Uwais al-Qarny Indonesian From Wikipedia, encyclopedia Pending - TopicsExpress


Uwais al-Qarny Indonesian From Wikipedia, encyclopedia Pending changes displayed on this page yet Examined Uwais Al-Qarny (Arabic: أويس القرني) (died 657) was a resident of Qaran in Yemen. The virtue of Uwais al-Qarny He, if swear by Allah must be fulfilled. On the day of Judgment when all the experts were told to go to heaven worship was called, he just called to stop advance and told to give intercession, God apparently gave her permission to give intercession number qobilah Robiah and qobilah Mudhor, all entered heaven there is no who missed it. He is Uwais al-Qarni. He was not known to many people as well as poor, many people like to laugh at, make fun, and accused him of persuading builders, carpenters stealing and various other curses and insults. A fuqoha Kuffah country, because he wanted to sit with her, give her a gift of two pieces of clothing, but it did not work well, because the gift was received clothes and returned to him and said, Im afraid, some people accuse me later, from where you get clothes that, if not of persuading certain of stealing . Biography At the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, a young man with the blue eyes, red hair, shoulder length field, look quite handsome, reddish skin, chin on chest always look at his place of prostration, his right hand on his left hand ride, experts reading the Qur s and crying, his clothes wrinkled only two strands of one to cover the body and the other for selendangan, no person who ignored, not known by the inhabitants of the earth but very famous in the sky. Youth of Yemen has long been orphaned, had no relatives except his mother who had been old and weak and paralyzed. Only the remaining blurred vision. To meet their daily lives, working as a goatherd Uwais. Wages received only enough to sustain a daily with the mother, if there is an excess, he used to help his neighbors who live in poverty and deprivation such circumstances. His work as herders of sheep and caring for his mother who was paralyzed and blind, does not affect the persistence of worship, he remained fasting during the day and at night bermunajat. Uwais al-Qarni converted to Islam in the country of Yemen to hear the call of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. who has been knocking on the door of their hearts to worship God, God Almighty, that there is no partner for Him. Islamic adherents to educate every moral sublime. The regulations contained in it is very attractive to Uwais, so after the Islamic call to come in the country of Yemen, he immediately hugged him, because for this Uwais heart always longed for the coming of the truth. Many neighbors who had embraced Islam, went to Medina to listen to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ directly. On his return to Yemen, they update their household by way of Islamic life. It would be sad to see the heart Uwais any new neighbors who come from Madinah. They had been a visit and met the prince of the beloved Prophet of Allah, is he himself has not. Affection for the Prophet cultivate a strong desire to meet with her lover, but whatever power he had enough stock to go to Medina, and the more he emphasis is the mother if she goes, nobody cared for him. In the Battle of Uhud tell when the Prophet ﷺ got injured and broken teeth as stoned by his enemies. The news was finally heard by the Uwais. He immediately struck up his teeth with broken stone. This was done as a proof of his love for him ﷺ, though he had never seen. Day in and season passes, and create unstoppable longing desire to meet can not be buried anymore. Uwais reflect on themselves and wonder, when will it be religious visit to the Prophet and he looked into the face of a close? But does not he have a mother who desperately need treatment and can not bear ditingalkan himself, his heart is always restless day and night holding longing to meet. Finally, one day Uwais approached her, took out his heart to his mother and asked permission to be allowed to go religious visit to the Prophet ﷺ in Madinah. The mother, although already aged, was touched when I heard her request. He understand the feeling of Uwais, and said, Go, O my son! Meet with the Prophet in his house. And when youve met, you immediately go back home. With joy he packed up to leave and do not forget to prepare the mother needs to be abandoned and advised the neighbors in order to accompany his mother while he was gone. After kissing her mother goodbye, went to Medina Uwais which is approximately four hundred kilometers from Yemen. Terrain that is so vicious in its path, no matter rogues desert, steep hills, vast deserts that can be misleading and so hot during the day, and so cold at night, everything was passed in order to meet and be able to look it up looks king of the Prophet ﷺ that had been dear to his heart. Uwais al-Qarni day came in the city of Medina. Soon he was heading into the house of the Prophet ﷺ, knock on the door while saying hello. Get out of Lady Fatima bint Muhammad ﷺ, while answering greetings Uwais. Soon Uwais who wants to ask the Prophet met. But apparently he ﷺ was not at home but are on the battlefield. How disappointed the heart yearns, of much wanted to see but that she missed not being at home. In his turbulent feelings want to wait for the arrival of the Prophet ﷺ from the battlefield. But, when will he return? While the message is still ringing in the ears, and his elderly mother was ill, so he quickly returned to Yemen, You must hurry home. Because obedience to his mother, his mothers message has been defeated conscience and willingness to wait and meet with the Prophet ﷺ. He was eventually forced to take my leave of Lady Fatima Radliyallahu anh to immediately return to his country. He just left his greetings to the Prophet ﷺ and go home with a feeling of emotion. Upon their return from the war, the Prophet ﷺ directly inquire about the arrival of people looking for him. