VGMC VGA MEETING SUMMARY DATE: 24TH JULY 2013 VENUE: KUALALUMPUR, MALAYSIA VIRGING GOLD MINING CORPORATION is the Pre-IPO company head office located in Panama as offshore company and have Premire office service in Dubai to serve all premier shareholders in Asia. The company are doing mining business and start to offer CPS-share since January 2010. The main goal of VGMC is to go IPO as public listing in stock market as many mention in website FAQ, term and condition before subscribe the share. But many shareholders are confusing they invest money is to get Dividend and Bonus only not want to go IPO. This is the different purpose between VGMC and its shareholders. VGMC offer only any shareholders who want to go in stock market. Below is the summary that I got from the meeting with VGA during in Malaysia. 1-Why AGMAC have to return back all CPS-GOLD shares to VGMC Panama? VGMC transfer the CPS-Gold to AGMAC to process listing as their plan but because of many disturb from shareholders itself and some cooperate between VG Resource and VGMC are not complete requirement from AGMAC. 2- Why VGMC no more update news and any more contact in their website? NO, now VGMC had done their task and all the work hand over to the third party to process IPO. Nauer Service Limited is an appointed agent by local security commission that every companies must follow the law. But we shareholders still can contact direct to PANAMA Office +5078365099 and Nauver Office Fax:+44203 195 0301. For the news they already give the clear announcements in the website and they still have website and give us the update news just wait for next news. VGMC website still we can check and log in they are not run away. 3- When KYC process in Asia? KYC now there is the process only in LONDON, because the Nauer have to follow the local security commission. It not easy for them to have KYC office outside London because the IPO will be done in London and the law is there. Nauver and VGMC itself have to follow law also. But if any shareholders from different countries who difficult for going London we have to show the proof and tell the reason why you can not go London. And they try to seek other solution. 4- KYC is real or not? Every shareholders have to know KYC (KNOW YOUR CLIENT) . before company make payment to shareholders they have to know who you are? KYC mean we have to proof ourself and show our face to local commission security that you are the owner of the share. KYC is real because there are a group of VGA already visit and done KYC at Nauer office. And now many shareholders from different countries start making appointment. So it is the proof. 5- What is the procedure to do KYC? Frist download form from vgmc website - Complete the form and fax to company to make appointment - Company will reply confirm the date by email and give confirm letter. - Print out confirm letter to embassy to get visa. If can not get visa we have to get reject document from embassy and inform back to company. - Bring hard copy of requirement documents and KYC fee 620 ponds. - After back from London company will send the payment method 0.2usd /share. - Company will send certificate of share to us within 3 months. - And company will give system to buy and sell our share. - Get money payment from broker. VGA said we have to try our best first to get Visa if do not get we have send them the proof. 6- When we can get money back VAD if not convert IPO? There is no mention yet about VAD from company during this time. Because the main aim of company is to go IPO. VGMC expect that all shareholders are agreed and mention in FAQ, term and condition all to agree to go IPO before subscribe the share. So about VAD we have to wait company announce to us. There is the procedure to give money back, but we have to follow the procedure of company and we do not know what price. the leaders said the procedure may not easy maybe we have to go London the same we have to show ourself and claim we are the owner and also the company who pay money is not VGMC, there will be third party to pay and the company also need to know who you are? 7- If not do KYC what will happen to their share? All VGA are strongly encourage all shareholders to do KYC, because KYC is very important for every shareholders in stock market and also to get money back. Company can not give money back to shareholders that they do not know. It must have procedure and some legal document to proof by our self. If not do KYC just wait announcement. 8- Can the share transferable during this time? No, the company not mention. 9- Why we need to pay 0.20usd for cps-platinum and cps-silver? why cps-gold we have to pay 0.78usd? 0.2usd is not pay to VGMC, 0.2usd the brokerage fee to convert to company that process to listing. Actually we should pay 0.78usd but because of VGA 001 request to vgmc so that they cover 0.58usd for all shareholders to pay to local security commission instead of shareholders. But only for Platinum and silver. The gold we have to pay 0.78usd full price that price is normal for going to stock market, vgmc itself must follow the procedure. 