♥ VENUS ♥ SWEET GODDESS WILL BRING LOVE TO YOUR LIFE! Beautiful Venus is only 3 years old and wants nothing more than to make it out of the shelter alive. Make Venuss dreams come true by reserving this gorgeous redhead online tonight! Do not hesitate because tomorrow she will be gone forever! My Animal ID # is A0985797 A volunteer writes: Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty and the perfect name for a stunning redhead who wants nothing more than to love and be loved! Our Venus is such an affectionate girl and shell jump up to give me a hug or smother me in kisses anytime, anywhere, all I have to do is ask. On leash shes a great walker and when we pass other dogs her tail wags enthusiastically as she greets her new friends. When its time to play fetch Venus knows just what to do and her retrieval technique is so funny - she chases the ball at a run but once its safely in her mouth she turns and walks back extra slowly, almost like shes savoring their time together! Theres no issue with me taking the ball from her and our game continues at its fast-slow pace until were forced inside by a rain shower. Venus just loves the towel-down I give her and her face sports a big, blissed out smile when I throw in some stand-up belly rubs as well. If you cant pick her up, apply with the rescues t foster/adopt. Click her photo for all info. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=716750968337785&set=a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553&type=1&theater
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 02:42:51 +0000

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