VERY SPECIAL: TWO A PERSONAL STORY: TO MY MAMA: I member I was sleeping on my bed and I hear a voice running up and It made me open my eyes and I peeked as I looked at the door, and I see someone peeking in the door, OH NO!! and My younger sister looks and points, OPPA!! YOU are awake and she pushes the door and it opens wide and she be smiling real BIG and she tells me, OPPA!! it is Monday Morning, are you ready to go back to school and I be looking at her and I started to kick the blankets off of me, and start to roll on my stomache and I would flip on my back, NO NO NO!! SISSY, I do not want to go to school and I looked at the wall, and see the clock, it was 6.30am and I pointed at the clock and told my younger sister, Wake me up at 7.00am and I face on my tom tom and my face on the pillow trying to sleep and my your sister walks in the room and she pokes me with her finger on my side, Wake UP!! WAKE UP!! Mr. CHeeseBURGER, My lovely DOUBLE CHIN, KE KE KE and I turn around and flip on my back and point my finger at her and I tell her, I do not care if you call me BIG MAC or CHEESEBURGER, But I hate that WOrd DOUBLE CHIN, makes me feel very fat on my face and she looks and points at me, cuz YOU do have a DOUBLE chin OPPA, you have a round face like a Frying pan or I call that pancake Face and it seems like that pancake has tripple layers on top, and her mouth opens out with a big Laugh, HA HA HA!! PUHAHAHA, and I get very mad this morning and I tell, her, OH yeah, let us go to the mirror and see my ROund face and I sit up on my bed and I bounce and up I land on my feet on the ground and I start to march as he feet be stomping on the carpet floor and as I go into the restroom I turn on the lights and I look at the mirro and my younger sister is standing next to me and she points at the mirror and tells me, OPPA!! DO you see that round face, YOu see that and I am looking and I said, It is round but where is my double Chin, Sissy, where is it?? and She points her finger on my chin and she pinches it and starts to poke it and I be like, WHy you be pinching and poking my chin and she smiles real big cuz It jiggles and makes me giggles PUHAHAHA!! OPPA!! DO you see that CHIN, and she uses her two fingers and startes to stretch my chin skin and looks, OOooO, MAn OPPA!! I am going to call you a Fat grandfather turtle, have you seen a turtles neck, they look like yours, it stretches and I be real mad again, and I turn on my side and she stretches it again and she tells me, OPPA! Do you see that on the side, and I be knodding my head up and down but did not say the word YESSS! and I told her, yes SISSY, I have a double CHIN, but I am not Grandfather turtle, They are ugly Creatures and She laughs, OKAY OPPA! HA HA!! I told you I am right about your double CHIN, ANd I will not call you no grandfather turtle, but I call you BIG MAC and I be like, I am Not going to eat no more big macs if is looks like my face and I tell her, Now SISSY, I am going to use the rest room so Please GO out the door and she goes, COme down stair, there is a breakfast ready on the table for YOU, and I slam the door, and LOOK at my face, it is round like a circle and I pinch my chin and I pull it with my finger and it sure does stretches and I give a face, YUKIE!! EWW, and knodd my head going side to side and I turn away from the mirror and I turn on the shower, and Since My younger sister is Out and she be at down stairs and I start to see the warm is getting warmer and I begin to snapp my fingers and move my hips, sway to the left and sway to the right, Now baby DIP, and I am like OH yeah, Now DIpp baby DIPP, snapping and I am removing everything outs and I go into the bathtub and I be yelling from my voice, WHOA!! WHOA!! and start to Howling and humming as I put shampoo on my head, and I am singing songs but I do not even know the lyrics, making up just my own and I put soap in my boy and start to scrub my body with a soap scrubber as I am howling and WHOAING and WOOING and shaking in the tub, snapping my fingers left to right, and I am jumping up and down and bobbing my head until I am done taking a shower, as I turn off the water and dry myself with the towel and I did not even bring my close in so I open the door and go to my room and start to put on my boxer, pants and even tshirt and I think my MAMa was already in here before cuz the clothes were all lined up on my bed, and I start to wave and slide through the carpet and I looked at the clock and pointed, OH yeah, It is time to go to school even tho I did not want to, so I come down the stairs and I see my younger sister with her back pack and her lunch box in her hand, and I be wondering, MAMA!! MAMA!! and I pointed at the table and she was looking at me washing the dishes and tells me, Yes My SON, my AH DOR, and I pointed at the table and tell her, MAMA!! Where is my breakfast, Dont I needs to eat and she looks at me and tells me, in the Van you shall eat my son, my Ah dor and I am like, BUT I AM hungry, My stomache be growling inside, Can I eat now?? and she looks at me, NO, Not Now, YOU have to be patient and wait and I look at my mama and gave her a frown, Now My SON, go to the restroom and brush your teeth okay, while ILL be cleaning up the mess your father and your younger sister did for the plate and I go in the restroom in the first floor and I stomp my Feet in the rest room and I turn on the lights and I jumped and my father was in the toilet and he looks at me and I pointed, Father, OH Man Father, What did you eat, and My father looks at me and I be putting my finger on my NOSe and he starts to laugh and gave it a big BOOM, BR~OOM, BR~OOM and I am like it is about to rain in here and he looks at me and he be smiling Big and another BR~ROOM and I am thinking Man, Father I cannot brush my teeth up in here, with all that sounds and noise and the smell, and He laughs again and tells me, CHA MOOH, be patient and I put the tooth paste on the tooth brush and as I am going out, another BOOM BOOM, BR~ROOM!! and I am like MAMA!! MAmA!! what did you put in that food, what did you give to our Pops, he wont stop farting MAMA!! and I am scared that the food you are about to give me, ANother bad stomache and I hate it when I have to use the schools restroom they are nasty and people are so disturbing cuz there is no peace, Mama!! I think I should wait for the LUNCH BOX and Not eat the morning breakfast, On the first day of school, I had a very bad attack and Now seeing father going through DOUBLE the amount and my father laughs Out LOUD PUHAHAHA, BR~ROOM!! BR~ROOM!! and I point at the rest room and I look at my MAMA, DO you hear that bad stomache, If that food is the same thing that causes Bad tom tom for father, I aint going to put that in my mouth and my mama holds up the plate and I walk close to it to see what is in the plate and there was Pancakes, and my favorite Dish Korean spicy bacon and there was the scramble eggs and a piece of hash browns and my mama be waving at me and I felt like a dog, just standing there, my tongue was out and I looked and it smelled real GOOd and my MAma looks at me and she smiles, DO you see the kind of food on the plate My SON, AH DOR, and I am thinking, yes, the ones I love to eat and JUmp around in joy and I go down and see the PUG looking at me and it is in that Cage and I look at that ugly face and she be snifffing at me and I look at that eyes and I blow on her face, and she looks and gives me a growl, and shows me a teeth, and I point at that face and my younger sister also lays next to me on her tom tom and I look at her and I look at the PUG and I tell her, SISsy, and she looks at me and tells me, YES OPPA!! and I blow on her face and she growls again and shows me her teeth and I point at that