Urgent action alert: September 10th is the Internet Slowdown, a - TopicsExpress


Urgent action alert: September 10th is the Internet Slowdown, a creative online action to defend net neutrality. This is our moment to get everyone to understand what’s at stake. -Demand Progress Imagine all your favorite websites taking forever to load, while you get annoying notifications from your ISP suggesting you switch to one of their approved “Fast Lane” sites. Think about what we would lose: all the weird, alternative, interesting, and enlightening stuff that makes the Internet so much cooler than mainstream Cable TV. What if the only news sites you could reliably connect to were the ones that had deals with companies like Comcast and Verizon? How would your worldview be different? Do you think you’d have found Demand Progress or other causes you care about? Would you be getting this email? On September 10th, just a few days before the FCC’s comment deadline, public interest organizations are issuing an open, international call for websites and internet users to unite for an “Internet Slowdown” to show the world what the web would be like if Team Cable gets their way and trashes net neutrality. We need everyone on board for this. Got a website or blog? Find out how the slowdown works and how you can join. If you don’t have a website, you are still part of this! Here’s a quick list of things you can do to help in the Battle for the Net. This isn’t about how quickly our cat videos load, it’s about the future of our ability to communicate, to learn, to create, and to rebel. It’s about the future of humanity. Weve proved time and again that even concentrated monopoly and government power is no match for the power of people’s voices connected and amplified by the free and open web. That power is our greatest asset as we take on some of the countrys wealthiest, most aggressive, and most corrupt corporations. This could be one of our last chances to defend it. If we lose it, we lose a lot more than just the Internet. If we win, we win a lot more than just streaming video. The stakes are high and we should be acting like it. The Internet is counting on each and every one of us to act. Let’s not let ourselves down. See you on the net September 10th! Thanks. -Demand Progress P.S. We need to make the movement for net neutrality feel like it’s EVERYWHERE.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 01:30:01 +0000

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