Uriah Hall vs. John Howard Round 1 Hall double-legs Howard to the - TopicsExpress


Uriah Hall vs. John Howard Round 1 Hall double-legs Howard to the canvas less than 10 seconds into the fight, but Howard is quick to wrap up the “TUF 17” cast member’s arms and maintain position with a butterfly guard. Hall scoots him toward the fence, then stands over the prone Howard and decides after a moment to allow him back up. The middleweights trade leg kicks, and Hall follows up with a left hand on Howard’s chin. Howard ducks under a spinning kick and hits Hall with another nice leg kick. Hall pops a jab in Howard’s face and Howard comes right back to swipe Hall with a left hook. They clinch up on the fence and Howard exits with an elbow as Hall releases. Another leg kick lands for Howard, then another left hand before he shuts down a takedown attempt. Howard tries a single-leg of his own and pushes Hall against the fence with 30 seconds left. Hall shoves off with a knee to the body, answered by a Howard leg kick. Hall finishes the round with one more wheel kick which Howard sidesteps. Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Hall TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Hall Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Howard Round 2 Hall shoots in on Howard and nearly gets snared in a guillotine against the fence. They break and now it’s Howard inching forward, initiating a clinch on the fence and then switching to a single-leg. Howard is scoring with right hands to the body when Hall slows the shots with a big knee to the body up the middle. Hall reverses the position but doesn’t do enough for ref Mario Yamasaki, who breaks them up midway through the round. Hall tries a high knee which Howard catches and uses to clinch on the fence again. Still standing, Hall uses a kimura to spin around and take Howard’s back, but he can’t do anything with the position. Howard chases after Hall with a leg kick and a one-two before hitting a double-leg with 50 seconds on the clock; both men score with punches on the ground in the final seconds. Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Howard TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Howard Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Howard Round 3 Howard is winging wide punches, trying to get inside on the larger man, who backs “Doomsday” away with a knee to the gut. Howard lands a leg kick before Hall muscles him against the fence, looking for a trip. While Hall digs for the takedown, Howard throws right hands to the body before ref Yamasaki splits them up. Howard dodges a high kick and gives one back on the outside of Hall’s lead leg. Howard walks through a knee to take Hall down against the fence, but he’s having trouble getting Hall’s legs out from under him. Hall gets back up, still pressed on the cage by Howard, who throws a couple knees to the thighs as he tries to take Hall’s back. Hall reverses and hits a takedown of his own, then stays clung to Hall’s back when they stand. Howard escapes with 30 seconds left and calls for the Boston crowd get loud. A couple more slapping leg kicks land for Howard before Hall tries a cartwheel kick. He misses and lands on his back, allowing Howard to take mount just as time runs out. Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Howard (29-28 Howard) TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Howard (29-28 Howard) Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Howard (30-27 Howard) Official result: The judges score the bout 30-27 Howard, 29-28 Hall and 29-28 for the winner by split decision, John Howard.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 01:08:24 +0000

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