dog and tells her, Do you see that teeth and My sister bites my finger and I goes, OUCH!! AHHH! Why you be biting my finger for and my younger sister looks at me and tells me cuz YOU are hurting that dog, this is what you get, and I grab her finger and I tell her, SIssy, let me take a big bite at you, me hungry anyways, Now And I open my mouth and I start to move my mouth up and down as you can her the two teeth, upper and lower hitting together and I grab that finger and it was very close and she pulls away and I miss her finger and she screams as she gets up and runs to my mama, and points at me, MAmA, Your SON is more mean than our Dog, he wants to bite me and break my finger off and I get up from my tom tom position and I tell her, MAMA!! MAMA!! Guess what your daughter has done to me, She first bite my finger and didnt you hear my say OUCH!!! MAMA, and I go to her and show her my finger which my younger sister bitten and I showed her the teeth mark, MAMA!! DO you see those marks, that is the mark of that daughter of yours, I thought she already ate, why she be wanting my finger too and my mama looks at me and she tells me SON, AH DOR, Your younger sister will not just do that unless you cause some kind of issues for her to make that reaction, what did you do to make her do that and I stood there looking at my MAma and told her, I told SISSy to look at that dog, I be blowing on her face and wanted to show SISSY the DOGS teeth and My mama looks at me and tells you, instead of the DOg, your sister bite you huh!! and I said, YES, Welps, it is for the dog and My father comes out of the restroom and the toilet sound was heard and my father looks at me and tells me, SON, I know that you needs to brush your teeth, Now I am outs go inside and handle your business and I walked into the restroom and I sniff in the rest ROOM and once my nose sniffs, EWW!! it smelled Aweful and I am like Father, I do not wanna use it there, it smells bad, and I came out of the restroom and my mama and my younger sister starts to laugh and told Me, Go in there and hold your breathe, YOU can do it, and My younger sister starts to point and laugh and I tell her and motioned my hands, COME on OVer here my pretty little sister, please come and know my heart and she knodds her head side to side saying UH NO, and she looks at me and tells me as she points, YOU fo in there to handle your business and I am going into the restroom and When my father sat on the couch, ANother BR~ROOM!! and I turn my head to look and he be smiling real Big and he tells me, That felt very good my son and I am like EWW!! YOU have an earthquake in your stomache Father, Mama, I aint going to eat that, if I be having that stomache in the school and all the kids are going to look at me as a farting Boy and I do not want that name and I be holding my breathe and walking in the restroom and turn on the lights and I put the tooth paste on the tooth brush again and started to open my mouth AH, as I open the water faucet and pour the water into the cup and I am brushing my teeth fast, upper, lower and on the side, and I am losing my breathe and I can still smeel the skunk and I am just holding hitting my chest and I spit the paste out of my mouth onto the sink and the water takes the paste away and I am putting water into my mouth and I be goggling it in my mouth and I would move the water in my mouth to the the left, to the right and I would spit it out of my mouth and I be looking at my teeth to see the shine and I shut the lights out and I am stilling holding my breathe in as I run out of the restroom and I finally let out the breathe and I am just on the 90 degrees angle putting my hands on my knees trying to catch my breathe and my Mama looks and tells me, SOn, Ah Dor, let us go out nows and I be running to my shoes and I would fight my foot into the shoes as I slip it in both of my feet, and My mama has the back pack and the lunch box ready and she gives it to me, I put the back pack on my back as the two straps are on my shoulder blade and my younger sister opens the door and My Mama tells us, KIDs, what do you say to your father and my younger sister looks at my father and she runs to him and she hugs him and my father kisses her cheek and tells her, Have fun at school my daughter and he looks at me and tells me SON, and I walk to my father and He tells me as he opens his arms wide, and I go into his arms and he closes and tells me, SON, have a good time and learn well okay and I knodd my head up and down inside his arms of love and he opens it up to let me outs and I run out side after my younger sister, and my mama looks at my father and they wave at each other, As I am waiting by the van and the door unlocks, I am on the passenger side of the back of the van to the side and the door opens and I go inside, and my younger sister is on the front passanger side of the van and she opens the door and goes inside, she puts the seat belt on and she waits, as my MAma is on the front driver side and I am sitting on the back driver side and I see my mama handing the plate to my younger sister and my younger sister is looking at the plate and I see her nose against the scramble eggs and the korean spicy bacon and she is licking at her lips around her mouth in a circular motion and at first I did not see it but then I begin to see that her eyes are on the plate and she looks at me and It makes me jump up, and I am getting nervous that she will eat my food and she tells me with her hand motion, COme here OPPA!! LOOKIE LOOKIE what is on the Plate, YUM YUM YUM YUMMIE!! and My stomache began to growl and it started to sing a song for FOOD and I am sitting up as my younger sister begins to pick up the korean bacon with her finger tips, and placing on her nose and I am Like, I had it enough of this teasing me kinds of deal and I get out of the seat and I go close to my younger sister and she would not let me see the Plate and I be like, SISSY, isnt that what MAMA made for me, and she knodds yes it is, But you say you did not want it right, Very very BOOM BOOM for your TOM TOM OPPA!! and the plate is close to her nose and she be sniffing like it isa cocaine and I am thinking, SISSY, my stomache is angry cuz it needs to be filled, it needs food and energy, give me the plate and I opened my arms at her, stretching out for her to see I want the plate and She turns her body towards the window and she is sniffing and I start to whine and kick on the floor and I begin to Pout looking at my MAma and tell her, MAMa!! MAMA!! Me Hungry MAma!! LOOK what your daughter is doing and my mama put the key into the Ignition and turns on the engine and I point at the plate looking at my MAmA, and I tell her, MAMA!! MAMA!! She aint giving me the plate and my MAma smiles and she reverses the van and she is actually ignoring me and not saying anything and I begin to Grumble at my MAMa, MAmA!! MAMA!! LOOk at Me, LOOK at me MAMA!! LOOK at what your daughter be doing to my food and My Younger starts to pick up the spicy korean bacon and she nibbles it and takes a bite and I start to roll around the van on the floor and I am having a panic atttact, MAMA, I started pout louder and Louder, MAMA!! MAma and My MAma puts on the D drive and the van starts to move and I get up cuz they are not paying any attention and I grab the plate from the other side which her hands were not on and we being to play tug o war, I am pulling the plate to me and telling her this is MINe NOW SIssy, she be pulling to her side and my younger sister looks at me and tell me, OPPA, this is now My FOOD, it is Not yours and I begin to yell at her and telling her, YOU have already ate this morning, This is MINE and I am pulling it hard as I can and I yank it out of her hands and my younger