V-Tech Ganoderma Products For Health and - TopicsExpress


V-Tech Ganoderma Products For Health and Beauty Introduction: V-Tech Pvt. Ltd. is a manufacturing company of natural and organic products established in Nepal on 31st May 2010. Optimum Health Challenges: Carbon dioxide is increasing in air. Harvesting fields are decreased gradually. Agriculture has become agribusiness. We are consuming chemicals and toxins day by day. Because of being busy people have no time for balanced diet. They are depended on ready-made or junk food. Such a culture come along with the development of civilization, today most of us are gifted by hypertension, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, hepatitis, kidney failure, gastritis, obesity, mental complication etc. May be, you are also disappointed with this situation. This is why it is our unconditional necessity and duty of searching the option of being secure as well as getting rid of the above challenges through a practical way of balanced life. Solution: According to research, regular consumption of Ganoderma based natural and organic products is a better solution of Optimum Health and Beauty. Ganorerma contains more than two hundred types of active elements essential to human body. It enhances immunity capacity up to ten thousand times. V-Tech Ganoderma: V-Tech Ganoderma is a high quality organic red mushroom scientifically cultivated by V-Tech. Ganoderma lucidum (also known the miraculous king of herbs) has got the highest ranking in the world of fungi. It is an exceptional mushroom with remarkable health care properties. Botanically it is a high evolved genus belonging to the family of Polyporaceae. It has been immortalized through Chinese history and culture for more than 2000 years in foods, paintings, statues, silk tapestries, and on the robes of Emperors. The various species of Ganoderma contains more than 200 active elements having specific health care properties. An extensive international modern research of Ganoderma has shown evidences of its ability to promote overall health and longevity, both in diseased and normal conditions. The name Ganoderma is derived from Latin words: Ganos & Derm. ‘Gano’ means bright or healthy and ‘Derm’ means cell or flesh/skin. So, by name also we can understand the importance of Ganoderma for human health. To state briefly, Ganoderma strengthens the normal healing process, scans the body, neutralizes the free radicals, detoxifies toxins and metabolic wastes, enhances the oxygen supply to the various organs in the body, normalizes body functions, helps to eliminate body disorders and beautifies skin. It is one of the best known adaptogen, i.e., • Non toxic. • No side effect on prolonged use. • Overall normalization of body functions. Note: Ganoderma is not medicine for any diseases. It is one of the best health friendly mushrooms or herbs. V-Tech Product Features: • Natural and Organic Products. • Low Cost (Compared to qualities and benefits). • Home Delivery Service (Simply order by email or telephone and get products in your location within 24 hours). V-Tech Product Ranges and Benefits: 1. Ganoderma (Powder) V-Tech Ganoderma Powder is a high quality organic food supplement with 100% Ganoderma, for optimum health and longevity. Major Elements: • Polysaccharides • Organic Germanium • Adenosine • Triterpenoids • Ganoderic Essence • Protein, Multi-vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids etc. 200 + active elements. Benefits: • Detoxifies the entire body. • Strengthens immunity system & natural healing ability. • Prevents abnormal cell growth. • Strengthens cell membrane & prevents cell decay. • Improves oxygen carrying capacity of RBC. • Increases oxygen absorption at cell level. • Prevents cell degeneration & enhances cell activity. • Controls cholesterol/free fat. • Prevents platelet aggregation & heart attack. • Maintains endocrine balances PH of the body – No acidity • Strengthens & maintains entire digestive (GI) system. • Helps to improve, absorb & distribute all nutrients to our entire body. • Strengthens liver & heart muscle. • Prevents allergies, helps to rejuvenate cells & tissues. • Cleanses, protects & beautifies skin. • Retards aging process of the body. • Helps to heal skin disease & wounds. 2. V-Imu V- Imu with Ganoderma and the precious herbs is an important supplement for vitality & immunity. Major Elements: • Ganoderma lucidum • Agparagus recemosus • Tinospora cordifoli extract etc. Benefits: • Enhances natural cleansing and detoxifies the body. • Strengthens immune system by regulating cellular functions. • Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids & trace elements. • Bone, body & blood rebuilder. • Gastro intestinal promoter. • Helps to improve all the body functions at its optimum level. • Helps to beautify skin. • Helps to promote longevity. • Helps to relieve symptoms caused by various body disorder. 3. Ganoderma Toothpaste V-Tech Ganoderma Toothpaste with organic Ganoderma & precious herbs without harmful color and saccharin plays vital role for healthy teeth & gum. It is 100% natural toothpaste. Major Elements: Ganoderma, menthol & other high quality herbs V-Tech Ganoderma Toothpaste doesn’t contain saccharine & artificial coloring. Benefits: • Effectively cleanses teeth without any damage. • Makes your teeth healthier and brighter. • Works against oral infections & tooth decay. • Works against sensitivity. • Leaves a pleasant flavour in mouth. 