VERY FEW GET RICH DUE TO... A GREAT INVENTION OR SERVICE !! Most of those who get rich is by short-cutting employees, or trusting customers. Not paying decent salaries, not allowing enough vacation time, or maternity leave to their employees, abusing of bad-payed overtime, hiding illegals who are working for less, and -sometimes- even benefiting from child labor. Not emphasis in improving the dull work-environment for their employees, or changing those tedious labor routines that make humans operate like robots. Little investment in educating their employees, other than in how to speed up their current boring tasks. I worked 32 years as Manufacturing/Radars/Electronics/Telecomm Engineer [JXPE] (electronic boards, systems test, field installations, failure test-analysis, software development, customer training and support, ...) ... I have seen some decent employers. After all, in American corporations most have to follow strict rules regarding labor laws; yet, laws often are lax, and employees are abused. The worse I have seen, of course, was on my trips to Asia, Latin America, Middle East, etc... there I have witness sweat-shops were people are being exploited and not treated humanly. Young mothers do not see their children for many hours, and arrived home very tired. No child care facilities, not enough rest, miserable salaries, poor health! :O( ... And then, we have those financial institutions -banks and stock dealers- who are stealing millions and millions from unaware investors, retirees,... in ways it cannot be easily detected, so you end up blaming yourself. How many publishing houses stealing royalties from authors? There is not regulatory legislation that forces publishers to inform on books sold. As Author you need to trust that your Publisher is decent, but many are not when there is little -or none- accountability and wide opportunity for fraud. Due to that, many unscrupulous publishers will get rich. Internet blogs would bring you horrible stories of Authors that are being ripped off with impunity all across America, feeling abandoned by a Government that seems to be paying a deaf ear to this travesty. Blogs such as … • ComplaintNow • PissedConsumer • RipOffReport • ComplaintsBoard • ... ... And then, we have those who are getting rich only because of lack of laws in their countries protecting the environment, or lax laws on how to treat animals in a dignified way. As a venture software engineer [XunaSoft] who developed a dairy management control system, I worked closely with farmers for years. Cruel scenes I saw in farms, I will never be able to forget. Often, cows were dealt with as if they were -simply- MILKING MACHINES !! :o( ++ John Xuna, Engineer, Physicist (JXPE, XunaSoft) + Former “Qualified” Candidate US Congress (GE 2002, FL CD22, Xuna, + Atheist Author The Ignorance of Faith (EHXS). + Concerned Scientist (ZUET, DoomedGlobe, OilDepletion, PetrolSOS) + JXuna/paginas/06_WhoIsJX.htm
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:07:24 +0000

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