sister starts to cry and cry and I look over the bacon is in her mouth and she looks at my MAma and points at me telling me that I have taken her plate, OH MA, MAMA!! LOOK at that son of yours, he has taken that plate and I looked and I start to cry too, WAH!! WAH!!! WAH, and I sit on the seat and I grab the spicy korean bacon and I put it on my mouth as I start to chew wipping my tears as I be eatting that meat and I here the seat buckle unfold and SHe is coming out of the front passanger side and She gets out of that chair where she is sitting and she goes and jumps out of the seat and comes to me and she starts to grabb my plate, OPPA!! YOu said that you did not want to eat this plate, Do you remember what you told MAma, WHen Father was using the bathroom and you be holding your breathe and thinking that will be you in the school and MAMA gave that plate to me and not YOU!! and she points and grinds her teeth at me, I am putting more Korean SPicy Bacon in my mouth and my younger sister points and say, YOU such a messy eatter, like a Big Fat PIGGY Boy and just stuffing it as my younger sister starts to pull on the plate, OPPA, GIve the Plate to Me, it is not youurs any more and SHe grabs her hand and takes a big size of the pancake and She opens her mouth WIde AH and she puts it all in her mouth and starts to chew and kept on chewing more of the food and pushing me and pulling the plate as she is tearing the pancake to pieces, I point at the pancake and I am Crying again as I pointing, WAH!! WAH!! My pancake, GIve that to me and I get up trying to yank that, That is Mine pancake, Me HUNGRY sissy and I seee another piece of pancake and it is on the plate and I grab it with my fingers and stuff it in my mouth and she looks at me and points out the window, OPPA, look at that big crow, it is yelling and calling for your name and I look outside and I be looking for a big fat crow and I tell her, There is no Crow SISSY and She tears the half of the other Pancake that was not bittten which the other half is on my mouth as I be chewing at it and opens her mouth and stuffs it and starts to chew and I point at the pancake and start to cry even More, WAH!! WAH!! and the food starts to fall from my mouth cuz of I could not stop crying for the food, I be pointing, My FOOD, MY FOOD, almost more than Half is in your tom tom and not mine and she takes the scramble eggs and grabs it with her two hands, a big chunck of it and she runs to the front passanger seat and I am looking at the plate and no more Eggs, just a little pieces and I be pointing, NO NO NO, my favorite eggs, Wah Wah Wah!! she sits on that seat as she is opening her mouth and stuffing it all the way and starts to chew, her mouth be going up and down and she is wiping her mouth with her hands of the stuff of them eggs and I am just pointing at her and looking at the plate crying with my tears falling, she took my plate and I start to kick my feet around and my shoes starts to fly around, I look at the plate and kept on crying, WAH WAH!! and My MAmas voice rises and she tells me, SON, AH DOR, DOOK, DOOK my SON, and I start to sniff as I stopped crying after listening to that voice, my hand over my eyes as I am wiping my tears and I sat there just quiet wondering what is MAma going to tell me this time, I look at the plate and grab the tiny pieces of the scramble eggs and I stuff the rest in my mouth, and I hear my MAMA, and she tells me, SON, Ah dor, What you have done today, I want you to learn, you see that I have given up my time, energy and efforts to give you a food on that plate, You see that what has given to YOu, if you do not appreciate the blessings, YOU do not deserve it, and Why did you change your mind My son, Ah dor, YOU be complaining about the bad tom tom, and YOU kept on telling me that YOU did not want that food, that breakfast I made just for YOU, YOU see that I gave that you your younger sister cuz She is very quiet about many things, She does not complain or Pout, She does not even shout or yell, She takes in what is given and she remains good and still, YOU my son, Ah dor has to learn about being grateful, there are so many MAMAs who has no time to give, they have so much to do and give so little, and If you do not look at the heart of your mama, and you grumble and grouch all the time, I rather give the blessings to your younger sister more than YOU my Son, YOUR younger sister never complains to Me or Crys about anything, she is always happy what is given to you, and AS your MAMA, I want you to also know something about Our GOD, that he is too the same heart, he gives to those who are more thankful and will use what is given to bless more others, SON, Ah Dor, YOU have no rights to cry and take that plate, the blessing was your sisters today and what you have done is incorrect my SON, you have no reason to cry cuz the Plate yes it was yours at first, but YOU kept on telling me NO you did not want to eat, So I gave that away to your sister which DO you see her complaining, or causing any kinds of scene, she was very good, and whatever me, Your MAMA gives to her, I see in her eyes, she is more thankful than YOU my son, my Ah Dor, it is cuz I give you too much blessings and you needs to learn it the hardway, What do you say to your younger sister, Tell her your heart My SON, and I look at her and my younger sister looks at me, and she goes, OPPA!! YOU know that plate, the morning breakfast was Yours in the first place, But you did not want it, so MAMa gave it to me, YOU have taken my food and made MAMA angry today cuz you did not want to eat and be thankful for and I looked at my younger sister and I put my head Down, SISSY, I am very very sorry for today, and I am sorry to MAMA for what she had to put up with, Me so sorry MAMA and sissy and my younger sister looks at me and she smiles, OPPA!! YOU are always learning it hard, I guess you never use your head beforehand, YOU never think about the consquences cuz you just do without thinking of what you can cause other people to feel, OPPA!! maybe that is why I call you a turtle, cuz you are very slow sometimes and needs to think more before you take your actions and do them correctly, I sat there and I get out of the seat and bring the plate to my younger sister, SISSY, here is the plate that belongs to you, I know I have ruin your day and we are almost here at school, and as My mama drove up to the parking lot of the school and I see bunch of kids going into the elementary school, many with backpacks and lunch boxes in their hands, and My MAma looks at my younger sister, and she tells her, My beautiful daughter, DONt let this ever bother you, I know that sometimes your brother can be very difficult, he sometimes DO not understand thing correctly but KNow that MAMA loves you, COme here my Daughter and she opens her arms wide and my younger sister goes into the Arms of my MAMA and my Mama kisses her on the cheek, and tells her, My daughter, have a great day at school, learn alot and grow my daughter and she opens the door of the front passanger of the van and she goes out and waves her hand, MAMA!! her hands be waving, I will see you later and blows her a kiss and shuts the door as she walks towards the entrance door, and my MAMA looks at me and tells me, SON, and I look at the floor and she goes, Let me see your eyes my SON, and I look at her eyes and my tears start to run down, and she tells me, I am not trying to make anything difficult for YOU, but you needs to be more appreciate of What I give you and what the Lord has given us today, I know that sometimes things just does not turn rights but YOU have to remember that because I love you, I want you to learn, but you choose to learn it the hardway, SOn, I am not trying to make you