VEDIC ASTROLOGY YOGAS (1-20) -------------------------------------------------- 1. Gajakesari Yoga Definition.-If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon the combination goes under the name Gaja-kesari. Results.-Many relations, polite and generous, builder of villages and towns or magistrate over them ; will have a lasting reputation even long after death. Remarks.-Here as well as elsewhere great difference in the enjoyment of results should be pronounced. The original writers say that the person born in this yoga will build villages and towns. A literal interpretation of the results leads one nowhere. They have to be adapted to suit modern conditions and climes. One born in this yoga may become a member of Municipality and engineer or if the yoga is really powerful, a mayor. The results ascribed to a yoga are subject to qualification or modification according as the yogakarakas are strong or weak. There are magistrates from the village to the district with different powers. From a builder of a small shrine or choultry to the builder of a large and rich temple there is much difference. Combinations are given but the results of the same conjunction will vary with the strength of the planets, bhavas and the constellations. 2. Sunapha Yoga Definition.-- If there are planets (excepting the Sun) in the second house from the Moon, Sunapha is caused. Results.-Self-earned property, king, ruler or his equal, intelligent, wealthy and good reputation. Remarks.-The Moon plays a very large part in this as well as in the following two yogas. The second house must be occupied by planets excepting the Sun. The second may be occupied by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn either singly or collectively. Again the nature of the yoga depends to a large extent upon the nature of the lord or lords occupying the second. Thus take Taurus as the Moons Rasi and Mercury, Jupiter and Venus being placed in Gemini. This is a powerful Sunapha Yoga capable of giving rise to much wealth. The intensity of the yoga will be heightened if Lagna happens to be Leo as in this case the yoga will have reference to the 10th and 11th houses. As usual the results will find expression in the Dasas and Bhukthis of the planets responsible for causing the yoga. 3. Anapha Yoga Definition.-If there are planets in the 12th from the Moon, Anapha Yoga is formed. Results.-Well-formed organs, mejestic appearance, good reputation, polite, generous, self-respect, fond of dress and sense pleasures. In later life, renunciation and austerity. Remarks.-In Anapha also the Sun is not taken into account. The remarks made for Sunapha apply to this also with slight variation. 4. Dhurdhura Yoga Definition.-If there are planets on either side of the Moon, the combination goes under the name of Dhurdhura. Results.-The native is bountiful. He will be blessed with much wealth and conveyances. Remarks.-Whatever may be the results ascribed to different yogas, one important truth emerges, that is, the person gets money, power, fame and reputation of varying gradations. This, of course, does not apply to strictly Parivraja Yogas. Many varieties of Sunapha, Anapha and Dhurdhura are formed by permutations and combinations of the five planets and their results should be particularly noted. If Mars is in the 2nd and Mercury is in the 12th a kind of Dhurdhura is formed. Similarly Mars in the 12th and Mercury in the 2nd gives rise to another kind and Jupiter in the 2nd and Mercury in the 12th gives rise to yet another type though all these go under the name of Dhurdhura. Each conjunction in these permutations produce different results. To give a simple illustration take Mars in the 2nd in Capricorn where he is exalted and Jupiter in the 12th in Scorpio in a friendly sign. Now take Jupiter in the 2nd (debilitated) and Mars in the 12th (in his own house). Would the results in both cases be the same? All these permutations must be carefully analysed. There will be thirty-one varieties of Sunapha, and an equal number of Anapha combinations and there are something like 180 varieties of Dhurdhura 5. Kemadruma Yoga Definition.-When there are no planets on both sides of the Moon, Kemadruma Yoga is formed. Results.-The person will be dirty, sorrowful, doing unrighteous deeds, poor, dependent, a rogue and a swindler. Remarks.-Some authors say that if planets are in a kendra from birth or from the Moon or if the Moon is in conjunction with a planet there is no Kemadruma. There are yet other authors who say that these yogas arise from kendras and navamsas but these observations are not generally acceptable. Varahamihira adds emphasis by saying that when persons born in royal families are subjected to such degradations much more of these unfortunate results must be predicted than in the case of persons bom in ordinary families. Sorrows mean physical as well as mental. The worn Neecha is used in the original and this refers to such acts as are prohibited by the religious, moral and social codes and are therefore held to be disgraceful. 6. Chandra Mangala Yoga Definition.-If Mars conjoins the Moon this yoga is formed. Results.-Earnings through unscrupulous means, a seller of women, treating mother harshly and doing mischief to her and other relatives. Remarks.