VIA~Will Kinney James White and his criticism of Titus 2:13 in - TopicsExpress


VIA~Will Kinney James White and his criticism of Titus 2:13 in the King James Bible Titus 2:13 - Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ James White has a lot to say in his book, The King James Version Controversy, about how badly he thinks the King James Bible mangles the meaning of this verse and obscures the Deity of Christ. On page 81 he says: the KJV is shown to be wanting in Titus 2:13. On page 201 he says, regarding Titus 2:13 in the KJB: The simple fact is that the KJV provides an inferior translation, one that unintentionally detracts from the presentation of the full deity of Jesus Christ. The unwillingness of KJV defenders to overlook this fact is most disturbing. James White is entitled to his personal opinions, but there are a couple of things you should know about this man. He SAYS he believes the Bible IS the infallible words of God, but if you ask him to show you a copy of this infallible Bible he professes to believe in, he will never tell you. He will immediately try to change the subject. Secondly, I believe he and many like him have been deceived when it comes to the Bible version issue. The modern version he promotes like the ESV, NIV, NASB are all in fact the new Vatican Versions. The Vatican has made a formal agreement with the United Bible Society to create an inter confessional text to unite the separated brethren and one of the main editors of this text was the Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Martini. Nobody seriously believes any of these modern versions are the inerrant words of God; certainly not the people who put them together. Dont believe it? Then please see my article and the links found in it called James White - the Protestant Pope of the new Vatican Versions brandplucked.webs/jameswhiteppopevv.htm And thirdly, James White is completely wrong in his understanding and analysis of Titus 2:13 as it stands not only in the King James Bible but in many others as well. The King James Bible is actually the most literal translation of the Greek text here and it brings out a special truth that apparently is hidden from Bible correctors like James White. Titus 2:13 “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of THE GREAT GOD AND OUR SAVIOUR Jesus Christ;” Here the critics like James White and others say the KJB rendering does not fully bring out the deity of Jesus Christ. I don’t really understand what they are talking about, because when I read this passage, it clearly declares that Jesus Christ is both the great God as well as our Saviour. Dr. Larry Bednar, who also addresses this passage at his KJV Textual Technology site correctly asks: One wonders if White thinks saints and faithful brethren (Col.1:2) separates saints and faithful brethren, as if they were two different types. Or does he think God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Col.1:3) separates God from the Father, as if the Father were not God? kjvtextualtechnology/kjv-classical-language-of-emphasis.php The NKJV, NIV, ESV and NASB translate this verse in different ways. They dont even agree with each other. The NKJV is not quite as bad as the NIV, NASB, ESV in that it says: looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of OUR great God and Savior Jesus Christ. The NKJV does not follow the literal Greek word order as does the King James Bible and it obscures the full and wonderful truths we see in the King James Bible. But the NIV, NASB, ESV dont have us looking for THE APPEARING OF GOD AND OUR SAVIOURJesus Christ but instead looking for THE APPEARING OF THE GLORY of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Gods glory and His actually appearance can be two different things. The heaven declare the glory of God, but it is not God Himself. However, it is necessary to point out two very important things in this verse. Number one is that the Greek reads exactly as it stands in the KJB, and not as it is in the NKJV, NIV, ESV and NASB. The Greek in all texts reads “the great God and OUR Saviour.” This is one of the few verses in the N.T. that has no textual variants; they all read the same and the King James Bible is the most literal by far. All Greek text read -προσδεχομενοι την μακαριαν ελπιδα και επιφανειαν της δοξης του μεγαλου θεου και σωτηρος ημων ιησου χριστου This is the important part here - της δοξης του μεγαλου θεου και σωτηρος ημων ιησου χριστου = the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The crucial difference in meaning is this. When Christ appears again in glory, He is the God of everybody - every man, woman and child, believer or unbeliever - but He is OUR Saviour. He is the Saviour of only those who are true Christians, but He is the God and creator of all, and He will be the judge of those who have not believed on Him. Jesus Christ is BOTH the Great God AND OUR Saviour. We are looking for Him to appear as such, and this truth is fully brought out in the King James Bible and many others that have likewise translated it this way by following the literal Greek text. Another big difference in meaning between the KJB and such modern versions as the NASB, NIV and ESV is this which was pointed out to us recently on a Facebook King James Bible club. The Bible believing brother wrote the following: The glorious appearing of our great God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ is taught by Paul in one single text in Titus 2:13. Modern bibles twisted and denied it! Titus 2:13 (King James Version) “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Comment: You see the words glorious appearing of the great God? Titus 2:13 (New International Version) “while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,“ Comment: Where are the words glorious appearing of the great God? We are not waiting for the glory of God but His glorious appearing! Titus 2:13 (New American Standard Bible) looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus” Comment: Where are the words glorious appearing of the great God? We are not waiting for the glory of God but His glorious appearing! Titus 2:13 (English Standard Version) waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,” Comment: