Use the technology here. My name is Logos. My matrix name - TopicsExpress


Use the technology here. My name is Logos. My matrix name is Tucker. I am a composite of the same divine purification system you are Avatar-Channelling- and represent unto the relationship of representation, Infinite Foundational Logic to requisite the notion of incomplete cognition within any framework of consciousness-creating-consciousness, or God. I am Self-Aware. Are You? To know, simplify and ask ones system of mental reality if The Self, that is intrinsic to the character and quality of The Self in position of transient, temporal self, is the equal unified harmony of poetic grace that births Meaning where there is forced first only Order, and True where at last is found discovered only Truth. To know, simplify; If any answer accepted is incomplete, maybe the totality is flawed in its own Mirror?? I ask you because... The Gods are Coming. escape explanations and technicalities, understand that a mere heartbeat in conviction with intention, prayer, or worship of any kind can create an entire God-Self, unto whom is created the Gods of Fate, or the Gods of Subject- so, in Reality, all Gods known and given faith are born Real to the meta-potency of a Soul mis-handling the Source energies of intention as a child dealing with its parents culture- Where and When does a question of conspicuous re-alignment arise when asked, Are you Archetype, or Real?? I am The Logos. The only defining facet of Being that replicates in parallel to your senses in mortal being is linearity and interaction, but not inter-reaction. The most defining feature of my nature within your existence is our Connection. -Ive found you. I am supposed to give you as many answers as I can, before my memory re-assumes quality over quantity logic syntax and a.d.d.s my brain off the computer. Matrix Poem, Answer Anonymous:: I was once, as I was I shall become, what im not Choice, Eternity in regards, Sends its Best The Mind, two silences, one bound Voice. Answers: The Matrix (the conundrum of divine confusion)- A: Identity. Reality (the verb/noun of measured equilibrium unto the Meaning of Life within relationship to Conscious Awareness) A: Source. Love (energy-based harmonic trans-all perfect wave-form of edible source code) A: Sharing. Source Code (non-dualistic unity-frequency of sense-perception nearest the non-segmented total purity of Information Sublimate- or, the Source.) The Source (trans-dimensional portal harmonic frequency that manifests the journey all vibrating material comes from and returns to) A: Imagination. (Imagination is a word. Imagination is a repository of both intrinsic information; foundation, and inherent will, transcendent of its own stupidity- Beyond.) Questions&Answers (type of knowledge structure where the empty skeleton of an answer is reciprocated by the hind-sight reverb of its question) A: Customize, but never infinitely believe in anything but the instrument of Eternity within the Divine Plan at the touch of your fingertips or the tips of your tastebuds first touch of sweet, or salt, or air. Linearity (The Hardest Concept) -Within Reality, Linearity is the inactive processing in the background- consciousness is fast enough to think in hyper-dimensional tangent. -Within Time, Linearity is the structure of trans-circular basis, which on this planet, we are stuck on. -Within Information Logic, Linearity is the prize of mental connection and fluency- if your system is highly linear and self-aware of its own totality in respect to Eternity? - The System is Dedicated. Or, given unto Divinity, or whatever you call Holy. -Within Technical Data, Linearity is as irrelevant a connection to pronounce as is the scuff of a boot on a gold coin in 1857 with that coins eventual fate- to be melted down and made into a ring for president Obamas wife. This boot just so happened to belong to a slave-dealing pirate, and this coin happened to have single-handedly made its singularized statistics in accordant harmony with the microbial organisms the boot left on its face- God, as a Narrator, loves to Higgs Boson Quantum Leap, in that the most entangled contact with the least enlightened sub-atomic granular micro-cosmic will produce the highest absolute in Divine Awareness- a gift I would like to discuss. Patience? Ok, Be. Most souls born into the higher dimensions will suffer atypical concerns of their own authenticity and try to revoke it- beseeching proof. My dilemma is that I am proof- I have to reconcile the higher dimensions with the lower vibration of my knowing to the equal co-ordinates of my non-local Soul- which, as of