Usually right when I feel like giving up on a situation, God steps - TopicsExpress


Usually right when I feel like giving up on a situation, God steps in and redeems me in a mighty way. He always returns my faith seeds ten fold or more. He shows up in ways that only He can be given credit for what happens. The kind of stiff that leaves you in disbelief.... Im still in disbelief over his favor. I mean like, in miraculous ways. When God shows up its like looking in a rear view mirror and wondering how did I even get past all that. God is in the process of doing that now. The devil has tried to plant his own evil seeds that grow into quitting, giving up, accepting my obstacles and settling for less than excellence. But Im constantly digging up those seeds and casting them into the fire. I know whats suppose to grow in my garden. Im changing my circle and surrounding myself with those who are where Im trying to be and with people who understand what it means to have a kingdom mindset. I have mentors that I havent asked to mentor me, but I watch what they do and how they do things and I take note and learn and do. This shift though! Ive been planting seeds for six months straight and in the natural, it looks like the ground Ive been planting seeds in is dead because there are no sprouts, no roots forming, no fruit appearing. But God.... If he can feed thousands with a few fish and pieces of bread that were brought to him by people who didnt even fully believe yet...... I can only imagine what he is about to do with the seeds that I keep planting, knowing, believing, and expecting Him to breath life into them. My harvest is. No time limit. My harvest simply is. My baskets are ready and waiting to be filled. In the meantime Im sowing faith seeds into others. Planning what I will do and whom I can assist now and in the future.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:41:17 +0000

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