feel bad or terrible But I want you to understand that YOur MAMA and even your younger sister, we all have feelings and emotions, we get hurt easily just like you and sometimes when YOU do not show that in your heart, YOu will hurt the ones around you, SON, wipe them tears and KNow that I love you very much, here as My mama opens her arms wide, and I stand up and I go into her arms of love and she closes her arms gently and it felt very warm and nice to be loved by My MAMA, and I tell her, MAmA, I know that I did wrong and I wanna tell you Me sorry again and she opens her arms to let me outs and tells me, SON, when you make that mistake, learn not to do it again OKAY and she gave me two thumps up and I smile real big as I wipe my tears and I went over to the door and opened the passanger and as I got out of the van, and she looks at me before I close the door, SON, do well in school and Have fun with the kids, learn to love those people around you and try to connect with those cuz we are all Gods creatures and He is our Creator Okay my son and I smile real big and I shut the door of the van, as I watch the van go and I waved and blew my MAMA a kiss in the air, I LOVE YOU MAMA and Thank YOU for making me understand How much YOU love this son of yours and I turned around and I pointed at the entrance door and I started to march, my backpak on my back and my lunch box on my hand and I am swinging my arms and down like I am in the military service and there were other little boys and girls who were marching with me and I looked at the clock, and the school was about to start, OH NO, as I opened the door, I see the clock right when you get inside the building of the school and the hand hits as the bell rings, and I begin to run down the hallway and there were some other kids who be running cuz they are late and as I ran down the hallway and I look at the door of my classroom, I open the door and all the kids were all in the class in their seats and I am thinking, I am late again and the heads all turn to look at me, and some yells, DO you need to use the restroom today, and people all started to laugh, YOU have a BIG BOOM BOOM in your tom tom, I bet even you BOOM BOOM sounds louder then the low rider base system in the cars and one of the boys in that lifts his head and he smiles real BIG looking at me, KEEEE!!! and I pointed at him and tells him, WHy you be smiling like that BOY, is there something funny you be looking at me and I tell him, Put your head down where it belongs Or my hands will push it down HA HA!! as I pointed at him and I be looking if there was another empty seat and OH NO, that curly hair girl who was behind me and the seat that is in the middle was opened and I did not want to sit there and that girl looks at me with them THICK glasses, them GOGGLes look and she points at the empt seat, and she smiles and I see them grills, them braces all shining bright and the teacher looks at me and tells me, SON, DJ, there is your seat, will you like to take that seat and I said, NOPE, Can I have another seat please, I do not like the middle seat and the teacher says, WIll anyone would like to trade with this young yellow little boy, and no one raises their hands up and I said, Teacher teacher, I cannot focus sitting there, can I sit in the back, I love the cool air in the back, Please teacher and she looks around and asked the second time, Would anyone would like to trade places with this yellow little boy and the curly hair with thick glasses raises her hands and she goes, I will trade the places with HIM and I am like NO!! NO!! not you, I do not wanna sit next to that curl thick glasses goggle wearing girl, I wanna sit in the back I be telling the teacher but that goggle wearing thick glasses keeps on raise her hands and I am like, MAN, what kind of classroom is this and the thick glasses with the goggle looking gets up and takes her stuff on the the front where I be sitting and I am walking very slowly to the seat she be sitting on and I am wondering, Help me Lord, I do not want to sit next to this girl and I put my stuff down, my lunch box and my backpak and I sat on her seat, it was warm tho and as I sat down on that chair, this girl would not stop bother me, After apologizing to her, she be turning around and keeps on looking at me and I be scratchin my head and she would look and smile, and I am like, I wanna remove them grills on your teeth, does not look so cute, it be nice if it made you look very pretty but NO NO NO!! and I be pointing at her teeth and I told her, Please Curly girl, If you keep on smiling at me with them grills, I wanna use my tooth brush to brush them grills cuz it looks very dull at least if it was shiny and sparkle, then I will not say anything, at least I wanna see myself on them grills, that is how the shine needs to appear and she would turn to the front and she be turning around to look at me and she would smile BIG again and I cannot concentrate and I am looking at that teacher and I am only seeing her mouth be moving but the words are not hitting my ears cuz this curl little girl keeps on turning around to show me her grills, And I had it enough and I raised my hand and she looks at me and I wanted to say something about that smile, It is no cute to look at and she is disturbing my concentration on the lesson the teacher be giving me and she be moving her eyelids up and down real fast and I wanted to poke those eyes out and watch her be screaming so that she does not needs to face me no more and the teacher looks at me and tells me, yes DJ, why is your hands raised up high, any questions on this lesson and I say as I get up out of the seat, teacher teacher, Can I have the seat back that this curly little girl has taken, I want the middle seat back and the teacher said Why DJ, I thought you wanted to trade and I tell the teacher, I never wanted to trade the seat with her and I pointed at her curly hair, I wanted to sit somewhere else away so that I can have my peace and to concentrate on YOU, and the teacher says, Why do you want to change all of a sudden and I told the teacher cuz I though it be better sitting here but No, it is worse teacher, I can see your mouth be moving up and down, but no words is coming out of that mouth teacher, I do not hear or understand what you trying to teach me and she says Why DJ, why are you not hearing my words and I pointed at her hair and I said, this little curly hair girl be turning around and She be smiling real Big, I only see the grills sticking out but I cannot see you teacher, she be turning around looking in the front and turning around lookin in the back and everytime she turns my direction, she smiles, I do not want her to be smiling at me, it her teeth is white, I be smiling back but Grills NO NO NO teacher, so I need a new seat and that curly hair turns around and she gets up and points at me and tells me, YOU think I like you little yellow BOY, I do not even know you and this is the seccond day of school, I am only being very nice cuz you apoligized to me and Now, I only wanted to thank you that is why I smile, So do you want me to frown and give you such an ugly looks and I look at her and tells her, YOU know What, I only want peace, You keep on smiling with them grills, how would you like it if I be wearing them grills and keeps on smiling at you, I am here to learn about the assignments that teacher gives to us, Not about your smiles with your grills on, Please talk to my hand and she points at me and the teacher stops the conversation between us, and all the boys and girls looking at us just going at it, and even the boys who were all in the back sleeping wakes up after all this commotion and the teacher tells us to trade the seat, So I take my stuff and she takes