and to re-evaluate the impact of the situation of today. These powers confront a human and moral responsibility. It is no longer reasonable to take recourse to double standards. They are called to free themselves from their narrow interests and to unite themselves in a political and pacifistic solution that puts an end to this conflict. These powers must vigorously exercise pressure on those who support financially and train militarily these factions and so cut short these sources of violence and radicalisation. Concerning the Christians of Iraq, in our pastoral ministry towards them, we also call upon the international community; our Christians are in urgent need of humanitarian aid, as too they are in need of an efficient, true and permanent protection that reassures them that there is no limit to their existence whose origins are so deeply rooted in Iraq; this also concerns Christians in other regions of the Middle East that are beginning to ignite and be torn apart. We also appeal to our brother and sisters around the world, that they too are truly with us in solidarity at this our time of suffering this terrible ordeal; that they live with us this feeling of solidarity as if belonging to the same family. We are in need of a communion of the heart, and for prayers with our faithful during this terrible ordeal as we experienced during the visit of the delegation of Bishops of France presided by His Eminence Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon. We remain in the belief of dialogue, exchange and conviviality. That God may grant us the grace and possibility to overcome this trial, that He removes from all hearts all hatred and violence. In great union of prayer, Louis Raphael I Sako Patriarch of Babylon and the Chaldeans
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:24:23 +0000

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