Usually, I have some nonsense to say about the New Year, but as - TopicsExpress


Usually, I have some nonsense to say about the New Year, but as some of you know or have guessed, Ive gotten increasingly less celebratory over the years. Not because life isnt good, life is fine and all, its actually going pretty well for me. I had a lot less bumps in the road this year than the last few years. I dont have a targeted reason or some straw that broke the camels back explanation as to why I care less. I just do. However I think its important to reflect and since this is the holiday many people like to do it I just want to say thanks to all the people who helped me out this year. I am terrible at asking for help because it makes me feel vulnerable. I dont like that feeling at all, but Im working on accepting it as I realize theres more strength in it than I would believe. While Im thanking everyone I know, Im going to have to give a special shout out to Tatiana Veine because she let me crash at her place 3 months before graduation. I know I wasnt the best person to live with, but I did try to make up for that with ice cream...Thank you Chris and your family for letting me crash at your place too. I always love being at your place because I feel spoiled when I do. I also would like to thank my family in Colorado for letting me be a mooch while I finish school and save some moola. Im hard to live with because I am aloof, reclusive and dont talk about myself too often, but thanks for loving me anyway. Dont hurt yourselves trying to get me to talk though. Id also like to thank my parents, RB Karen and James Clark, because you two have made my life a lot easier this year too. Id like to thank Chrisha and her husband/my bff for helping me out as well. I am indebted to you guys for the rest of my life, so dont let me runaway. Thank you to my bff Jose for being my rock though, youre my ninja. Extra special shoutout to Angelina because I probably would have gone crazy this holiday without you here, seriously. Also, thank you Tre for texting me everyday, literally. Ive never seen such dedication. Id like to thank my sister, Tori, but she isnt my FB friend no more. Jerk. Oh! Thank you Jason and Brittany for taking me to the Zoo, and for making my stomach hurt every time I read one of your FB posts. There are many more people to thank and I will try to show you my appreciation through actions as time goes by. I hope one day to make you all proud. Happy 2015 and good luck.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:38:42 +0000

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