10- For the account use same information what will be the problem? The issue is our mistake because VGMC already mentioned in FAQ and give announcement for long time. All shareholders can use one name to register only. but we have to try and give proof that all the account belong to you. And we have to meet direct to Nauver and talk about this issue. Many shareholders are also use same information to register many accounts. 11- What is the Neure Service Limited company? The neuver company is the company that appointed by local security commission of London to give a service for KYC before listing. For more information pls read: nauercs/. 12- When go IPO? What is expecting price? The company now already process IPO 80%, so the expected to go IPO is on October 2013. And when we already paid the amount of IPO, the minimum price IPO start is 3.5USD to 4.5USD. But most VGA said normally the company going IPO the starting price is between 8USD to 12USD for the first start because most the share price in stock market in London is 30usd to 40usd. 13- How the company make payment to us after convert IPO? The company will payment to us when we decide to sell our share to any trader or fund manager. They will give us a system after IPO is finish. So in the system there is queue buy and queue sell the share as it happen normal to stock market. We can sell to any trader or fund manager through the system international brokerage company and then they will make the payment to us. Or after we get the certificate we can bring it to sell to any international brokers that cooperate with company. 14- Why company staffs are resign from VGMC? Because the VGMC panama is offshore company. The offshore company mean the company want to avoid or minimize the tax mostly have Panama British Virgin Island…etc. when they start enter to stock market they have to go onshore company that means they have to pay tax follow the standard to law. Another thing VGMC Gala Dinner already done so all marketing and Dubai department must finish the contract also. And all the task already done and handover to nauver company and other related companies to process IPO. And VGMC Head office still have in Panama, they not yet run away that we still can contact them +5078365099. Another thing the resign staffs already finished their task in VGMC another appointed management to process the work. 15- When we expect to sell our share after convert IPO? To sell when IPO is starting we can sell with the first price of IPO but if you want to get higher price you can wait . there is normally happen in stock market. As mention starting from October 2013. 16- What happen if we decide not to convert IPO? If you do not convert IPO, you will lose the right to go in to IPO, and there is no mention yet that we lose the share. Just wait and let see the announcement from company. 17- Why they go all products at the same time? Actually the company plan to separate the products to listing IPO. But because they fail the project with AGMC, and AGMAC send back the CPS-GOLD share to VGMC PANAMA. So they have to go listing by same products with CPS-Platinum and CPS-Silver. there is the instruction from Naver to bring all products go IPO at the same time. Because They can not do one by one. If they separate the products the cost is high also. 18- What is VGA suggestion? Finally, VGA remind all shareholders again and again do not fail to do KYC. As it is the company instruction us to get money back. And the decision to convert to IPO or not it is our choice, But they strongly urge us to be a part of IPO’s benefit as it is a good opportunity to be rich and IPO for VGMC is very real. Furthermore, the brokerage fee 0.2usd or 0.58usd we can pay any amount of shares that we wish to convert, there is no requirement to convert all your shares and also we can pay step by step by our ability. This time all shareholders have to follow company procedure, the thing we can not focus on problem to much as we are the businessmen the main thing how we can save some money to do KYC in London. Example of Calculate the profit If you decide to convert 10000 share The expense: - Brokerage Fee: 0.2USD x 10000 share = 2000USD - Fly and Air ticket: 1600USD - KYC Fee: 620 POND around 1000USD - VISA: 200USD - Others: 1000USD TOTAL EXPENSE: 4700USD Expect Money Return after sell the share 10,000USD Assume that the share price to start IPO in October is 4USD/share (Prediction only) 10,000share x 4USD = 40,000USD The profit will be 40,000USD – 4700USD = 35,300USD Thanks for reading this information, I hope that all information written above is benefit to you all and fulfill your question about VGMC go IPO. Anyways all us are shareholders, we are not company we know only the information that we can sharing this as we also a shareholders like all of you. GOOD LUCK! Reported by Haryfin Email: haryfinzan@gmail VGMC VGA SUMMARY MEETING.pdf Preview · Download
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 04:01:35 +0000

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