VET BILLS NEVER A WORRY WITH PETS OWN BANK ACCOUNT! Good morning! Hope all our lovely mums had a wonderful Mothers Day :) Todays tip is about a different kind of kid - furkids! Much as we love them, keeping pets can be expensive, especially when things go wrong such as accidents and illness. Vet bills can be downright crippling to the budget! So we loved this idea from Simple Savings member Claire. Having been stung once, she came up with her own preventative measures to make sure it never happens again! I never have to worry about huge unexpected vet bills again since I set up my own easy alternative to pet insurance! When we lost our precious cat 18 months ago due to ill health, we didnt have pet health insurance; we just kept using the credit card. We didnt worry about the cost, we just wanted her better! Unfortunately this didnt happen and as well as the grief of losing our furbaby we were left with a very hefty credit card bill. Later on, when the time felt right, we adopted two kittens and looked into pet health insurance. However we discovered when looking at the fine print, there are certain things which are not covered. Not only that but as the animal ages (when you are probably going to need it most), the premiums increase! I looked at the average monthly payment they quoted for two young cats and instead of signing up for insurance I opened a savings account with the bank. I put the same amount of money as I would have paid the insurance company into the cats bank account every month. This makes interest and the more money that stays in the account, the more interest is gained. Should either of our animals require veterinary care any time in their lives we will now be prepared and have money available. No terms and conditions, no increased premiums and no more credit card bills!
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 21:07:48 +0000

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