4. Ganoderma Soap V-Tech Gamoderma Soap with multi-functional organic Ganoderma & natural oil is 100% natural & fat free bathing & face cleansing soap suitable for all skin types. Major Elements and Benefits: Polysaccharides • Detoxifies the toxins of skin cell. • Helps to stop the production & growth of abnormal cells. Ganoderic Essence • Regenerates the cells of skin. • Helps to stop wrinkles. • Maintains natural beauty of skins . Adenosine • Helps to maintain mental peace & concentration by expanding the qualities of Ganoderma through nerves. Natural Oils • Stops the decay of cell membrane • Makes skin clean & soft without damaging the structure. • Controls bad odor of body. 5. Ganoderma Tea V-Tech Ganoderma Tea is a multi-beneficial organic tea with Ganoderma, Stevia (sugar free sweetener) and Green Tea. Major Elements: Ganoderma lucidum, Stevia rebaudiana and Green Tea Benefits: • Detoxifies toxins of body. • Helps to balance nutrients in body • Works against the side effects of medicine, infection, diabetes, BP, cancer, gastric, uric acid, piles, insomnia depression, lungs & kidney problems. • Enhances memory power. • Helps to make natural & beautiful skin. • Useful in diabetes, high BP, indigestion, intestinal problems, acne, dermatitis, eczema, skin problems. • Increase energy level & mental acuity. • Reduces gum diseases & tooth decay, helps to heal cuts & wounds. • Retains natural hair color. • Wonder for weight mgmt. • Sources of vitamins and minerals. • Provides natural antioxidants. • Works against harmful bacteria, virus & infections. • Enhances digestive power. • Works against tiredness, heart disorder, high BP, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity & cancers. • Helps to control oral problems (teeth, gum, breathe related). • Maintain natural beauty of skin & works for anti- aging. 6. Green Tea V-Tech Green-Tea is a world class organic green leaf tea of Nepal grown on the foothills of mountain. Green Tea having history of more than 4000 years is famous beverage for physical and mental health & freshness. Major Element: 100% Green Tea Organic and rich in antioxidants Benefits: • Provides natural antioxidants. • Works against harmful bacteria, virus & infections. • Enhances digestive power. • Works against tiredness, heart disorder, high BP, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity & cancers. • Helps to control oral problems (teeth, gum, breathe related) • Maintain natural beauty of skin & works for anti-aging. 7. Ganoderma Coffee V-Tech Ganoderma Coffee is an energy enhancing organic coffee with Ganodrema & Arabica Coffee. Major Elements: Ganoderma lucidum and Organic Arabica Coffee Benefits: • Detoxifies toxins of body. • Helps to balance nutrients in body. • Works against the side effects of medicine, infection, diabetes, BP, cancer, gastric, uric acid, piles, insomnia depression, lungs & kidney problems. • Enhances memory power. • Helps to make natural & beautiful skin. • Source of antioxidants. • Source of magnesium. • Digestive system promoter. • Decreases depression. • Helps to control Parkinson’s diseases. • Decreases risk of colon cancer. • Decreases side effect of smoking. • Positive effect on asthmas, Headaches. • Reduces risk of liver diseases. 8. Ojaswi Coffee V-Tech Ojaswi Coffee is an organic health conscious coffee. It also contains Arabica Coffee (grown on the foothills of the Himalayan ranges of Nepal), Ganoderma (scientifically cultivated by V- Tech) & Stevia (sugar free sweetener suitable for diabetes). Major Elements and Key Functions Ganoderma lucidum, Arabica Coffee, Stevia rebaudiana Benefits • Detoxifies toxins of body. • Helps to balance nutrients in body. • Works against the side effects of medicine, infection, diabetes, BP, cancer, gastric, uric acid, piles, insomnia depression, lungs & kidney problems. • Enhances memory power. • Helps to make natural & beautiful skin. • Source of antioxidants. • Source of magnesium. • Digestive system Promoter. • Decreases depression. • Helps to control Parkinson’s diseases. • Decreases risk of colon cancer. • Decreases side effect of smoking. • Positive effect on asthmas, headaches. • Reduces risk of liver diseases. • Useful in diabetes, high BP, indigestion, intestinal problems, acne, dermatitis, eczema, skin problems. • Increase energy level & mental acuity. • Reduces gum diseases & tooth decay, helps to heal cuts & wounds. • Retains natural hair color. • Wonder for weight mgmt. • Sources of vitamins and minerals. 9. Ojaswi Spice V-Tech Ojaswi Spice is 100% pure spice contains Ganoderma and different types of health conscious organic herbs and spices. Major Elements: Ganoderma Turmeric Ginger Cinnamon Cumin Clove etc. Benefits: • Detoxifies the body. • Enhances immunity power. • Provides anti-oxidants. • Works against infections, bacteria, inflammation, indigestion, anemia, heart & cholesterol problem etc. • Helps to purify blood & maintain sugar level. • Provides healthy taste & freshness. For Further Information: V-Tech Pvt. Ltd. Corporate Office: Bagbazar, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977-1-4225933, Mob: 9851150205 Office Day/Time: Sunday to Friday/10 am to 5 pm E-mail: vtechfamily@gmail Web: vtechfamily
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:11:14 +0000

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