her stuff and we trade the seats and I sit on the seat on the middle and I felt like heaven, and I would turn around to look at the thick glasses, goggle wearing girl and I stick my tongue out at her and laugh, HA HA!! and I turn around and the pretty little girl in the front of me turns around and I be like WOW, she is very pretty and when she smiles, there was this big dark mark on her teeth and I was like EWWW, wondering what that is on her teeth, a Black mark, and I wanted to tell her, Not to smile cuz it gives me the goosebumps and after that, I did not think of her being pretty anymore, as the teacher started to pass down the folders, and It was like six rows of going down and as I get the folder, I member I opened it up and the teacher would say, My kids, I be giving you homework assigments, and when you do your homework, and you bring it to the class, I will give you a stamp on that day that you did your homework, it has nothing to do with your grades but the stamp represents you are doing the assignments that I give you and On the last day of the week, YOUr parents signature must be sign on that line for them to see the stamps and that you are doing what I have told you to do okay kids and I be like, WOW, this is pretty cool, stamps with a smiley faces, and I started to count the little squares and How many stamps I can get for the month, and as the teacher started to write things on the board and the books are turning page to page, and she will be telling the students to read this page to that page and there will be POP quiz and I be like, I hate pop quizes and I hate reading all this boring books but to get the stamps and to pass the class, I have no choice to do what the teacher tells me to do, and the half day goes by, and we are in the line and I am holding up the lunch BOX which is in my hands and from the tallest to the shortest single line we all walk to the lunch room, and My stomache be growling around this time, and I am HUNHRY for some food, as we enter the cafeteria and The whole 4th grade is in the lunch room, I see some going over to eat the school food and I sit on the table with my classmates and that curly hair girl with thick glasses, it seems like she is here to ruin my day and she sits accross from me and she looks at me, and I am thinking, What am I suppose to do with this person, Oh help me, If I be nice to her, She will not stop close that MOuth, and she will smile showing me her grills all day, If I be mean and I make her cry, I feel so sad cuz I did not mean too but she would just look at me and she was angry and since she did not say a word to me, I felt bad being ignored by her and she looks at me and she opens her lunch box and she had something really nice to eat and I am poiinting at her food and she looks and said, WHAT!! Now you wanna say something mean about my food too huh!! I truly thought that YOU are a good friend and a nice person and can be a good guy, YOu are just like the rest of other guys, A big Fat BULLy and a meanie to me and I look at her and I tell her, I am no BULLY, I was not trying to cause no scene, but you kept on showing me something I did not want to see, so How am I suppose to take it all in and be silent about that you curly little thick glasses girl, and she looks at me and she tells me, I am only trying to be friendly with you little yellow boy with a double chin and I saw her cutting the meat with the fork and the knife and I looked at her and she be licking her lips over her mouth and she began to drool as I am looking over her lunch box wanted that taste of that meat, and it smelled really good and she looks at me and tells me, WHy are you staring at my lunch box, Does your mama make your food, Dont you have something in your lunch box to eat you yellow little boy and I opened up the lunch box and it was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I pointed at her lunch box and she points at mine and laughs at me, SO your mama loves you enough to make something as simple as that and she points at her lunch box, lOOK at how my mama takes her time to make me this juicy meat and She cuts the meat through and her fork lifts up and her mouth opens up WIde AH and I see her put that meat in her mouth and the fork slips out and she is smiling real Big BIg Big and making that noise of saying UH HUH, YUMMIE YUM YUM and she looks and I see her chew on that meat and I look at her and I open my mouth wide and point at her meat and I point at my Mouth and I am like AHHHH! Give me some Meat, AHHHH!! and she looks at me and holds her lunch box into her hands and says NO, and puts that lunch box near her chest and she twist, she turns and I am like CUrly Hair girl, pretty Please and I am pointing my finger at my mouth and I am opening up my mouth wider and saying AHHH, I need some meat, I wanna take a taste how your MAmA be making you those meat, AHHHH, AHHHH and she looks at me turns her head NOPE, NOPE and she looks at me and tells me, Then YOU little yellow boy, what do you say to me for hurting my feelings today, if you can say the right words to me, maybe I be thinking about sharing with you this meat and I am like, OH NO, DO I really have to apologize to her, What if she keeps on showing me her grills since I be nice to her, But that Meat looks so juicy and fat and I looked at her and tells her yes, I will Apologize for that meat and I tells her, YOU Curly hair thick glasses little girl, I wanna say I am sorry about them grills I be telling you abouts, Sorry to make fun of you, and that girl smiles real Big and I had to see them grills again and she takes her knife and cuts the meat and it was big chunk of meat and she be smiling and smiling as the fork is lifted near my mouth, and I am just drooling, the water leaps of joy and I open my mouth, AHHH and that fork enters and my heart screams, Yes, Me My Meat and as the meat goes in I close my mouth and she pulls the fork out as it slide out of my mouth and YUMMIE YUM YUM!! and as I chew on that meat, Man it was good meat, Soft and tenderly meat and I am touching my tom tom as I be chewing that meat breaking into the pieces and I am like WOW, what an Amazing meat and she looks at me and I be pointing at her meat again and I open my mouth wide AHHHH and I break the half of the bread of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I give it to her, I am opening up my Mouth for more meat, it was spicy and her arms move forward towards my lip as I open my mouth Wide wide Open AHHHH and the meat, as it goes in the second time I close my mouth as the fork slips out the second time and as my teeth, upper and the lower takes a bites and the pressure squeezes the meat and the juice squirts into my mouth and the taste of a lemon, WOW, I began to chew as I be knodding my head up and down, YUMMIE YUM YUM, OHHH WEEE!! and I am stretching my arms out and I begin to move my hips in the seat and the little curly girl sees me loving that meat and she starts to cut with the knife more using the fork and she cuts them into little pieces and starts to jab into the meat and she looks at me and tells me, DO you want more of this meat and I be rubbing and touching my tom tom and I tell her YESSS, I want more meat, AHHH, I open up my mouth and I begin to eat her lunch box, all the little pieces of the meat with the sweet taste of lemon starts to enter my mouth and I am begin to move my body around, boucing on the seat and the people starts to see this little yellow boy be moving with a great big smile of JOY, and I tell them, I got the JOY JOY JOY JOY down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart, I got the JOY JOY JOY JOY!!! yes sir ri, I have that Joy and I look at the curly little girl as she be giving me the last piece of Me and I opened