-The results given above are those ascribed by ancient writers. With due respect to the ancient masters in the science I have to observe that Chandra Mangala Yoga acts as a powerful factor in establishing ones financial worth. The earnings will generally be through such occupations as toddy con¬tract, beer shop, bar, etc. One has to cater to the baser needs of men, but when the Moon and Mars are well disposed, the earnings will be through other approved means. The yoga is said to arise by the association of Mars and the Moon but I feel that the yoga will also be formed if the Moon and Mars are in mutual aspect. Take the Moon in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio. Take the Moon in Cancer and Mars in Capricorn. These are excellent positions. The combination can be productive of good if it occurs in the 2nd, 9th, 10th or 11th house. 7. Adhi Yoga Definition.-If benefics are situated in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the Moon, the combination goes under the name of Adhi Yoga. Results.-The person will be polite and trustworthy, will have an enjoyable and happy life, surrounded by luxuries and affluence, will inflict defeats on his enemies, will be healthy and will live long. Remarks. -Adhi Yoga is one of the most important combinations. Astrological authorities classify this Adhi Yoga as Papadhi Yoga and Shubhadhi Yoga. But Varahamihira and that section of astrologers do not seem to favour such a classification. Bhattotpala, the erudite commentator of the writings of Varaha-mihira suggests the existence of Papadhi Yoga. Varahamihira distinctly observes Soumyehi-implying clearly only the benefics, viz., Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. All these benefics may be in the 6th, 7th or 8th or in two houses or all of them may be in any one of these houses. If there is one planet in full strength in any one of these signs, that person be-comes a leader. If there are two, he will be a minister and if there are three, he will occupy an eminent station in life. If all the three benefics, devoid of strength, are in the three signs above mentioned, then also Adhi Yoga will be present but the influence it exerts would indeed be feeble. Adhi Yoga may be considered as a Raja Yoga or almost its equivalent. 8. Chatussagara Yoga Definition.-Chatussagara Yoga is caused when all the kendras are occupied by planets. Results.-The person will earn good reputation, be an equal to a ruler, have a long and prosperous life, be blessed with good children and health and his name will travel to the confines of the four oceans. Remarks.-According to the dictum Kendras-thatibalassuhuhu planets disposed in kendras add great strength to the horoscope. The four angles in a horoscope are like the four walls of a building. 9. Vasumathi Yoga Definition. -If benefics occupy the upachayas (3, 6, 10 and 11) either from the ascendant or from the Moon, the combination goes under the name of Vasumathi Yoga. Results.-The person will not be a dependent but will always command plenty of wealth. Remarks.-Vasumathi Yoga has more to do with wealth than with anything else. The Vasumathi re¬sulting from the Lagna seems to have more influence than the one formed with reference to the Moon. By implication it also means that two benefics will give less wealth while only one benefic will give ordinary wealth. If the upachayas happen to be exaltation places, the yoga becomes extremely powerful while the reverse holds good in case the upachayas happen to be debilitation places. When counted from the Moon all the four upachayas cannot be occupied because there will be only three benefics left. The authorities are silent on the matter and they simply say that the upachayas should be occupied. Varahamihira seems to go so far as to assert that predictions made according to ordinary combinations may some-times fail but the results predicted by Vasumathi Yoga do not fail. In all such planetary combinations, one must be very careful in assessing the real strength of a yoga and see if its results have already been comprehended by some other more powerful yogas. It will be seen that purely Vasumathi Yogas are a rare occurrence. You will find very few examples in which benefics are in all the upachayas. Even when benefics are in upachayas, they will be found to be associated with or aspected by malefics and due allowance must be made for such evil dispositions. 10. Rajalakshana Yoga Definition.-Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the Moon should be in Lagna or they should be placed in kendra. Resuits.--The native will possess an attractive appearance and he will be endowed with all the good qualities of high personages. Remarks.-The weak Moon or badly associated Mercury cannot make a person possess a beautiful appearance. However, the yoga seems to contribute Adrishta or luck in such a way that the person can command respect, dignity and regard. One need not necessarily be a king to inherit all the virtues, for all kings are not virtuous. Personalities or strokes of luck which many will not have and which many covet. 11. Vanchana Chora Bheethi Yoga Definition.-The Lagna is occupied by a malefic with Gulika in a trine : or Gulika is associated with the lords of Kendras and Thrikonas ; or the lord of Lagna is combined with Rahu, Saturn or Kethu. Results.