VIDEO: 30 Years of Neglect: May 12 Demonstrations in San Francisco - TopicsExpress


VIDEO: 30 Years of Neglect: May 12 Demonstrations in San Francisco and Washington, DC On May 12, 2014, International ME/CFS and FM Awareness Day, simultaneous demonstrations were held in Washington, DC, as well as at the Federal Building and McKesson Plaza in San Francisco, USA. International ME/CFS and FM Awareness Day is intended to raise awareness about the impact these illnesses have on the lives of sufferers and their loved ones, and to draw public attention to their plight. May 12 is also an opportunity to make our representatives aware that more funding is needed for research, as well as expanded medical programs, and FDA-approved treatments. This video is of the San Francisco demonstration, in which 17 people read obituaries of those who had died of ME/CFS. The youngest was David, age 17. The oldest was Tom Hennessy, 49, founder of May 12 International ME/CFS Awareness Day and a fierce advocate for patient rights. See the video at _______________ Sign up for our FREE Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis newsletter: Breaking news, research updates, treatment protocols, coping tips, community support and much more! Sign up here:
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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