Urgent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE COUNTER-TERRORISM and SECURITY BILL - TopicsExpress


Urgent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE COUNTER-TERRORISM and SECURITY BILL AND BRITISH MUSLIMS Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah We are writing to highlight the urgent need for you to play your part in preventing the Government’s current Counter-terrorism and Security Bill being passed as law in its current form. The proposed legislation could bear serious consequences for British Muslims including: Having your passport seized for up to 30 days by border police or immigration officials; A ban (on British citizens) from entering the UK for up to 2 years, effectively rendering you stateless during that time; Entire nationalities of passengers being barred from travelling into the UK; The Government being able to intercept your mail; The Government’s highly criticised ‘Prevent’ programme (which many feel treats with Muslims through the prisms of security and suspicion) to be enforced on councils, schools and universities. This is a deeply troubling piece of legislation for British Muslims and will change our lives forever if it is passed in its current form. The Bill is already near the Third Reading stage and could become law if you don’t act soon. WHAT CAN YOU DO? 1. SEND AN EMAIL TO YOUR MP TODAY We have already provided a template letter. iengage.uk.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/letter.html All you need do is copy and paste its contents into the window that opens when you click on this link:https://writetothem - which allows you to send an email to your MP in one simple step. 2. VISIT YOUR MP THIS WEEKEND You will need to call their office (details can be found on the link provided above) and make an appointment. Alternatively, ask to meet your MP in Parliament this week to allay your fears about the Bill and why s/he must not support it. Jazak Allahu Khayran Pls forward
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 10:14:16 +0000

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