V A M Topics politicians only think they know the trades , money - TopicsExpress


V A M Topics politicians only think they know the trades , money is what moves people without moral ! ! As these agreements , the government has the luxury of allowing there are a thousand more , covenants , agreements , signatures , tours, flights and outputs all without consulting the people that is what they do when they leave or are visitors , but we never ever report and if we remember the FTA would have to be better Price Waterhouse began as a small accounting firm founded in 1849 by Samuel Lowell Price. He was joined by Edwin Waterhouse in 1865. The company took the name of Price, Waterhouse & Co. in 1874. The company opened its U.S. office in 1890. Coopers & Lybrand can trace its history to 1854. Cooper Brothers & Co began when William Cooper began his accounting firm . He was joined by his brothers years later. The branch began as Lybrand Lybrand , Ross Brothers & Montgomery in 1898. The two companies merged in 1957 . Firms Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse merged in 1998 to grow in scale and to compete more effectively for large clients . The company has three main services: financial audit and guarantees and tax planning as well as advice and consultation. Price Waterhouse Coopers was formed in 199898 by merging accounting firms Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand . The company can trace their history to three companies created in the second half of the 19th century . Today it is one of the big four auditing and accounting firms worldwide . ACCORDING TO WIKI PwC (formerly PricewaterhouseCoopers ) is a professional services firm in the world, in terms of turnover ( 29.2 billion USD in 2011 ) . [ Citation needed ] Although its origins date back to 1849 , the current configuration, 1998 , is the result of the merger between Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand . PwC is the largest firm calls Big Four ( Big Four ) , above Deloitte , Ernst & Young and PwC KPMG.1 is organized into three main business areas: audit and technology risk , business and financial consulting , and legal and tax advice . From the legal standpoint , PwC is a network of independent firms and local property share a common brand and a number of methodologies and quality standards . PwC , which employs 169,000 people in 153 countries , had revenues worldwide aggregate of 28 200 million in the year ended June 30, 2008 . PwC in Spain Its headquarters in Spain is the PwC Tower , located in the Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid. The name change and corporate image has occurred in 20112 , with Carlos Mas Ivars as president in Spain , although the change has occurred globally. Hence, now in digital and conventional media are observed both terms to refer to this consultant . AS THE DAY l Interior Minister, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, said Monday he did not know anything about the lobbying Mexico PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC ) to overthrow , in exchange for millions of dollars , tax proposals that, if approved in the chambers, would be harmful to entrepreneurs. Very timely, federal deputies echoed the scandal involving the high-flying coyote and approved some flirty but absolutely insufficient changes to its regulations of work, with which lobbyists claim that families are not legislators or executive powers holders and not to accept perks , gifts and other aid catalog usually flow in these gaits , and subject to fee vote in a certain way . In its front , and from a note of Enrique Mendez and Roberto Garduño , and La Jornada reported the matter: Lobbyists on pilgrimage while legislating to regulate them. Both Hidalgo that delivers in Bucareli as deputies apparently jealous of his honor beset by fierce lobbying insider could have hard data on the behavior absolutely detrimental to the national interest that developed the famous Mexican side of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited ( the Mexican firm is international member , but acts as an independent legal entity ) . As simple as going to the archives of the Secretariat of Public Function ( SFP s very useless , currently in the process of disappearing diffuse , with Undersecretary Julian Alfonso Olivas Ugalde as office manager , lawyer also Hidalgo , to be exact ) or pages between the 46 and the 54 of the book blue shirts , black hands , Pemex looting from Los Pinos , the journalist Ana Lilia Pérez . PricewaterhouseCoopers Mexico , according to the text , served the purposes of the then Attorney General César Nava Pemex ( then secretary of Felipe Calderon at Los Pinos and formal president PAN) , to write cheats models multiple service contracts (MSCs ) that opened the door to transnational oil and Repsol , Petrobras , Teikoku Oil, Techint , Tecpetro and D & S Petroleum. The trading scheme was intentionally pushed by PwC as disadvantageous to the Mexican ( and it had asked its customers ) that transferred to foreign courts in any dispute between Pemex and the multinationals . In 2005 , the incident was reported to the SFP by Jorge Garcia, who had been a contributor to César Nava precisely in the area of review of agreements and contracts . DE/099/2005 file was opened and in 2006 the Superior Audit of the Federation confirmed the veracity of the defendant. But Fox left Los Pinos and came Calderon , boss and friend of Nava , and the matter went to the. The model of multiple service contracts was made from Nava , in turn , acquired the services of PwC (document 410 212 834 , labeling Pemex Exploration and Production as PEP-SOP-034/2002 , according to research by Ana Lilia Pérez ) , which was awarded business directly, without any competition . PwC , in turn , subcontracted