VIA: Kara Agoston Hey look what this message I just got says - TopicsExpress


VIA: Kara Agoston Hey look what this message I just got says about the Warning being very, very, very close. (just sharing since I already asked the above question...WOW READ THIS!! It Says The reason I am making every effort possible to every soul on the face of the earth is because the Warning and the chip that satan is going to try and put in your body so he can control you is very, very, very close. If you let them put the chip in your body with your own free will satan will then have total control of your mind. With the chip in your body it will be like a microphone that they can speak or put any noise in for you to hear to drive you crazy. Do not take the chip or the flu shot in your body because the chip controls your mind and soul and the flu shot weakens your immune system and puts mercury in your body at a seriously high rate that causes you to pick up all electrical noises and sickens your body and gives cancer and many other kinds of sickness. Science has proven that living next to main power plants and high voltage power lines causes cancer and many other sicknesses. Your body is made up of electrical pulses and high electrical contact causes electrical shorts in your body to stop it from functioning correctly. Most people will not understand this but it is important to know. Messages via the Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, 19 - 23 Oct 2014 HOLY FAMILY REFUGE: 2014 MESSAGES Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family and St. Michael to protect and guard the Word of God the Father to His son, 10/19/14 My most beloved son and children especially the ones that are most closely working with My son and helping him physically and spiritually. I give a special blessing to all of them and also to all My children who are reading these messages and helping them spread the truth from God the Father and getting these messages to the rest of the world. I do want these messages to go all over the world to save souls and teach them the truth of My one holy Catholic Apostolic Church. To all My children that are not Catholic the same graces go to you also because you are where I want you now, but to find the whole truth it is in the Catholic church that I started at the last supper and fulfilled it on the Cross when I gave up My life with Mary, My Mother, for all the sins of the world from the beginning to the end of times in the world. The Ten Commandments were given to guide all Christians to the truth so they could live in a state of grace in their life and the seven Sacraments were given for all Catholics so they could live in the fullness of grace. If you are Catholic you need to live within the Ten Commandments and the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church and go to Confession when in sin, and if the sin is mortal, you have to go to Confession before receiving Communion at Mass or it is another mortal sin. You cannot receive Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin. Look in the Catechism of the Catholic Church approved by Pope John Paul II if you do not know what is a mortal sin or what is a venial sin. People do not think that venial sins hurt them, but if you never go to Confession and keep committing them you will be lead into mortal sin. It is also a mortal sin not to go to Confession once a year. You have to help yourself to be educated of the truth of the Catholic Church if Catholic and study the Bible, and go to Mass on Sundays except for a grave reason not just because you partied the night before and are tired. This is not a good reason. My children I your God am giving you all the graces needed to save your souls at this time and then many more if you ask me for them and then use them. I can only make graces open from Heaven for you but you have to make the effort to ask Me your God to forgive your sins and accept them just like if a friend gives you a present that you want badly. You need to ask and want graces badly to save your soul. The reason I am making every effort possible to every soul on the face of the earth is because the Warning and the chip that satan is going to try and put in your body so he can control you is very, very, very close. If you let them put the chip in your body with your own free will satan will then have total control of your mind. With the chip in your body it will be like a microphone that they can speak or put any noise in for you to hear to drive you crazy. Do not take the chip or the flu shot in your body because the chip controls your mind and soul and the flu shot weakens your immune system and puts mercury in your body at a seriously high rate that causes you to pick up all electrical noises and sickens your body and gives cancer and many other kinds of sickness. Science has proven that living next to main power plants and high voltage power lines causes cancer and many other sicknesses. Your body is made up of electrical pulses and high electrical contact causes electrical shorts in your body to stop it from functioning correctly. Most people will not understand this but it is important to know. There is very little time left for My children to live in this world in a normal way that you are used to and I, God the Father, with Mary and St. Michael are trying to get all My children ready for the New Era of Peace or for Heaven whatever comes first for you. I want to make sure to see you in Heaven or in the New Era of Peace after the three days of darkness or the comet of chastisement when all evil will be cast back into hell and locked there and Heaven and earth will join together and form the New Jerusalem for the thousand years of peace and the ‘Our Father’ will be fulfilled and Jesus and Mary’s mission with Jesus’ death on the cross will be fulfilled. This is what the second coming is, the fulfillment of the first coming of Jesus. Amen. So be it. Mary, My Mother will now speak. My love My beautiful one and all My most beautiful children. This is your loving Mother with love and joy for all this day. Many, many good things are happening in the world from the graces of My Son. The news media very seldom covers them because they are controlled by the one world government. But many of Our children are waking from their sleep and seeing that the world has to change from evil to good or it will destroy itself. Many people are becoming aware of this and are starting to drop their sinful ways and get on the winning path of Jesus Christ and get their souls and bodies back in shape to face the final run for Jesus and get ready for the Warning and turn their life to God Our Savior.These messages are from God the Father to save all the souls of the earth at the last second in God’s time because God does not have any time. It is all just the present minute and you should live the present minute as if it is your last for it could be and will be some day. Your loving Mother, Mary and all of heaven. Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael and a legion of angels to protect God’s son with His words for His children, 10/23/14 My most beloved son and My most beloved children. This is God the Father of Heaven and earth. I come to confirm to all My children to be ready for anything now because your lives are starting to be turned upside down. Pray and get your souls in a state of grace. Have plenty of water in your house because when the electric grid is turned off all My children in most cities will not be able to get water. Have plenty of food ahead of time because when the electric goes out you will not be able to buy anything because everything is on computers and has to have electric to work. Keep your gas tanks on your cars full and have extra stored in containers so you can get out of your cities ahead of time before the one world people shut down all the major highways. Listen to your guardian angels and get out of your home and start to go the refuges as soon as your guardian angel tells you. Just like Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus did when they were about to kill the babies to get rid of Baby Jesus. My children, I am telling you this so you are ready as possible. I will not tell you any exact date but you can read the signs of the times all over the world and know that it cannot go much longer without total destruction in a lot of places. Just be ready and alert to what is going on in your world. Make sure you stay off the main interstates because they will be blocked and you will have no way to get off without walking. Just listen to your God and the angels and do not panic because your God is in control. Do not let the authorities take you to camps or tell you they will take care of you. Stay in small groups and I will lead you to safety. This is all for now, your loving Father of Heaven and earth. Amen. LINKS: 1. DAUGHTERS OF THE LAMB daughtersofthelamb/#!holyfamilyrefuge/c1zcy 2. TIMING OF THE WARNING https://facebook/notes/dezs%C5%91-farkas/what-if-the-warning-doesnt-come-by-june/223247754443344
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:30:29 +0000

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