VALUATION OF PROFESSIONAL WORK IS ALWAYS UNCERTAIN February 2, 2014 at 12:11am The professional human brain is theoretically learned and practically skilled brain. The professional work and its intellectual product therefore cannot be compared with the mechanical work and its mechanical product produced by non-living machine or even by living manual labor. The professional work cannot be performed just mechanically or manually. A professional is required to put his/her heart and brain together in performance of professional work. The heart herein does not mean blood pump. It only means emotional unit of human mind. The brain herein means logical unit of human mind. Both these units exist within human brain itself. The emotional intelligence is the combined working of both these emotional and logical units within human brain. The mechanical work is outcome of only logical intelligence like that of robot or computer. But the professional work is outcome of emotional intelligence which is combined working of both emotional and logical units of human brain. The professional work is more of qualitative nature and the mechanical work is more of quantitative nature. The time is a common factor in both types of professional and mechanical work. But what a professional can achieve within second with his/her professional idea cannot be achieved by a manual worker working for hours together. The machine also has a capacity of giving large output of mechanical products in quantitative term, but the quality of such products ultimately depends upon the professional quality control of such products exercised by a professional. Although the time is a common factor both in professional and mechanical work, the time cannot be a common measure of value for both qualitative professional work and quantitative mechanical work. For example, the professional output produced by a professional within one hour cannot be compared with mechanical output produced by machine or manual labor within eight hours for the purpose of valuation of such professional and mechanical output. Such one hour of professional becomes more valuable than eight hours of machine or manual labor only because of difference between qualitative professional product and quantitative mechanical product. Since the professional product cannot be quantified in exact sense, some professionals charge their fee in terms of time spent by them on their professional work by putting high value to their time. This exercise is as uncertain as charging of professional fee by high valuation of professional product. This is the reason why brands of mechanical products are easy for advertisement in public, but the advertisement of brands of professional products/services becomes a difficult task. The quality of professional product can be understood by clients mainly by their personal experience in relation to professionals and their professional products/services. The personal experience and trust developed out of such experience in professional relationship between professional and client is also a crucial factor in determining value of professional service, which value may be in money and/or in kind. The valuation of the professional product/service is therefore an uncertain exercise. –Adv.B.S.More
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 19:13:42 +0000

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