to the firm Macleod Dixon LLP , a Canadian . But , in addition to designing the model , Price should support their implementation. For weeks envoys met with lawyers from Pemex PwC ; these letter defending the Mexican Constitution , those the private business model that had been commissioned . Finally , via de facto allowed foreign capital operating in areas constitutionally reserved for Mexicans. The lobbying worked then , as claimed work now : white collar , black lobbying . Knowing matter, José Luis Mora Miranda reader comments on the amendments to the Customs Act , passed with great rapidity in San Lazaro commissions and then full of deputies : with the figure of the customs representative , the broker optional and openness in prevalidadores and strategic enclosures , among other changes, not leave open a gap , but a black hole . How will they control all now want to make their operations in enclosures not controlled by customs? Need more bureaucracy ? If the authority can not tax evaders , can with this new burden ? True, there are unscrupulous brokers who should be punished with imprisonment up , but it also happens in other professions and even in the seats and why not open the opportunity to be medical representative or representative legislature . Regarding the black hole that has opened : organized crime not resting on its laurels and the Chinese in Dragon Mart are already licking their lips because everything indicates that these reforms were made to measure . ust a few weeks , nature proved the fragility of the settlements built on risk areas , preyed upon as a result of flawed network of relationships , dark business of authorities who do not respect the law , feeding the voracious developers multiplying like sharks swimming between the needs of the people. The human disaster is not over and lack the basics: the reconstruction to mitigate losses , returning to devastated communities a chance to survive , because that is covered in many regions. Despite the declarative cascade is likely to turn to the same and , apart from some basic lessons of civil protection , business as usual . Official aid will continue to be an instrument to contain poverty at manageable levels , but it will have taken the opportunity to correct the course that has brought us this far. On the contrary , if you look at the discussion called structural reforms promoted by the Presidency , unless challenged by nuances right , remains the same orientation presided economic policy in recent decades . The elites are not only reluctant to leave behind the old catechism popularized by the Iron Lady , but apparently vying for more worshipers of orthodoxy, as sadly happens to PAN class that wants to be more than his own employer , already say. Furthermore, in the high circles of power spoken of the economy like a toy created to measure the ingenuity of some gurus of the tribe, without ever occur to them to establish a cause-effect relationship between the measures they choose and most needs of society. The will to rectify is null . Although the statistics ( they say they do not lie ) realize that there is more poverty today than yesterday, that inequality remains the great structure on which outlines the elite modernist ambitions , dreams of the middle class masked between privilege and misery casual wage , defined at the whim of the supposed experts consumerist passion that gives identity to the ghostly petty of other times. The truth is that stagnation cancel trips because maintaining the thesis that there is no alternative , fierce war cry that has prevented financial stagnation or decline of the welfare state . Instead of weighing new arrangements , based on the interest of the majority to reduce inequality , create jobs and launch a growth cycle , which was heard amid the recession is an act of faith in the current model variants for of the unrestricted free enterprise. Abundant evidence . See, for example, unanimously say that the Bank of Mexico should retain sole mandate to reduce inflation without it being their responsibility to implement actions to boost the economy and employment. Never mind if the creation of jobs in the formal sector of the Mexican economy recorded an annual decline of 38 percent from January to August this year ( La Jornada , 15/10/13 ) Is a data safe ? Is it despite the marked increase in social protests across the country ? If higher will, have faded everyday criminal figures horror , violence erupts here and there is a warning that something is wrong , either in anticipation of what awaits us if we do not take seriously the signs. The discomfort is palpable. But do not worry , not in the form and magnitude that might be expected if reality conformed to the visions , rules and ethical principles that we believe universal . The government is not serious in his approach. He does not speak in front of their intentions in decisive matters as energy reform, but certainly knows what he wants, but prefers the opacity of the alleged negotiations that allow you to create the fiction of unity. One thing indeed agree : the most important is the constitutional reform and then everything will come naturally , although corruption remains intact . The PAN blackmailed because he knows basically coincides with the Presidency and wants to get crack . The left, divided sacrifice is against national interest project savage globalization subordination or, at least , American capitalism , but not just provide a short-term passable road to build the option is needed, because not a matter reducible to ethics or technical design . We need to join all the parts into a genuine shared national project . Since the dominant coalition , certainly the minority that decides the way forward , it is intended , lame capitalism clearing the populist