VEGAN EXTREMISTS: I never thought I would write a status like this - TopicsExpress


VEGAN EXTREMISTS: I never thought I would write a status like this but my honesty and refusal to mince words leaves me no choice. I am as hardcore Vegan as it gets. I dont make apologies for those who claim to be Vegan but engage in Non Vegan practices, like eating honey, going to the zoo, eating backyard eggs, horseback riding etc. Vegetarians not on the path to full Veganism. Those are all prohibited and I will never find them acceptable. I judge and condemn those people if they intentionally engage in those Non Vegan practices. It is not extremist to insist Vegan principles are practiced 100% of the time. That is appropriate adherence to moral principles and values. One cannot call oneself a Vegan if one cheats or is Vegan only 95% of the doesnt work that way. As Ralph Waldo Emerson correctly explained: Moral principles can never be compromised; they can only be abandoned. However, there does reach a point where if one makes an honest mistake that is in opposition to Vegan principles, and is crucified for it by Vegans incensed by the failure of complete Vegan perfection, that the Vegan lynch mob can justifiably be deemed unreasonable Elitists and extremists. We are human. We are by our nature flawed. We WILL make mistakes. Heres a perfect personal example. Like all of you, I always read the ingredients on all the food I buy. We are lied to so much we have no choice. One night after a late night in the office I got to Whole Foods just before they closed. I was very tired but needed Bread, so I quickly checked ingredients found it to be Vegan, went home and made a sandwich. The next day I was making another one and For some reason started reading the ingredients. Sure enough I had missed that it had honey in it. Right in the garbage But the damage was done. Mr Hardcore Vegan had purchased animal product and consumed it. I had unwittingly contributed to the Animal Holocaust.. Bees being killed. What should I do? Turn in my badge and abandon the title Vegan ? Cancel my FB account because Im not fit to advocate or give anyone advice? Abandon Vegan Advocacy because I had inadvertently violated Vegan principles? To judge people who are making good faith efforts to be Complete Vegans for honest mistakes they make is counter productive to our mission of Animal Justice and Liberation. It is divisive, can discourage the convictions of strong Vegans and serves no useful function other than to create acrimony and division within the Animal Rights Movement . . I am appalled and disgusted when I see this and if you are someone who does it I hope you think twice the next time. You arent doing the Animals any favors, I assure you. Remember we are doing this for the practical purpose of helping them, not to serve the high and mighty purposes of human perfectionism.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:01:34 +0000

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