up My Mouth and she is giggling as the fork enters and it slips out when I be closing my mouth and I be dancing in the seat as I am chewing on that meat and people are like, What is that boy be eatting making him smile so big, he be dancing like a BEEE and I look as I start to eat the half of the sandwich and I am drinking the juice and as the hour of the lunch goes by, and all the 4th graders all gets up to ready to go to class, I did not want to go to class cuz I am so full and we all had to be in a line from tallest to the smallest and I was almost way in the back and people started to follow the teacher as the teacher lead us back to the classroom, and I member I sat in the class and I felt so full and as the teacher was teaching some lessons, and the books are all opened and I am looking at the words on the book, my eyes started to feel heavy, it was very warm in the classroom and the sun was out, so it kept warm for us all kids, I began to look around and people eyes started to close and even my eyes kept on shutting down and I could not get the words in my ears of the teacher and I raise my hand and the teacher looks at me and tells me, yes DJ, Do you have question and I tell her, teacher, it is very warm in here and I think most of us are full, cuz of the lunch we had, can you turn up the cooler, LOOK at how many kids wanna sleep teacher and she looks around and many heads are down and they all wanna sleep and she looks at me and smiles real big and she ends up going somewhere to turn on the cooler ace, and when the teacher comes back, we had to wait awhile to make the room temperture to cool down, I be hearing kids sleeping and they be snoring and I wanted to sleep too, the kids in the back next to the back window, where the sun makes it warm, they be sleeping well, and I wanted to sleep with them but every time My eyes drifts, the teacher looks at me and my eyes be closing and I had to open them cuz she be looking directly, it is very hard to focus and it is very hard to sleep in the class when you in the middle and you can be easily seen, as the lesson is over and the kids all get up, we all had to go to the PE class, for phyiscal Exerocise and I really love going to the PE class cuz it wakes you up and I member the whole fourth grader comes together and we had this one sports we would play together, Class A versus Class B and man it be fun, and for this year game was soccer, and I member the kids would go out to the field and there were two postpoles and I saw the two superstars and they were together and they looked at each other and said, We are going to cream this grade, PUHAHAHAHa, They have no superstars in their team and I member I had to go out into the field and it was all together sports game, Does not matter if you a little girl or little boy, YOU still be playing you would switch off and I member the PE teacher would stand there and he had the soccer ball in his hands, I be stretching in the field, turning and twisting my body, putting my hands down trying to touch my toes of the shoe, and I started too look and one of the superstar of the soccer player, he was a striker and he was very good and he points at me and tells me, HA, I member last year, you were lucky with the football but this is my game and you are here on my world, my turf now, and the PE teacher blows his whistle and the two superstars had the soccer ball first and they are passing to each other as they are running, trying to shoot into the our goal side and they were fast and they had mad skills with their foot work, and I am trying to run after them as they are passing at each other, I would run to the one with the ball and he would pass to the other player and I would stop chasing him and run after the one with the ball and he be passing and I be getting very tired easily and as the one guy passes to the striker and he shoots in the soccer ball and the goally could not catch the ball and it goes through GOAL!! and they be looking at our classroom grade and laughs at us pointing their finger at the team and I am like, We really suck, and I stand there pouting and stomping my little two feet on the ground and I point and the players gather together and we make a circle to make a plan and one of the classsmates says, Man, they have such a stronger player which makes a strong team and I tell them But do you see that it is only the two players who has the ball all the time, They have to get tired for us to win and I tell them, BUT we can come as a team together if we wanna make something happen, I have noticed that the two soccer player, they be hogging the ball for themselves but we are more who can pass to each other, that means if we work as a team, we can score easier and we put our hands together and tells each other, FIGHTING we shouted out and the ball was given to me and I be running with the ball and I be kicking the ball and the two best players are in the center and I began to pass that ball to one of the teammates and he would take the ball and would kick and run, he would pass to the girl who is in our team and the two super stars begins to see that we are working as a team, kicking the ball and running, we would pass to each other and we would keep on doing that till we reached to the goalie and one of the team mates tried to kick the ball in but missed, and we had to defend by going back, and the two soccer superstars would not pass the ball to their teammates but only for themselves and I see that it is time and as we move apart and I be where the goalie is at to help but the others of my team mates, they be spreading and be chasing after but moving in one direction and it was hard for the two superstars to hit the ball in cuz we began to work as a team and they were like the ball hoggers for their own team and As we waited for the two super stars to be tired and I saw them begin to ware down and I told my team mates, Now is time, let us move now and the striker kicks the ball trying to hit into the goal post and the ball comes directly at me and It hits my chest as I blocked it, and I had the ball, I began to kick the ball and keep on running my two little feet and I would pass to my right, and that person would pass back to me and I would pass it to my left person teammate and he would pass and I had this chance to kick into the goal line and I passed it to the right and that person shoots very hard like a striker and the ball goes in and we started to run around yelling and screaming, kicking my little feet up in the air like I was in the tae kwon do class and we all began to jump around, our class mates all begin to just jump, even our teacher who was there to support and The two super stars had the ball and I was in the back with the goalie and one on the left and the right, they too was with me and the two super stars would pass to each other and the striker would come around and he would shoot hard and I see the ball be coming real fast and it is flying and I run up to the flying ball and I had to take a hit, and BOOM, it hits me on my right shoulder blade and it stops the ball entering in, and now I had this chance with the ball as I am kicking it and running with the ball and I be passing it to my left and the ball will come back, I will pass it to the right and the person would keep on running and kicking that ball, people who gets tired would switch off for the new players to play and I had to rest several times in the game and as I was given a chance to play once again and the ball was passed to me and I was close to the goalie and I kicked the ball as hard as I can but one of their teammates block the shot and he passes to the super stars and I member that striker kicks as hard as he can and the ball is flying and one of our teammates run