-The native will always entertain feelings of suspicion towards others around him. He is afraid of being cheated, swindled and robbed. 12. Sakata Yoga Definition.-The Moon in the 12th, 6th or 8th from Jupiter gives rise to Sakata Yoga. Results.-The native loses fortune and may re-gain it. He will be ordinary and insignificant. He will suffer from poverty, privation and misery. He will be stubborn and hated by relatives. Remarks.-While the generality of astrological writers hold that Sakata Yoga is productive of evil results, there is difference of opinion as regards the definition of this Yoga. The great Parasara and Varahamihira say that when all the planets are in the 1st and 7th, Sakata is caused. Prof. Rao opines that this definition leaves room for doubt as to why it should be the 7th. On the contrary, the definition given °above appears more reasonable inasmuch as the Yoga is generated by the Moon occupying the three Dusthanas from the greatest benefic Jupiter thus obstructing the free flow of fortune ; According to the definition given above, Sakata is caused by the Moon being placed in the 6th or 8th or 12th from Jupiter. When one planet is in the 8th from the other, naturally the other will be in the 6th. 13. Amala Yoga Defmition.-The 10th from the Moon or Lagna should be occupied by a benefic planet. Results.-The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation. His character will be spotless and he will lead a prosperous life. Remarks.-As in interpreting every combination, due consideration should be given to the strength of the lord causing the Amala and the aspects and asso¬ciations he receives. Some benefic planets must occupy the 10th from Lagna or the Moon to cause Amala. If no benefic is present, then Amala is not caused. But yet on the strength of the dictum Udayat Indutovapi Yegrahadasamasthithaha Te sarve artha-pradagneya swa dasasu yatoditha which means that any planet in the 10th from Lagna or Chandra would give, during his Dasa, much wealth, a malefic also is not ruled out. Amala means pure and when the Yoga is present, prosperity and affluence will be achieved through fair means while a malefic, whilst giving wealth, may make the means questionable. After all, the end justifies the means according to some and, therefore, Amala makes one scrupulous as to the means he employs for earning while a malefic in the 10th while no doubt good in its own way, as causing wealth to come, would not make one famous or a man of character. 14. Parvata Yoga Definition.-Benefics being disposed in Kendras, the 6th and 8th houses should either be unoccupied or occupied by benefic planets. This combination goes under the name of Parvata Yoga. Results.-The person will become wealthy, prosperous, liberal, charitable, humorous and head of a town or village. He will be passionate also. Remarks.-According to some, Parvata is also caused if the lords of Lagna and the 12th are in mutual Kendras. Thus, three sets of combinations are comprehended :- (a) Benefics should be in Kendras, and 6th and 8th must be free. (b) Benefics should be in Kendras, and 6th and 8th should be occupied by benefics. (c) The lords of Lagna and the 12th should be in mutual Kendras. Strangely enough, for Kumbha Lagna, the definition mentioned in item (c) supra cannot hold good inasmuch as the lord of the 12th and the Lagna happen to be Saturn. Instead of the 6th and 8th being occupied by benefics, it is better they are entirely free in which case, the native will be free from machinations of enemies and debts. In my humble opinion, Par vata Yoga cannot be so powerful as to minimise the strength of other important yogas. Its presence, no doubt, adds to making the person an entity within a limited circle. The Yoga does not seem to contribute much to political power. One may become a District Board member or a Municipal Commissioner. But it seems to have capacity enough to add financial stability. 15. Kahala Yoga Definition.-Lords of the fourth and ninth houses should be in Kendras from each other and the lord of Lagna should be strongly disposed. Results.-The native will be stubborn, not well informed, daring, head of a small army and a few villages. Remarks.-No yogas should be interpreted verba¬tim if the results are to hold good to modern life and conditions. An appropriate and intelligent interpretation of Kahala Yoga should suggest that the person concerned will eke out his existence as a member of the army or police or in the capacity of a Collector or Tahsildar and the like. Kahala Yoga is also caused when the 4th lord is exalted or in his own house being conjoined with or aspected by the lord of the 10th. Both the definitions of Kahala Yoga mentioned above assume the strength of Lagna, the 4th and the 9th. for Kumbha Lagna Venus happens to be the lord of the 4th and 9th. Therefore, Kahala Yoga is applicable to Kumbha Lagna only according to the second definition, which means that Venus should be in Pisces or Taurus- or Libra in conjunction with or aspected by Mars. Naturally, Venus in Pisces and Mars in Sagittarius will be an ideal Kahala Yoga. 16. Vesi Yoga Definition.-If planets other than the Moon occupy the 2nd from the Sun, Vesi Yoga is formed. Results. -The person will be fortunate, happy, virtuous, famous and aristocratic. Remarks.