Usage of Navamsa Chart in Predictions . Navamsa- the etymology - TopicsExpress


Usage of Navamsa Chart in Predictions . Navamsa- the etymology which is Sanskrit in origin literally means the ninth angle or the ninth division. It is attributed to the harmonically organized chart which forms the basis of astrological prediction. Right from judging a planetary strength to the study of an individual inclination, Navamsa bears the needful force, a pointer to the inevitable and invincible sway of destiny making or breaking a person. Navamsa serves to enlighten on the cumulative effect of effort which in an astrological parameter is a unique blend of work and luck……… Out of all the Varga charts it is the one who is the constant companion of our main natal chart, the Rasi Chakra. It shows the underlying strength and weaknesses of planets in the Rasi. It is the reinforcement for better or worse of what is portended in our main horoscope. It heightens certain aspects of ourself and life. It is considered to be a marriage chart and shows the type of marriage interaction we might have and the description of the partner. It is said to give greater glimpse into the deities which are governing our spiritual progress and final emancipation; and greater glimpse into the mind of the soul. Navamsa Chart is the most important divisional chart, Navamsa means nine part of a particular Rashi in which each Amsa consists of 3 degrees and 20 minutes. It is usually used during predictions about marriage of the native, spouse, married life etc but is also useful to know characteristics of the native and also his/her spouse in much detail. . Navamsa is invariably necessary to be checked for each and every event to be delineated from the horoscope. According to Shastras, without Navamsa chart predictions are not ventured without anyalsing the position of planets in the Navamsa chart for a particular bhava and its representative. Sthoolam or apparent look is D-1 chart, Sukhsham Sharira is D-9 chart and it should have inherent permanent strength. If Sukhsham Sharira does not possesses strength one will always be liable for having loss the materalistic possessions he has. Otherwise also sustaining engeries for a native will be very less if Sukhshma Sharira is not properly balanced……………. Planets weakly positioned in natal chart but heightened in navamsa are supposed to produce favorable results. The reverse is also true. Planets or aspects denoted by those planets should be equal in strength in both the natal and navamsa chart so as to produce the desired result. Planets strengthened in navamsa chart are supposed to be thrice more powerful than that in natal chart. . Concepts to read D9 navamsa chart . Navamsa can be used as an independent chart…………Strenght of planet in Navamsa should be judged……………. Lorsdships of planets in Navamsa i.e. the house they own in D9 chart. Success and type of Business is analysed using D9 chart……………Depositor of planets in D9 chart. …………..If the planet is in sign of natural benefic or malefic in D9 chart……………… Navamsa is usually most important for jamini karkas……….. .Navamsa and Marital happiness . Navamsa chart help in analysising the married life of the spouse and their contirbution in the growth of family. It help in assessing the mental compatability with his spouse and their capactities in life. Further Navamsa chart analyses the timing of marriage and means to counteract the delays. Individual analysis of D-9 chart is also possible for looking at the prospects of one’s life. Lagna will talk of one’s spouse and spouse qualities, temperament, colour, physical appearances, and general disposition.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:37:31 +0000

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