and he jumps up as the ball hits his forehead and it blocks as the ball bounces off and goes into the net of the opposing side and I member I look over to that person and It felt very glorious as I saw the ball go through and we won that game, two the one was the score and even tho our team had no great super star players, it was more about coming together as a One, it was more all about unity as a team player and I member we ran to that one guy who ran and he jumped in the air and the ball was flying as the ball hit and bounced off his head, and I saw his eyes closed and the ball hit hard and he fell down on the ground and the ball went the opposite direction but into the net cuz the goalie could not stop the ball going in and we ran to that boy, we came together and picked him and threw him up in the air, we were more the smaller size, we had no great players, the two soccer player, they actually were in the league so they were good but very cocky people I felt and as the school was over, and I member I had my back pack and My lunch box, the bell rings and I am at the entrance door waiting for the van, My MAMA to pick me up, and My younger sister looks at me and tells me, OPPA!! Why are you smiling so BIG, YOU must had a great day at school today and I told her, SISSy, we played soccer today and we won, it felt like the GIANT Goliath versus the Little David who was so powerful less, we had no good players who knew how to player the sport soccer, But One thing that I learned is being the Head, and all about being as One in a team, It does not matter how great of a player you can be but if the great player only thinks about himself, and He is a ball hogger and wants the glory for himself, if he tries to fight with many who comes as a team ONE, he cannnot win, and I learned that it is better to work together as a Team then you be greater for yourself and I saw a proven game today and I have learned so much through this soccer game and My younger sister looks at me and she smiles real BIG and tells me, OPPA, I am glad that YOU are begining to see things with a new eye sight, that is why school is important, that is why our parents wants us to do well in school to learn great deals of things before you meet the world OUTside, Now do you see why Our parents be pressing hard about our education, and about school to finish well, and I look at my younger sister and tells her, I see that I am learning something new everyday, as me and my younger sister waits for the van, I see the van coming in and My Mama is putting the window down, she be waving at us and smiling real big to get inside, and both me and my younger sister runs to the van and I open the back passenger side of the door, and my younger sister, the front passenger side as we open the door and go inside the van and we close the door together, my younger sister wears the seat belt on and my MAMA looks at me and she looks at my younger sister and she says, What a Great BIG SMiles on your faces, WOW, you guys both are shining so bright today, I guess the school must be very fun for both of you and my younger sister looks over at me and tells my MAma, OH MA, MAMA!! Honestly I was not having a good day, I was just going through some stuff, but when I saw OPPA, he just made me smile real BIG, I was not smiliing until I saw his Face, that round face double CHIN, it looks cute when OPPA smiles real Big that it made me also smile back at him and My MAMA tells my younger sister, What did your OPPA share with you made the frown turn upside Down and she says, the game of a soccer that he learned something, and AS my MAma begins to drive the van and she tells my younger sister, Tell me what is his good news, and She begins to share what I told her about the soccer game I had which made me smile and made her SMILE. One thing That I wanted to share to the Body of Christ about this part is this, What Makes YOU smile to reach someone and to know about who Our God is, YOU see that people have different times that they go through and the Most people that should be smiling real BIG is not the NON Christians, But those who are Christian, there is a reason why We needs to smile cuz what is the GOODnews, Our God has set YOU free, If you know that Our God who truly loves you from His heart, the greatest and the GOOD news is that He has given us the gift of His salvation, which we all needs to smile ABouts, DO you know that One single smile could light ones life who is dealing in a terrible or a miserable spot in their lives, Just a glance of a single life can turn the frowns upside down and that gives a way for the hearts to open up to you, When people are struggling in this harsh and a dark world a chance is given us to speak the Gospel to them is also through a One smile, people never think about this way but we all have the goodnews and we are the carrier to give them a goodnews, YOU see that the words may be hard to be reached but a SMILE can open the door to a heart which been closed for a long time, that means look how hard it is, look how tough this world can be but We should be thankful and be the most appreciative people cuz We as a Child of God, we know that GOD loves you the Most and right there is a true reason for you to smile and let the people around us to catch that glimspe and they be wondering WHY is that person smiling so BIG, that smile is a way to open the gates of a door that has been closed and When you look at this part of the personal story,, one thing that God taught me is that My younger sister was strugglin, But I did not know that, She saw my SMILE so BIG that she had to ask WHY are you smiling for when SHe is having a bad day, but also she started to ask after seeing a smile which opened a chance for me to speak into her life about a great day I was having, It was so congatious that her emotions of the struggles went away and it flipped to a SMile, she never shared her problem but that was a part of a healing process, she needed to see a One to smile for her and it hit and bounced into her heart that the one smile gave a life into her heart and she started to smile as well, which when My MAMA saw that, she had to ask what is the goodnews, why are her two kids be smiling so big and she wanted to ask about our day we be having, and my mama asked My younger sister about ME, a witness of a smile turned a light in the van, and FOr us all, YOU know who loves YOU, and If you cannot even smile about your Master who set you freee, YOur Father who has chosen you to walk with HIM and to experience the Power of his Love, right there is already why YOU should smile, the world is hard and cold, but a smile will make a difference that someone who do not know the Lord our God can make an easier approach to you, and I feel like that There is always a great reason for all Christians to smile back, that smile can change a ones life forever cuz it brings them back into the arms of our God, I just hope that you my brothers and sisters in Christ can smile alot MOre, cuz we have a reason to smile and it is the New life which Our God has given into our hands, We are the Light which needs to reflect and ALso to have flavor as a salt in which people can taste and see. I wanted to encourage the Body of Christ, TO keep your head UP and smile real BIG, that will bring one soul closer to our God. I member I was at the diner table and I was looking at my HomeWork paper and my MAMa was on the floor cutting something like squash for the family to eat and I looked down at my MAma and tell her, MAMA!! MAMA!! Can I go out and play with my friends, I bet they are at the park having real fun and Sissy went out today and she is playing with her friends, MAMA why cant I go out and My MAMA looks at me and tells me, MY SON, Ah DOR, Did