VERY REVEALING !! Jordan started this, they speak in the name - TopicsExpress


VERY REVEALING !! Jordan started this, they speak in the name of the Arab League which has 22 members, 11+11 !! The Jordan constitutional monarchy signed a contract to by gas stolen from Gaza by Israel ! Jordan citizens are mostly Palestinians and they manifest against this. - ISIS soldiers were trained by the US soldiers in Jordan (many sources). - ISIS is allied with Israel and they took control of Golan Heights by winning against Syria AND against the (Zionist) UN blue helmets ! - The National Coalition for Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces is member of this Arab League, they were created by UK-US-France and many of the Arab League country. They can NOT be distinguished from ISIS now ! - ISIS partly came out of this opposition rebels and also from al-Qaeda it-self created by the CIA to fight Russia in Afghanistan where CIA agent Ben Laden was the leader. Later Al-Qaeda + Ben Laden did the 9/11 inside job to launch wars against Islam. Talibans and al-Qaeda soldiers were furnished mostly by the absolute monarchy of Saudi Arabia of crazy Wahhabi, a form of false-Islamist head cutters similar to ISIS ! - The War against ISIS is a FAKE war to create WW3 alias Armageddon supposed to be in Megiddo, on road 66, and to get there passing thru the ISIS-Israel controlled Golan is needed. Its in Megido that Brits won against the Ottoman ISLAMIST EMPIRE during WW1 launched by the single bloodline European monarchy of false-Jews ! including UK, Russia, Germany, Austria and many others, most still hold the REAL power ! This lead to dividing this Islamist Empire by drawing new frontiers with the Sykes-Picot Agreements, ISIS says they will erase them it to create the Promised Land ! Note that they also lead to Ukraine joining the USSR. USSR that was broken by Al-Qaeda + bringing the oil prices down at the end of the FAKE Cold War, Russia has always been controlled by Khazar false-Jews (Nicolas II, Lenin, Stalin etc) just like the USA. False-Jew Netanyahu says this UN resolution, withdrawal from Palestine, would be a risk for the security of Israel at their frontiers :). Which frontier ? 1- Officially the Arab neighbors are against Israel BECAUSE they illegally occupy Palestine, so it would AUGMENT the security of Israel ! 2- Netanyahu helps their ISIS mercenaries on the frontier with Syria. The withdrawal of Palestine would not change this. In fact Syria would be less concerned by Israel ! 3- Lebanon frontier : Its small, well protected, far from large cities of Lebanon and anyway withdrawal would reduce any arguments against Israel. Lebanon cant measure against IDF anyway. 4- Egypt : they are against Gaza ! Their new military government is a Zionist puppet. If the withdrawal were to bring peace then Egypt would follow Israel. So the argument of Netanyahu PROVES he is lying. Israel will NEVER withdraw and they will continue their genocide and the Zionist UN will pretend they are blind, as usual. Note that the UN dont complain about their Golan Height Blue helmets that were pushed out ! This articles says Israel, which withdrew troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005, this was done by Ariel Charogne Sharon, war criminal responsible of the Sabra & Shatila butchered of 3500 unarmed Palestinians in Lebanon where he was helped by the UN ! Why did they withdrew false-Jews from Gaza ? To fence it and bomb them ! As many as nine Security Council votes are needed to adopt a resolution and this article says only the US could veto it and this would enrage Arabs who would stop helping the USA to fight ISIS :). 2 lies ! 1- Veto power : UK, USA, France, Russia and China. UK created Israel, Cameron is a false-Jew and the real boss is the Zionist Queen. The USA is under UK ownership, it is also Zionist down to the bone. France is even more Zionist then the USA. Russia has always been leaded by false-Jews. In fact the ancestor of Russia is Kiev founded by Khazar false-Jews interbred with Rus alias Germanic vikings. You think China is not controlled by false-Jews ? I dont but proving it is too long here :) 2- Arabs dont fight ISIS, they are with them ! Even Turkey helps ISIS. In fact all countries pretending to fight ISIS are faking a war. Mahmoud Abbas is also a traitor, Palestinians say it. They are proposing that Israel will stop to control the West Bank and Gaza, without withdrawal... all illegal false-Jew settlers will stay there... so Israel started to build so much this year announced many new projects in East-Jerusalem. What would this changes ? Less genocide ? Now Netanyahu wants a constitution based on the Satanic Talmud of Babylon and he will pass racist citizenship laws that will start this process. If Palestine gets this resolution they will help that by signing and recognizing that Israel is a state, they own their land and thus a constitution becomes a legitimate document approved by the Zionist UN ! Netanyahu resigned asking for elections where he can delay this and/or fake an impossible coalition to spread the blame and confuse the world public opinion... I think false-Jews WANT Armageddon and that 2015 will probably be it. Lets see what false-flags will they invent now :) Note : This article is from Russia Today doesnt explain much, they justify. They dont explain or denounce the ISIS-Israel false-terrorism against their Syrian ally. Why ? Because Russia is part of the script in Middle-East as well as in Ukraine where we see falsse-Jews against Ashkenazi false-Jews... even some are NAZI, Poutine even says so... They never explained that false-Jews did the holocaust against false-Jews not only in Germany but also in Russia where in fact it was larger ! So we have a World Wide Script to bring the Old World Disorder creating chaos and wars using LIES so that we will venerate lies, false-saviors and will approve the Armageddon, will accept to take a gun and do like them ! They want us to adore their God of Wars and thus lies ! But lies cant win against indestructible information called TRUTH ! rt/news/218647-palestinian-occupation-draft-resolution/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:07:49 +0000

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