Urjaa my daughter wrote this article for her blog titled youre not - TopicsExpress


Urjaa my daughter wrote this article for her blog titled youre not the same person I fell in love with. Really liked her thoughts in it. Sharing with u all. Someone really wise said that love is the best thing that can ever happen to you. And through my personal experience and seeing everyone around me that fell in love, I can definitely say that whoever said that was indeed wise. Falling in love is an involuntary action. You cannot decide when you fall in love and with whom. But when you do, you become the happiest person. You start seeing the world through your beloveds eyes. You persistently try impressing him/her whenever you meet. You start admiring everything around you. Suddenly the stars seem to twinkle more, birds seem to chirp more and moon shines brighter. You make his world your world. Gradually it’s all about him and not about you. It’s about what he likes, what he dislikes, what he wants, what are his dreams etc. But somewhere in that process of love you forget yourself. You forget loving yourself. You forget what you like, what you dislike, what are your dreams. Your life starts revolving around his life. You do all that you can to please him, to make him happy and to satisfy him. But what about you? For example: - Whenever a friend ask you to go out for a party, you make it compulsory to call him and ask if it’s okay. Why do you need to do that? You have your own life and own friends. Two bodies but a single soul though sounds very poetic but it doesnt work in todays world. If you forget to give your partner some space and constantly pester your partner to spend time only with you then better be careful, because you might be on the verge of fallout and the reason your partner will give you will be Youre not the same person I fell in love with. So dont push your relationship to that extent that you have to part your ways. You and your partner need to work on your flaws individually and cherish your relationship. Love is just not about one person rather it’s about both the people trying to make constant efforts to stop their love from running out the window. The hardest part of being in love according to me is to not lose your individuality. You must take care about their happiness but never forget your happiness along that journey. You must have your own individual life. You can love that person truly only when you truly love yourself. Love is beautiful trust me. And no one should ever fear falling in love. I won’t deny the fact that love does give you a sweet bitter pain. But if you fall in love with the right person, then at the end of the day it’s all worth it.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 05:23:03 +0000

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