VENTING TIME AND A NOVEL IN THE MAKING: OK... how many blacks - TopicsExpress


VENTING TIME AND A NOVEL IN THE MAKING: OK... how many blacks will be upset with this video? How many times have these thoughts run through my mind? Why do some get it and some dont? Pride? Pride in what? The fact that you can go into a neighborhood and destroy it? We dont see the whole story behind all this rioting... those that instigate it, planned it from the git-go... those whose lives are fulfilled with their involvement in this type of behavior and destruction...those that thrive on spreading the hatred and take no responsibility for their actions. But still... could there be more? First the logical... There is something absolutely wrong with someone who thinks they can go out and rob a store and simply walk away and not think something could happen to them and when it does, go berserk. Something else that is absolutely wrong is all those people ignoring all of that as if there wasnt any responsibility on Michael Browns part at all in instigating this. From what I see, it would have been different if the belligerence on Mr. Browns part would not have been present. It appears his guilt and his reaction to it led to the mess we see happening today. What astounds me is that both black and white folk are upset with the police who are trying to do their jobs, but because this one black man does something stupid like getting into the cruiser to fight the officer who sure in hell feared for his life, it is an affront to all blacks and the world must pay... at least in the minds of those out there screwing up everyone elses world except their own. Im getting tired of hearing Martin Luther King Juniors name and the idea of peaceful protest and then seeing just the opposite. Why do people talk of how great a man he was when they have no desire to honor his wishes and dreams? There are differences in peoples lives, black, white, brown, yellow... but think about this. Are there some neighborhoods that youd feel safer walking through than others? If so, why? Is it the color of skin that threatens or is it the actions and lifestyles of those who are living there making it intimidating and then of course, whos to blame for that? Now to the stuff that would be a best seller on the bookshelves... As Ive been writing this and rationalizing with the news Ive been seeing, I couldnt help but believe there is possibly something much deeper going on with all this upheaval... has it been organized? Could it have been? How high do the flames need to be before Martial Law comes into play? Conspiracy theory? The republicans are threatening to assert their will once theyre in the majority in the white house... Hagel just resigned... how interesting it would have been to be a fly on the wall when those conversations went down. Would it have to do with the bombings that continue to happen in abandoned villages with ISIS no where near? Where would a writer start this novel? Sh*ts happening and its happening now. Should the novel be written as it happens or is it something many of us have already read? Is the president wringing his hands out of anxiety or is he wringing his hands because of the anticipation of using his pen to declare the entire country is under his control and hes coming after every gun he can find? Are we mindless pawns in a power play about to go down? As my good friend used to say, GOOP, GOOPITY GOOP!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:46:59 +0000

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