you finish your homework cuz the reason why your younger sister is able too, she let me see her homework and she has chosen to finish it at school and I told her, NOPE, Not yet but I can do it later right? and she said, NO my SOn, Ah DOR, I know that later means never cuz you will stop wanting to do, first finish all your homework and Then I will let you go out to play or whatever you wanna do and I would kick my two feet around I be grumbling, I would say, MAMA!! MAMA!! I hate doing this Homework, it is boring and I do not understand this, I hate doing mAth, I hate history and even science, it is so boring and I would look at the math paper and YAWN loud, And I tell her, MAma!! MAMA!! is 3 + 2= 4, and My MAma looks up and tells me, SON, Ah Dor, what is 2+2=? and I said 4 and she said then How can 3+2 be 4, add one more and I said 5 and she said, yes my SOn, that is right, that is correct and On the blank and beside it I put 5 and pointed at all the other blanks I had to fill, I said MAMA!! and she looks at me and I said MAMA!! MAMA!! thank you, MUAH and threw her a kiss and she smiled real BIG for me and As I begin to write down on the sheet of blank answers, going down the line of the addition and subtraction, and I have finished my math homework and I looked at a folder next to the homework paper and opened it up and My MAma gets up and she comes on over and she looks at the folder I opened up and points at all the stamps that is filled on the squares for homework, OH MY SON, my AH DOR, I love those faces that smiles, I see your folder and I see how much you are doing something for yourself and I start to point at the stamps on the squares and I look up to my MAma, MAMA!! MAMA!! YOU know what all that stamps means right? and she saids, yes my SON, that means you are doing all your homework and letting the teacher knows that it is been approved and I start to count the boxes with smiley faces of the stamps, One, two, three, four, five and on and on I be coounting and My MAma asks me, Are you done with you homework and I look at her and knodd my head moving up and down, yes mama, I am finished, Can I go and play and she looks at my homework paper and smiled BIG, yes my SOn, My Ah dor, you can play and I get up out of the chair and I look over and I go to the television and I look at the nintedo BOX, I put a Video Game in and turn on the channel to its right place and place super mario bros in, as the game comes on and I tell my mama, OH MA!! MAMA!! MAMA!! come on over here and watch me play, and I point at the television and I jump up and down out of JOY and she sits on the floor, and AS I be moving the controler and My body is moving side to side and my MAmA tells me, SON, why are you moving so much of your body, I cannot see the screen and my BUTTCHEEKS would be blocking her view and when super Mario be jumping and It makes me jump, BOING BOING BOING!! and I be pointing, LOOK Mama!! he is jumping and me TOO, my feet be stomping on the ground and GRRROWLing, NO NO, WHY DIE? I am super Mario and I would jump side to side, and front and back, my body be leaning one way to the next and When I die, I be mad and would point at the Mario, and tell him WHy did you Die, LIVe Mario Live, and I be grumbling and stomping my feet up and down, my feet be stomping on the ground again and GRRROWLing, NO NO, WHY DIE? and I be kicking in the air and my MAma be like, my son, I hope that people will not play with you, YOU get very violent when you lose, and I be like, MAMA!! MAMA!! it is cuz Mario no good, he does not wanna live but I wanna live for him and I would play again, moving side to side, my feet be stomping on the ground and GRRROWLing, NO NO, WHY DIE? and yelling at the screen when I lose and Die, and start to hit the floor and kicking around on the floor, pouting and poouting, YOU SUCK Mario, YOU SUCk!! CHII, and I hear some people coming over and I hear some giggles and I turn around and the door opens, My younger sister comes with two friends and I put pause on the game and I run to my younger sister and I point, SISSY, where did you go, How come you are coming home late and she looks at me removing her shoes and her two friends remove their shoes and put it on the floor and gave a smile at me and I wave my hands, HI, and I point at one of the girls, Hey, I know you, YOU are from the other class right, and she looks at me and says, yeah, I am, Nice to meet you, My name is Esther and I am like, I am DJ, her older brother, ye~AH, YE~AH, and who is that and I point at the smaller girl and Esther looks at me and tells me, OH, she is my younger sister Elaine and I look at her and tell her, HI Elaine, you look cute, Nice to meet you and My younger sister looks at me and tells me, OPPA!! you have forgotten to say something and I look, and I say HUH!! What SIssy, What Have I forgotten to say, and she be angry, So you are going to come to two of my friends and say HI with a BIG SMILE but you ignore me like I am not a company of yours, HOw RUDE, BOO WOOO OPPA!! BOO WOOO!! I am not going to give you no cnadies tonight, remember it is Halloweeen and I was about to give you some, BUT NOPE NOPE!! Sissy, Why you aint giving me some, WHY WHY WHY!! SISSY, you are suppose to share with Me right!! my younger sister looks at me and tells me, OPPA!! YOU still did not say something to Me, what did you say to my two friends, and I be scratching my head and I be wondering, SISSSY, I told the two HI and introduce my name and she tells me the first word PLE~ASE!! and I say, HI, is that what you want to hear from me and she knodds her head UP and down, yes OPPA, but what good is all that when it is not from your heart, Gosh YOU are so slow, YOU a grandfather Turtle, and I point at her, hey, YOU told me no grandfather turtle and she says cuz I am frustrated how slow thinker you are sometimes, MAN, OH MA, MAMA!! MAMA!! tell this son, this little yellow boy who looks like a CHEESEBURGEER, my little BIG MAC of yours to not to talk to me any more, Sometimes I want to spank his BUTTCHEEEKS and make him cry like a little baby girl and I point at her, YOU do not have to say it in front of your friends, and I start to jump and up and put up my dukes, OH yeah Sissy, I am going to knock you out, MAMA says that she is going to knock you out too, HA HA!! and I be to bounce my two little feet like a Kangaroo and my younger sister looks at me and she knodds her head like whatever as he hands went up to my face like I be speaking to a wall and pushes me out of the way and I look at Esther and I be like, OH, She is pretty korean girl, and I keep on staring at her and my younger sister looks at me and tells me, OPPPA, what are you doing, WHy you be looking at my friend that way, It creeps me so it must even creep her out and I look at her and ask her, DO I creep you outs, YOU pretty, KEE KEE and I showed her my SMILE real Big and she turns her face and I be like Maybe I be YUKIE too her and my younger sister tells her two friends and she says, Hey guys, just wait right here and I am going to show you two something pretty my MAMA has gotten for me, and I go back to the remote control of the game and press start and I am just pointing at the screen of the super Mario Bros and I am hoping around, LOOKIE Lookie and my younger sister runs up the stairs and the two sisters are watching me moving around side to side, when Mario Jumps it makes me jump too and my hands is yanking this way and yanking that way, going back pulling, up and down my hands are going, my body swaying to the right and left and when super Mario be jumping, I would jump too again. TO BE CONTINUE: THANKS FOR LISTENING DJ!!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:30:04 +0000

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