VERSE BY VERSE BIBLE STUDY SERIES 20th July, 2014 III John vs 1 - TopicsExpress


VERSE BY VERSE BIBLE STUDY SERIES 20th July, 2014 III John vs 1 The elder unto the well-beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. The elder: 1) As in relationship: born earlier, that is, born before another, especially within a family, or having more seniority.e.g father, uncle etc. 2) As in Authority/Position: superior to others, either by rank or experience. e.g. senior member of church: in some Christian churches, a senior lay member responsible for some aspects of church administration, the pastoral care of church members, and sometimes for teaching and preaching. Why would John identify himself as an elder? 1. To establish a sense of relationship to the reader Gauis. For e.g; like the love of a father to a son, love of a mentor to a protégé etc. Result: The impression of being an elder awakens the feeling of elderly responsibilities to the junior. 2. To establish authority, experience and qualification For e.g: an author of marriage should have a profile of married life to speak as an authority in that field, an author on business management should indicate his résumé like Brian Tracy who is an authority in management with years of experience in that field. Result: It gives the audience the confidence on the authenticity and practicability of the author’s write-up, admonition or speech. So, Old John identified himself as an elder as he wrote his letter TO: To: indicating the direction of his letter. This time he was not writing to everybody. His letter was not ambiguous but specific. It is not vague but directed towards somebody. To Gaius Not just to Gauis but a well-beloved John had been writing on Love and Truth (I &II John) but he was also a man who did not only talk but he also practiced what he preached. He showed that he did not only love Gauis from his heart but out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh: an expression is made. John could not help but express his bountiful love towards Gauis. Well-beloved: Complete or perfect love. The Love John said he had for Gaius was a complete and perfect love. But no man’s love was perfect except Jesus’ love. So if perfect love was the one John had for Gauis, then it was not just an ordinary love. It was Jesus kind of love (perfect love). Peter said all Christians should follow Jesus’ perfect example of love(1Peter 2:22-24). So, John an elder in the ministry and to (specifically directed to) Gaius showed that he had a responsibility to shower Gauis with love (Jesus Kind of love) as a (i) spiritual father and (ii) as an Authority in the ministry Whom I love in the truth: John is simply saying that his love for Gauis was not blind. It was not the type of love that would allow Gaius to derail from the truth or encourage him against the truth. His love for Gaius had its basis on the truth i.e the love encouraged him to do good and discouraged him from doing bad. In truth and not out of truth. In truth and not above the truth. The truth is Jesus (John 14:6); and Jesus is the undiluted Word (John 1:1). PRACTICAL LESSONS 1. We are elders to anybody that is younger than us both in physical age and spiritual maturity. That elderly attribute confers on us the responsibility to show love in character and speech. As an elder, mentor, father or pastor would teach, educate, provide or direct the younger ones, we should also show undying love on them that are lesser than us and not to despise them. 2. Our love for them must be perfect like Jesus kind of love. Should be selfless and spiritual. 3. We should not love above the truth. The truth must guide our love. We should not be too soft and encourage bad things all in the name of love. ENCOURAGEMENT • Assume your responsibility as an elder and take care of your protégés that look up to you as their role models. • Look around you. Are there people who are inspired by your lifestyle? You are their elder. Are there people who want to be like you? You are their leader. Are there people who want to follow the path you have trod? You are their elder. Are there people that you are older than both in age and spiritual maturity? You are their elder. • Shower them with love, the selfless, undying love of Jesus Christ. • Don’t let your tender-heartedness make you compromise the truth in the name of love. Your love should be wide awake. • Don’t let the devil confuse you. Stand for the truth. Let your love be rooted in the truth and nothing but the truth. • Since the truth is Jesus and Jesus is the undiluted Word. Hold on to the Word even as you show elderly love to those who look up to you. Next verse to be continued tomorrow. Let’s do something now with his verse. Remain in love. I love you all
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 06:09:16 +0000

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