-Excepting the Moon and Rahu and Kethu, any other planet or planets may cause Vesi Yoga. If malefics occupy the second from the Sun, papavesi is caused while subhavesi is given rise to by the presence of benefic planets. The degree of the yoga to do good or bad depends to a large extent upon the Sun and the planets causing the Yoga. The results given above are for Subhavesi Yoga. Obviously quite the reverse holds good in case of papa vesi. If the Sun is exalted, Lagna being Cancer and the subhavesi is caused by the presence of Venus in Taurus and both the Sun and Venus are inherently strong, then in spite of the fact that both the Sun and Venus are natural enemies the Yoga becomes supremely powerful and almost all the good results attributed to it would find full play when the Dasa and Bhukthi of the two planets operate. Obviously, if more than one planet causes the Yoga, one of the planets being a malefic, say Saturn, the good influences have to be sufficiently moderated. 17. Vasi Yoga Definition.-PI a nets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun give rise to Vasi Yoga. Results.-The subject will be happy, prosperous, liberal and the favourite of the ruling classes. Remarks.-Here again, the definition and results are in reference to subhavasi. If malefics are present in the 12th, the results will be quite the reverse. The explanations given for the previous Yoga apply to this as well as to the next Yoga. 18. Obhayachari Yoga Definition.-If planets other than the Moon are present on either side of the Sun, Obhayachari is caused. Results. --The person will be an eloquent speaker. He will have well-proportioned limbs, will take delight in everything, will be liked by all. wealthy and famous. Remarks.-One or more of the above three Yogas caused by the Sun would be present in almost every horoscope. Mercury is always confined within a certain elongation from the Sun unless the Sun is in the last part of a sign and Mercury has attained his greatest elongation, in which case, he will be in the 3rd or 11th house from the Suns position, Vesi or Vasi Yoga will invariably be present. Obviously, these Solar Yogas cannot be compared in their eminence to Rajayogas. They indicate more or less the ego development of the individual concerned. 19. Hamsa Yoga Definition.--Jupiter should occupy a Kendra which should be his own house or exaltation sign. Results.-His legs will have the markings of a conch, lotus, fish and ankusa. He will possess a hand¬some body; he will be liked by others: he will be righteous in disposition and pure in mind. Remarks.-This and the following four Yogas go under the special distinction of Panchamahapurusha Yogas producing five kinds of great men. Varaha-mihira has extolled these five combinations in his Brihat Samhita. Hamsa Yoga is caused if Jupiter is in a Kendra which should be identical with his own sign (Swakshetra) or the sign in which he gets exalted. In other words, Hamsa Yoga is possible in respect of all common and the movable signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The assumption here is that Lagna is also a Kendra or quadrant. Those born in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) cannot possess Hamsa Yoga inasmuch as neither Jupiters exaltation sign nor own house can be identical with his situation in a Kendra. The strength of the Yoga is dependent as usual on the strength of Lagna and Jupiter and in which Kendra he is disposed. Obviously, the tenth Kendra is the most powerful. The ownership of Kendra by Jupiter is not desirable but when Hamsa Yoga is present, the general principle loses its significance. As between the situation of Jupiter in a Kendra identical with Swakshetra and a Kendra identical with his uccha, Hamsa Yoga caused by the latter is preferable inasmuch as even the trace of evil due to Jupiters quadrangular ownership disappears. 20. Malavya Yoga Definition.-Venus should occupy a quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. Results.-The person will have a well-developed physique, will be strong-minded, wealthy, happy with children and wife, will command vehicles, endowed with clean sense-organs and renowned and learned. Remarks.-Malavya Yoga can come into existence if Venus is exalted in a Kendra or occupies a Kendra which should be his own house. Malavya Yoga cannot occur with reference to every sign of the zodiac. Consistent with the nature of Venus, Malavya Yoga will make one resolute, immensely rich and give him happiness from wife and children and fame and name. Venus is the indicator of conveyances, sensual pleasures, music, dancing, fine arts, luxury and material comforts. Naturally Malavya Yoga renders one inclined towards all the indications of Venus, with the result his spiritual advancement and outlook will be in inverse ratio to his material comforts and pleasures. In other words, while both Hamsa and Malavya are Raja Yogas, the former makes one more idealistic, spiritual, broad-minded and selfless, while the latter indicates love of plea-sure, and a predominantly materialistic outlook of life. Malavya Yoga can manifest in reference to the various Bhavas as given hereunder for persons born in different Lagnas.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 03:45:58 +0000

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