[VICTOR THE DREAMER] [Chapter 12] She finally reached my house - TopicsExpress


[VICTOR THE DREAMER] [Chapter 12] She finally reached my house minutes after she called me. She sat on the chair in the sitting room with an unpleasant look in her face. Me: What happened? Whats your reason for coming here? Anita: Youre asking me the reason why im here? So you mean i cant come here without fixing an appointment with you? Me: Thats not what i mean nah, im just somehow confused Anita: Anyway, Im pregnant Me: (very shocked) Preg what? Anita: Are you deaf? I said im pregnant Me: Hmmm, well its not a new thing to be pregnant, ofcourse it calls for a celebration, so whos the owner of the pregnancy? Anita: (with a nervous tone) Are you in your right senses? What kind of silly questions are you asking me? Do you want to deny that youre not the one responsible for the pregnancy? Me: Me? Did you just said me? You re such a great liar. Did we ever had anything together? Anita: (surprised) Ah victor, please dont do this, please for Christ sake come to ur right senses Me: (getting angry) Chai! Women are so wicked o, so someone impregnated you from outside and now youre telling me shits, you better get tha hell out of here now before i descend on you Anita:(on her kneels) please Victor, dont do this, please if ive offended you before pls forgive me, please! Me: it seems you are crazy, oya get out of here before i open my eyes 1. . . 2. . . 3. . . . I opened my eyes and still saw Anita on her kneels crying & pleading seriously. I quickly ran to my bedroom out of pity and brought out a long wire. On seeing my actions and how determined i was, Anita quickly ran out of my house while i ran after her and cursed her. I think i will have to change school and also relocate to another area, I thought to myself as i walked back to my house. [END OF FLASHBACK] Oh my goodness, Pastor its Anita that i offended, i cried unto him. Can you now realize that youre the cause of all your bad lucks and the bad things happening to you now? the pastor said to me Yes pastor, i truly was the cause, please whats the way out? i asked confusingly The way out is simple, Just go and beg the person, make sure she forgives you wholeheartedly and your lost glory shall be restored, he muttered. Is that all? i asked immediately he finished the sentence Yes and i will pray for you, he replied back. Ok sir, thanks very much, i said to him as i went to meet my dad outside and we headed home. I still could remember the address of her house clearly so i planned to go anytime im lessbusy. The following week, i set out for her residence... [WATCH OUT FOR CHAPTER 13...] #ShareUrThoughts
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:30:01 +0000

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