Where are the words glorious appearing of the great God? We are not waiting for the glory of God but His glorious appearing! Comment: Where are the words the glorious appearing of the great God? We are not waiting for the glory of God but His glorious appearing! At first glance you may think modern bibles say the same as KJV says, but they are not! (end of comments by this Bible believer. And he is right!) Titus 2:13 (New International Version) “while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,“ Comment: Where are the words glorious appearing of the great God? We are not waiting for the glory of God but His glorious appearing! Titus 2:13 (New American Standard Bible) looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus” Comment: Where are the words glorious appearing of the great God? We are not waiting for the glory of God but His glorious appearing! Titus 2:13 (English Standard Version) waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,” Comment: Where are the words glorious appearing of the great God? We are not waiting for the glory of God but His glorious appearing! Comment: Where are the words the glorious appearing of the great God? We are not waiting for the glory of God but His glorious appearing! At first glance you may think modern bibles say the same as KJV says, but they are not! (end of comments by this Bible believer. And he is right!) So the KJB is actually more accurate here than the NIV, ESV, NKJV or the NASB. Other Bible translations that read as does the KJB are Wycliffe’s 1380, Tyndale 1525, Coverdale 1535 - appearynge of the glory of ye greate God and of oure Sauioure Iesu Christ, the Great Bible 1540, Matthews Bible 1549, the Bishops Bible 1568, the Douay-Rheims 1582 - the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ., the Geneva Bible 1599 - that mightie God, and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, Maces N.T. 1729, Whistons Primitive N.T. 1745, John Wesleys translation 1755, Worsley Translation 1770, Etheridge Translation 1849, Murdochs translation 1851 and Lamsas translation of the Syriac Peshitta 1933 - the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, the Aramaic Bible in Plain English - the revelation of the glory of The Great God and Our Lifegiver, Yeshua The Messiah, the Emphatic Dioglott 1865, the Living Oracles 1835, Julia Smith translation 1855, Noyles Translation 1869, the ASV of 1901 - the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, Webster’s Bible 1833, J.B. Phillips 1962, Rotherhams Emphasized Bible 1902 the glory of the great God and our Saviour Christ Jesus, Worrell N.T., Alford N.T. for English Readers, James Moffatt N.T. - the Glory of the great God and of our Saviour Christ Jesus, Riverside N.T., the World English Bible - appearing of the glory of the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, Hebrew Names Version, the New American Bible 1991, the KJV 21st Century 1994 and the Third Millenium Bible 1998 - the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Many foreign language Bible translate the passage exactly as the King James Bible has it. Among these are the Spanish Sagradas Escrituras 1569, the Spanish Reina Valera of 1909, Spanish Jubilee Bible 2000, and Spanish La Palabra 2010 - la manifestación gloriosa del gran Dios y Salvador nuestro Jesucristo.”, the French Martin 1744, Louis Segond 1910 - “lapparition de la gloire du grand Dieu, et notre Sauveur, Jésus-Christ”, the Italian Diodati 1649, and La Nuova Diodati 1991 - “della gloria del grande Dio e Salvatore nostro, Gesú Cristo.”, the Portuguese de Almeida 1681 and A Biblia Sagrada em Portugués - o aparecimento da glória do grande Deus e nosso Salvador Jesus Cristo, the Russian Zhuromsky New Testament, the Norwegian Det Norsk Bibelselskap 1930 - og åpenbarelsen av den store Guds og vår frelser Jesu Kristi herlighet, the Dutch Staten Vertaling Bible - van den groten God en onzen Zaligmaker Jezus Christus; = of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Martin Luther’s German translation of 1545 also reads just like the King James Bible as does the German Schlachter Bible of 2000 with: “großen Gottes und unsers Heilandes Jesu Christi”. = the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Matthew Henry comments - Jesus Christ, that great God and our Saviour, who saves not only as God, much less as Man alone; but as God-man, two natures in one person. He loved us, and gave himself for us. John Gill comments - and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ; not two divine persons, only one, are here intended. Jamieson, Fausset and Brown comment - the great God and our Saviour Jesus—There is but one Greek article to God and Saviour, which shows that both are predicated of one and the same Being. Joseph Bensons Commentary - the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ...Beza is of opinion, that one person only is spoken of, namely, Jesus Christ, to whom he thinks the title of the great God is given in this verse. Barnes Notes on the Whole Bible - Of the great God - There can be little doubt, if any, that by “the great God” here, the apostle referred to the Lord Jesus...No one, accustomed to Paul‘s views, can well doubt that when he used this language he had his eye throughout on the Son of God Matthew Henry comments - The great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ for they are not two subjects, but one only, as appears by the single article Matthew Poole comments - And the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; and in order thereunto, looking for the coming of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ, to the last judgment. The same person is here meant by the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. James White, who is now promoting the modern Vatican Versions and who SAYS the Bible is the infallible words of God but will NEVER tell you where to get one, is dead wrong in his criticisms of this verse, and the King James Bible is absolutely correct and infallible, as always. All of grace, believing the Book - the King James Holy Bible. Will Kinney
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:49:21 +0000

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