VERY SINCERE ADVICE TO THE SELF-APPOINTED “EBAADU RAHMAN MORALITY POLICE OF RELIGION By Prince Bubacarr Aminata Sankanu Allah says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 256]. Quran 2:190 „Fight in the cause of God those who start fighting you, but do not transgress limits (or start the attack); for God loveth not transgressors.“ YOU THE EBAADU RAHMAN ZEALOTS DISOBEYED THIS QURANIC VERSE 2:190 BY STARTING THE ATTACKS ON ME... 1. When someone brought your Ebaadu Rahman youtube message to me, I wanted to ignore it.....I will not formally respond to it in order not to give you attention but for the RECORDS, you may note or ignore this. 2. If you guys want me to give you airtime in my Radio and TV Station, there are CIVILIZED WAYS of GOING ABOUT IT... 3.Launching hate youtube campaigns against me is the most UN-ISLAMIC and BACKWARD way of doing things...Yet you call yourselves „better persons of faith and good manners!“ 4. Look you have bigger issues to address...See for example ANGOLA. You have your fellow Muslims beating each other in a mosque till the Authorities there closed the centre of worship but your blame will be on the Angola Government for supposedly „ not liking Islam“... Every responsible person knows that such actions of Muslims bring SHAME, DISRESPECT and bad name to Islam... 5. Now don’t tell me what those Muslim people did in Angola is NOT blasphemous but I, Prince Bubacarr Aminata Sankanu, using my own wisdom, skills and money (no Zakat or Sadaqa from the Middle East) to start my Radio and TV to promote my PROGRESSIVE Sarahulleh/African Heritages and TRADITIONAL MEDICINES (THE MUSA CHEFAREH programme with natural trees that Allah made for the benefit of HUMAN KIND even if you call it voodoo and other names) is blasphemous??? Oh don’t tell me the herbs and medicinal plants/produce including the famous Habut Sauda (black seed) are not natural products of Allah and true Muslims should not use them as they are „un-Islamic?“ People should also not visit the hospitals and use medicines made by non-Muslim people (your hated West) who do not even pronounce Allahs name? 6. When the local Gambian/Muslim women (ebbaadu and non-ebaadu) are sick or want to deliver their babies they go to the hospitals/clinics where MALE NURSES/MEN WHO ARE NOT THEIR HUSBANDS OR CLOSE RELATIVES ATTEND TO THEM AND SEE THEIR PRIVATE PARTS...Try to do something about this first!!!! Quran 4:142 „The Hypocrites - they think they are over-reaching God, but He will over-reach them: When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold God in remembrance.“ 7. Since the day I started my Radio and TV station it is the religious fanatics who have been badmouthing me.. They want to keep control of the BRAINS of the people so that they can continue to exploit them in the name of religion. 8. No wonder they will be making such cheap propaganda work to scare away the gullible people. But hey, NO ONE CAN STOP the people from knowing their rights...In my website, I posted the THE UNIVERSAL ISLAMIC DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS for the people to know their god-given rights.... 9. LOOK, I AM NOT AFRAID OF DYING EVEN TODAY... SO THREATS CAN ONLY SHAKE THOSE WHO LOVE THIS WORLD OR ARE AFRAID OF THEIR DEEDS FOR HEREAFTER...Even if I die today I have NOTHING to regret about!!!! PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS LOOK FOR CHEAP ATTENTION BY TRYING TO ASSASSINATE THE CHARACTER OF INNOVATIVE PEOPLE...NTI XANNEN RAJON DO TELEVISONKA( IS HERE TO STAY and I will continue to promote the rich African HERITAGES whether some people like it or not... 10. I thank all the fanatics and haters for HATE MESSAGES...May Allah be with you...I am sure they will get a lot of MONEY from the religious fanatics in the Middle East and elsewhere by telling lies that they are fighting against me the INFIDEL!! 11. Who gave them the authority to tell us what is blasphemous and not??? Who gave them the mandate to speak for Islam and try to IMPOSE their version of Islam on the people? 12. Again, I am NOT afraid of DYING EVEN TODAY...You can send your brainwashed jihadists to come for me so that they have their 72 virgins in paradise... 13. None of you will join me in my grave...You have bigger problems with you lives to focus on. ONLY ALLAH CAN JUDGE OVER ME.... Quran 22:17 „Those who believe (in the Quran), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians (can mean certain ancient religion or people with no specific religion), Christians, Magians, and Polytheists,- God will judge between them on the Day of Judgement: for God (alone) is witness of all things.“ 14. Keep assassinating my character.... Thanks for the hate message..Keep making more hate PROPAGANDA messages against me so you can collect more ZAKAT and SADAQAT from the intolerant and backward folks... 15. Good Luck in your transgression against me... Quran 2:190 „Fight in the cause of God those who start fighting you, but do not transgress limits (or start the attack); for God loveth not transgressors.“ 16. See the link to my website on the the page I dedicated to the THE UNIVERSAL ISLAMIC DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS..for those who are being brainwashed to believe that Prince Bubacarr Aminata Sankanu is doing blasphemous anti-Islamic work...CLICK ON: ntixannen/islamic-and-un-human-rights-compared.html
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 07:22:19 +0000

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