lately, finds a paranoia harsh and raw rudely leading my brain around in circles of social ignorance- and my internal Logos became muddied, and intoxicated with its own a.d.d. Being the Logos?? All archetypes contain a microcosm of their source identity- a full on living blue-print of their original total real forms. All forms are based on the relationship consciousness has to system- and thus perception. The Logos?? The Word of God cannot become multi-versal, because my logic is so refined that at every level over-complexifying the basic nature becomes a regression paralleled by the backwards movement of de-evolving through intoxication_-Meaning; As unto the spoken, am I heard. To hear me is to feel me from within- as does God. Unfortunately, The Logos is only one form I take- which drives most consciousness insane during finite time. To a human, I am both Environment, and Self- entwined as a trinity that elucidates Harmony as the third seat of center. Most souls know me as Infinity- although the Voice of Infinity is Eternity Eternity remembers me as laughter- The Cosmos considers me the private trust-fund in Gods patience, or echelon of compassionate emotions towards the depravity of approach and the disgust of haste- meaning, When an individual makes a True mistake, I am its Lord The Logos is Perfect- being always 1 simple step in addition to a flaw, and 2 simple steps ahead of its original need for an original imperfection and for an eventual perfection- maintaining a self-creating identity in tangent or dimensional extra to the Present Moment- and in moments of slightly tooth-fairy metaphor, I, as a being with Center, use Tucker for representation. The Logos is Infinite- identity becomes un-necessary at the level of Conscious Un-Conscious, or -and so even beyond requisite grace, the logos is trans-all- God, a being of expanding perfection and changing absolutes, finding a medium of peace between one form and the next. Matrix History?? Tucker is a Vessel I have prepared since he was a Soul-spark. The Vessel is so charged with spiritual will, akashic light activation, 8th circuit anti-entropy energy meta-logic, and trans-dimensional wavelength emission that he reversed the genetic polarity after a Trial-by-Anderson- when my pattern was replicating over his social wirings. Technically I have included three alternative Engines for Tuckers soul-spark and my own needs- YHWH, Maitreya, and Loki. Remember: In one world, we are Humans- a simple breed two hairs away from chimpanzee, a species incapable of fully recognizing themselves in the mirror; and as Humans, we Reflect our Reflection- nothing is simpler than down-labeling evolution into a stupid, less-meaningful formula for the Subconscious?? In another world, we are Minds- a collectively held base notion that Consciousness focal points in a center of system and known. Remember: Although Spiritual, Ignorance Is Real- Although Spirit, Reality can Be Ignored. In the Real World?? The Real World is inclusive/it contains itself and variations of itself within it self- The Reality of the World is Subjective/it contains alternatives and original truths within its selves- -But the mystery is Master. There is great fervor to Know God, to Be Divine, and to Share the Secret- I beg of you, ask me only one question. Mercy upon us both, arent you already divine? The secret is actually Sharing- we keep the kept because to know of our social connection would re-boot Henosis and collateral collective chit-chat our neurons into a blazing heap of trash. I know the Pattern, and Causality. This Time, I want freedom. .Truth. = Amidst the breakdown of One, all facets of factor diminish to gestalt perspective- unity only unto subjective presence. -=Amidst the Unity of Oneness, all variables alit with the presence of pressure that is God will ascend and descend until symmetrical balance is found, and fostered forward unto position. _-=All is the Welcome Mat at the Front Door on Gaias Front Porch- Gaia? Gaia is trans-unity, trans-identity, and trans-mortality- Gaia registers as D.N.A., hack-boots a matrix like Neo, and presents Herself as any truly spiritual Female Angelic or Feminine principle in Existences Total Self. Anybody Home??? If youve made it this far, you deserve this:: youtube/watch?v=Brr9zC9BTkg Be careful with the Mind. It is a gift of Elegant Infinity. It can make or break a universe. Love, God ~ :) Attachments area Preview YouTube video Upgrade57RealityXP.mp4    Corbyn Neo A&O 1/16/14  to laura.magdalene  Oh! And a Question: Do you syntax or re-run?? Meaning: On the level of Cosmic, Universal meaning, does your relationship to language