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ explained that Uwais al-Qarni is obedient son to his mother. He is the starry hosts (very famous in the sky). The king heard the words of the Prophet ﷺ, as Fatima Sayyidatina and his companions were stunned. According to the information of Lady Fatima Radliyallahu anh, it is true there is a search for the Prophet ﷺ and immediately go back to Yemen, because his mother is old and sick so he could not leave her for too long. Prophet ﷺ said: If you want to meet with him (Uwais al-Qarni), notice, he has a white mark in the middle of the palm of his hand. After that he ﷺ, look to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and Umar bin Khattab and said, One time, when you meet him, ask for prayers and istighfarnya, he was not the inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth. Year continues to run, and shortly thereafter the Prophet ﷺ died, until the caliphate of Abu Bakr had been handed down to the Caliph Umar ibn Khattab. One time, the Caliph Umar remembered the words of the Prophet ﷺ. Uwais al-Qarni on, the inhabitants of the heavens. He immediately reminded of Imam Ali to look for it together. Since then, every caravan that came from Yemen, he had always inquire about Uwais al-Qorni, whether he participated with them. Among the caravans there is a wonder, what exactly is happening to the extent that he is wanted by both of his. Caravan from Yemen to the Sham and go, carrying their wares. One time, Uwais al-Qorni helped along caravan to the city of Medina. Seeing no caravan that came from Yemen, immediately caliph Umar ibn Khattab and Ali go to them and ask if Uwais participate with them. The delegation was told that he was with them and are keeping their camels in the border city. Hearing the answer, he both rushed off to meet Uwais al-Qorni. Arriving at the tent located Uwais, Caliph Umar bin Khattab and Ali greeting. But apparently Uwais are conducting prayers. Having ended the prayers, Uwais said greeting the two great guests on it while shaking hands. When shaking hands, immediately turning the hand Caliph Umar Uwais, to prove the truth of the white mark on the palm of the hand Uwais, as the Prophet had mentioned once ﷺ. It is true! He occupants sky. And asked by both the guest Uwais, who is on his name? Abdullah, Uwais replied. Hearing the answer, both sahabatpun laughed and said, We also Abdullah, the servant of God. But who is your real name? Uwais then said, My name is Uwais al-Qorni. In their conversation, it transpired that the Uwais mother had died. That is why, he can only participate in the entourage of the caravan at the time. Finally, the Caliph Umar and Imam Ali begged Uwais deign to pray for them. Uwais reluctant and he said to the Caliph, Im the one who should ask for prayers to you. Hear the words of Uwais, the Caliph said, We came here to beg your prayers and seek forgiveness from. Due to the insistence of the two friends, Uwais al-Qorni finally raised his hands, pray and read seek forgiveness. After that Caliph Umar promised to donate money to the state of the Baitul Mal Uwais, to guarantee his life. Soon politely refuse the Uwais said, I ask that today only a servant known. For the following days, let he who is not known to indigent people anymore. After the incident, the name of Uwais again sank inaudible news. But no man ever met and assisted by Uwais, that time we were at the top of the ship towards the Arab lands with traders, unexpectedly strong typhoon blows. As a result of the waves pounding the vessel struck us that sea water into the ship and cause heavier ships. At that time, we saw a man wearing a furry blanket in the corner of the ship that we were, then we call him. He was out of the ship and to pray on the water. How surprised we saw it happen. O Wali Allah, help us! but he did not turn. Then we cried again, By the One who has given you the power of prayer, help us! The man turned to us and said, What happened? Do not you see that ship in the wind and hit the waves? we asked. Draw near to God yourself! he said. We have done it. Get out of the boat with you guys read bismillahirrohmaani rrohiim! We were off the ship one by one and gathered around it. At that time our numbers over five hundred souls. Miraculously, we all did not sink, while our boat and its contents sank to the ocean floor. Then the man said to us, Never mind the treasure you become a victim as long as you all survived. By Allah, we want to know, what is the name sir? Ask us. Uwais al-Qorni. He answered briefly. Then we said again to him, Behold the treasure ship is owned by indigent people in Medina who was sent by the Egyptian people. If God restore your property. Are you going to hand them out to indigent people in Medina? he asked. Yes, we replied. The man was carrying out two cycles of prayer on the water, then pray. After Uwais al-Qorni say hello, the ship suddenly appeared to the surface of the water, then we menumpanginya and continue the journey. On arrival in Medina, we gave away all of their assets to indigent people in Medina, none are left behind. Some time later, word got out that Uwais al-Qorni has returned to Rahmatullah. Strangely, when he would suddenly bathed many people are scrambling to bathe. And when it was brought to the resting place for the shrouded, there are already some people waiting for mengkafaninya. Similarly, when people go about to dig his grave. There was already some people who dug the grave to finish. As a stretcher was brought towards the cemetery, remarkable for the number of people who carried him scrambling. And Sheikh Abdullah bin Salama explains, when I take care of his body until I got back from delivering his body, then I intend to return to his burial place to put a mark on his grave, but had no visible trace grave. (Sheikh Abdullah bin Salamah is the ever present with Uwais al-Qorni during the reign of Umar bin Khattab) Uwais al-Qorni death has shook the Yemeni society. A lot of things happen very surprising. So many strangers coming in to take care of the corpse and funeral, but Uwais is an indigent person who is not ignored. Since he is washed up when his body was about to be lowered into the grave, there are always some people who are ready to do it first. Yemeni town residents were stunned. They were wondering, Who are you actually O Uwais al-Qorni? Did Uwais as we know, only an indigent who do not have anything, that it works just as herders of sheep and camels? But, when the day wafatmu, you have appalling Yemens population with the presence of foreign men that we never knew. they come in numbers so much. Presumably they are angels sent down to earth, just to take care of the corpse and funeral. was then that Yemenis know who Uwais al- Qorni it turns out he was not well-known on earth but well known in the sky.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:55:58 +0000

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