VERSES OF THE HOLY QURAN CONCERNING TABLIGH First of all, I want to mention a few verses of the Holy Quran concerning Tabligh. From these verses, the readers can easily see how important Allah considers the preaching of Islam. I have come across as many as sixty verses on this particular subject, and Allah knows how many more verses could be found by another keen observer. I quote here a few of them for the benefit of every true believer. And whose words can be better than his, who calls (people) towards Allah, and performs good deeds. and says: I am one of those who submit to Allah! Certain commentators have written that whoever invites people to Allah through any means deserves the honour mentioned in the above verse. For instance, the prophets call people to Allah by means of miracles, and supernatural actions, the scholars invite them by preaching and arguments, the Muslim warriors (mujahids) call them by means of the sword; and the muazzins call them by means of the azaan. In short, whoever invites people to good deeds deserves this reward, whether he calls them to the formal observances of Islam or to the internal improvements of the spirit, like the mystics who stress the purification of the heart and the realization of Allahs attributes. In the concluding verse quoted above some commentators say such a person should also be proud of the honour bestowed on him by Allah, of being categorised as a Muslim, and he should proclaim this honour in words. Some other commentators interpret that he should not be proud of being a preacher, but should consider himself as an ordinary Muslim. (O Prophet! SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM) preach to them (the Truth), for preaching proves very beneficial for the Believers. The commentators have written that by preaching is meant instructing the believers through the verses of the Holy Quran, for these would guide them to the Right Path. But such a preaching can be useful for the disbelievers also, for thereby they may become believers. Alas! in this age, preaching is not performed regularly and properly. Generally the object of the preachers is to show off their ability and eloquence to the listeners, whereas the Holy Prophet (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM) has said: Whoever learns the art of declamation in order to attract the people towards himself, his prayers and observances, whether obligatory or optional, will not be accepted on the Day of Judgment.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 03:25:30 +0000

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