Ushering in the greatest revival known to man Last night in - TopicsExpress


Ushering in the greatest revival known to man Last night in prayer The Lord came to me and said my Word is a lamp into your feet and a light unto your way... I remembered these words as scripture but specifically from a song I used to sing as a teenager. I asked The Lord which Word is that Lord? And He responded Every Word that proceeds from my mouth! This morning as I have been reading I was lead to Mathew 4:4 Jesus answered them It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. I was also led to Dueteronomy 8:3 He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. I found it interesting that the people of Israel where in the desert for 40 years on a forced fast... Fed only by what The Lord would provide them. Then they entered their promised land. They had 400 years of rough history behind them. God was purging them of their past and preparing them for their future. Many did not make it through the desert. Jesus fasted in the desert 40 days with no food before He entered His season of extraordinary ministry. On one occasion when the disciples where frustrated that they could not cast demons out of a man He responded to their frustration by saying these only come out by prayer and fasting! He cast the demon out with a word and the point was made! Everywhere Jesus went and everywhere the Israelites went after having been in the desert was at the instruction of The Lord. By every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God! When the Israelites began to head their own words thoughts and ideas, they failed! So do we. The Lord has been showing me that if we want to see breakthrough in this nation. It will only come by heeding Every Word that proceeds from His mouth... preceded by prayer and fasting! There are those in the body of Christ today who advocate that fasting is no longer relevant because as Jesus said How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them. They state that because Christ is with us we dont need to fast! I almost fell for this very believable teaching some time back and I stopped fasting (not because I actually bought into it but I was questioning it). Recent personal situations has brought me (much like the Israelites of old) into a place where I had no choice but to fast my way into breakthrough. But the prompting came when recently while perusing a book table at church I came across a small booklet printed in 1949 entitled Atomic Power With God with Prayer and Fasting. By rev. Franklin Hall I was intrigued, and after reading only the forward I was convinced I needed to fast for my own breakthrough let alone the many others I am praying for! Im now convinced beyond doubt that if we His people would humble ourselves and pray and seek his face and turn from our wicked way then He will hear from heaven and will forgive our sins and heal our land. I know its old covenant. But some parts of the old covenant are the very same as the new covenant. Yes Christ is with us. He is in us by the Holy Spirit. And he said I will never leave you not forsake you But, he also said at the end of Mark 2:19-20 But their is coming a day when the bride groom will be taken away and on that day they will fast I believe their is a reason Jesus used the bride groom analogy here. We the church are the bride of Christ. We are also likened in Jesus teachings to the 10 virgins with oil lamps waiting for the Bride groom to arrive. All this leads us to believe that Jesus return will be as the Bride Groom returning to take His bride (the church). That day has not yet arrived, Jesus has not yet returned, therefore we are still in the day Jesus spoke of when his followers would fast in preparation for his return. Yes we have His Spirit as our comforter, guide and empowerer. But until Christs return we are expected to live a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, heeding to every word that proceeds from His mouth. We cannot possibly be in tune with every word that proceeds from His mouth toward us if we are like the Israelites who were distracted by thoughts of their former way of life and constantly looking back over their shoulders and heading back into sin. We cant possibly be able to administer breakthrough Kingdom solutions for the people who come to us if we have not prepared ourselves through prayer and fasting, heeding every word that proceeds from the mouth of God! Im convinced that if we His people would enter a lifestyle of prayer and fasting. Skipping a few meals here and there... Going for 3 or 4 days without food. Doing longer fasts as we get used to it... While seeking His face. We would see this great end time awakening and many more breakthroughs than we are seeing right now. Do we carry the level of Power needed to change the world? Some would say yes! In theory I would agree. But Im not seeing the fruit of that agreement. So I must say no we do not. Why? Because we have not humbled ourselves before The Lord according to the pattern of His Word! My challenge to you all and to myself is this. What am I prepared to do to see the breakthrough Ive been praying into for so many years? What will you do to see revival come Are we satisfied just waiting for the next great revivalist to come along who has done all the prayer and fasting for us? Are we like the disciples of old who are frustrated because they wont come out when we command? Lets get real in these desperate times. Lets break through complacency. Lets breakthrough materialism. Lets break through our western comfort mindsets and lets get the job done in Jesus name. Now is the time to rise up. Now is the time to declare war on the enemy of heaven. Now is the time for the breakthrough! Hallelujah! If you are a church leader and you are reading this I urge you to call your constituents to a season of prayer and fasting for breakthrough. For lost souls. For miracles signs and wonders. For the greatest revival man has ever known. Its coming. But not until we do this in preparation. Shalom! Paul DeWildt :)
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:37:07 +0000

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