VERY SERIOUS FOOD FOR THOUGHT {A CHANGE HAS GOT TO COME!!!} (THE HOUSTON CHORNICLE) - [Tuesday, August 12, 2014] COURTS: SHOOTING UNARMED SUSPECT COULD BE JUSTIFIED!!! by Jennifer S. Mann - St. Louis Post Dispatch St. Louis - The fact that Michael Brown was unarmed and possibly fleeing when a Ferguson , Mo., police officer shot him does not necessarily mean the use of force was unjustified in the eyes of the law, As authorities begin investigating the case, the key question will be whether the officer had reason to believe Brown posed a threat - gun or no gun. The courts, out of concern for public safety and recognizing the dangers of an officers job, have traditionally given police a lot of latitude on that front, experts say. The federal courts are very clear that these are times and places where officers are allowed to shoot people in the back when they are running away, even if they are unarmed, said David Klinger, a criminal justice professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and expert on police shootings. THINK ABOUT IT!!! It is laws like this one that is the reason why Michael Brown and so many others were justifiably murdered. This law simply states that a police officer may kill when he feels like it, regardless! With this law, there will never be justified vindication. This law defies all logical and rational reasoning when it comes to the value of a life. In order to eradicate/wipe-out laws such as this, we need to vote intelligently first. Start with our local leaders, then state leaders, and finally government leaders. Republican or Democrat, if they dont speak about a change in these type of laws with more compassion for human life, DONT VOTE FOR THEM OR VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE! If we dont get laws like this off of the books, these minority murders are bound to continue. At this time it appears to be open season on all minorities. PLEASE, parents warn your children, Im praying and warning mine. MAY-GOD-BLESS-AMERICA *** David B. Norton (8/21/2014)
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 08:46:07 +0000

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