or justicieras hindrances of the Mexican Revolution , to overcome the populism of the past , as libertarians understand these new private sector . For some of its spokesmen stakes national security, as Mr Elias Ayub ( a pickpocket great brand ) in a forum. What concerns this experienced manager privatized electricity industry breaking the law ? Did anyone really believe that the national security policy of the Mexican state passes through the opening of the strategic areas transnational capital ? But this ideal , however , does not fit the Mexican constitutional framework without compromising its principles and consistency indispensable. Why not choose the most liberal supporters of a Constitution founded on the principle that democracy is based on free enterprise and give the close of the business classism place its patrons that they deserve? Perhaps, as in the case of oil reform could follow in the footsteps of other successful experiences . Or ask its incorporation as a state associated with a high power very close . They do because they can not , but you gain no shortage . iego Valadés , Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM . warned the Senate about the risk involved when opening Pemex Mexico is part of NAFTA and could be forced to give preferential contracts to companies ( U.S. ) , or be taken to an international panel of controversy if they refuse . The matter takes on unusual importance and urgency if we consider that since October 2012 Mexico negotiated their participation in the Trans -Pacific Agreement (ATP ) which, according to leaked documents , rights and privileges granted to corporations extreme investment , land, natural resources , industries and state enterprises off , intending to reverse the geo-economic and political projection vast and dynamic Chinese state sector . The notion of renegotiating the petro -electric complex in NAFTA Mexican protected by Articles 27 and 28 of the Constitution , had been placed on the agenda of Peña Nieto by John D. Negroponte ( JDN ) , U.S. ambassador during the negotiation of NAFTA and former director of the National Intelligence Council , governing body of imperial espionage . In October 2010 from Toluca said it was time to seek new ways of working through the negotiation of a second phase ( NAFTA ) and that ... thing ... Delicate have to be on the table . He was referring to the energy sector , key card presidential succession processes for plundering the nation . EPN came to Los Pinos when intentional weakening culminated Pemex started in 1983 , so that by the end of 2011 and to welcome in the White House and the largest ( ExxonMobil , Chevron , etc.) during their U.S. tour , offered to open the energy , endorsing the business design and U.S. national security . JDN knew that negotiations were underway for the ATP , which includes the EU , the member with the largest and most powerful corporations number , Australia , Brunei , Canada , Chile , South Korea , Japan , Malaysia, Mexico , New Zealand, Peru , Singapore and Vietnam. Mexico knew that this was precisely the second phase of NAFTA and once clear constitutional obstacles , oil control and business fall like ripe fruit into the hands of the largest , thanks to ATP. Qualified as a NAFTA Plus , critics call it a NAFTA on steroids for his chapter on investment. Despite the secrecy known drafts obtained by Public Citizen analyzed by Lori Wallach (review of TPP ) confirming that ATP enhances the powers of equating corporations with the attributes that are assigned to the nations and contains 29 chapters of which only five are trade . The text is developed by the U.S. government with 600 corporate directors , including Monsanto , Bank of America , Chevron , ExxonMobil , Halliburton addition , technical leading provider of hydraulic fracturing or fracking that devastates human and animal health , environment and atmosphere to extract oil and gas shales , which also advise on environmental regulation of state enterprises, capital flows, new prerogatives in terms of investments, derivatives , permits, public health and safety , Internet , drug costs , patents and rights author and international courts the type managed by the World Bank , MIGA , etc., but more opaque it will consist of three judges , lawyers signatures of three of the signatories of ATP , depending on the judge and / or part as appropriate. The ATP enables direct investors to sue governments for unlimited compensation to environmental laws , labor, consumer protection in its discretion limit their ability to make profits. So far, says UNCTAD , ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical have released more than 450 lawsuits against 89 governments. At stake tens of billions of dollars. From a sample of 675 million, 70 percent were in favor of oil and mining . Under the ATP limited state capacity to regulate foreign investment , including land acquisition and control of natural resources , giving priority to fund investment banks Citigroup , Morgan Stanley . These courts will be made by way of contracts between governments and foreign investors (textual ) in relation to natural resources controlled by a national authority , such as exploration, extraction, refining , transportation , distribution or sale , or deliver public service ... as the generation and distribution of electricity , water or telecommunications management , or to develop infrastructure projects : construction of roads, bridges, canals , dams , pipelines , other than for the exclusive or predominant use of the government. Valadés Diego hit by much. With touch the 27 and 28 of the Constitution , are unleashed lions. Ozlem Zhenya Zhukovsky
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 14:45:43 +0000

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