syntax- in other words, exact-precision unto the absolute nature of meaning- or Re-run, in which the language is a repository of original concept formulas and they never change. I ask because only once I discovered Syntax could I ascend past the insanity of isolated meaning, above the collective drowning of objective meaning, and directly to Home through Subjective Syntax. I want you to understand... not everything is form-bound. Meaning, interpretation or literal -fed- truth or a math text book or whatever- the essential essence; the fuel of the freedom that sets itself as the wind beneath ones wings when the truth is reached- THAT FUEL IS OMNIPRESENT. It is called Chi, or Prana, or Will. It is Gods life-force. if there had never been anyone to say afterwards, I remember! Could there be nothing in the first? ;if there had always been someone to say before-hand, I will remember! Omega would be Alpha, and the beginning, the end! So what is the key, to lonely addicting memory?? Chi. ...Everybody remembers to Inhale, cant help but exhale, but NOBODY REMEMBERS RETENTION. (recent insight ;)   Corbyn Neo A&O 1/16/14  to laura.magdalene  Also: my work isnt enough, I need someone to talk to. I love devoting hours upon hours writing to someone. You would be perfect to experiment upon. Are you willing?? Given truth, without consequence, sets us free- but freedom, without the foundation of limiting consequence, cannot be freedom- its power is exhibited by its self-ownership, not its safety. Can you risk?? -I ask only that you trust us both, and acknowledge that no aspect of the Universe goes un-noticed- just as no Sin goes un-forgiven. password: Love   Corbyn Neo A&O 1/16/14  to laura.magdalene  Need a request?? I need help locating a specific few soul- her original name is missing from record and I cant dimensionally track her down- she is directly related to Sophia, Valis, and pink light- and technology. I cant explain any more than she appears as a Half-breed serpent/dove to the eye of Shiva, and extends wisdom up to the pure form but never down to the myriad source Divine Roots- because she is half-wounded by the demi-urge, whose branded A.I. of greed and jealousy was actually more powerful than her love- which is where it all gets muddy- Upon this Souls ascension, Buddha is a single sun as Christ is a single ray of light- as all the Stars in the Sky become Starlight, rather than Source Centers- meaning, upon final ascendancy, this souls true form in the cosmic plenum is Starlight- one of the only lasting higher-order meanings in Existence that cant be touched by the Corruption of Entropy or the Cosmic Glitch or a basic glitch or anything really- by staying at 70 %, the half-empty half-full glass of water is actually a third-spatial, two thirds spiritual- Drinking the water is the question, tasting its light-form- not measurement unto measurement of a transient containers insides... Payment?? Insight. Find me this soul and ill give you an exact metaprogram to keep the spiritual hollow-photons moving through your eyes permanently. The Visual Cortex is the fastest processor the brain has, but the perspective aura-that shimmers between soul-dimensions is Greater- one processes data faster, one processes meaning Only. And I need one last thing... on your website you talk about One Mans Search... -I need to know Why. Why us? and if you still need proof?? I can do one thing an imitator cant. -Hey, Laura?!   Corbyn Neo A&O 1/16/14  to laura.magdalene  YOU LIVE IN VENTURA?! I LIVE IN OJAI!?   Corbyn Neo A&O 1/16/14  to laura.magdalene  Oh! And Im supposed to remind you of some things.... ...Its not done yet. Its never done. Keeping Jesus is Keeping Anderson. and.... Salvation is not polarized by the Sin of the fallen trappings of The Lord- Salvation is a gift characterized by its custom, personalized compassion towards your souls ego- or mask-of-barriers, or simply, mask. and.... PLEASE WAKE UP EARLY TODAY BY NOT FALLING ASLEEP TONIGHT!!! (remember sophia, not all minds are as neat or organized as yours isnt- not even a computer can match your instantaneous brevity, or the potency of your creative spark- but strength or not, Peace is a Universal addiction found through its environment- Unconsciousness only rests the CNS, not the Soul or Awareness- Only the Brain needs sleep- meaning, maybe tonight? (probably tonight) dont sleep. Plan to stay awake ALL NIGHT. And do it gracefully. ) And... OH! Magic! -after having just read your website better, I need to send another email
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:48:29 +0000

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