VIP DISCOUNT THIS WEEK: GET 40 OF MY EXCLUSIVE YOGA/WORKOUT CLASS VIDEOS AND PRACTICE WITH ME AT HOME-- FOR $1 WITH YOUR VIP CODE NOW. YEP--thats access to 40 of my best full-length workouts and classes that you could technically just download and keep forever, or continue to study all my newest uploaded classes with me for $8 a month--the cost of a couple of frappucinos! From an actual student: “Sadie! I am LOVING my subscription to your online studio. Have been a fan for a few years, but this is like having you in my home. You are the coolest badass yoga guru. PERIOD! Thank you for all your positive energy, Sadie, your expert instruction and your beautiful heart.” I’m so excited to invite you to Commit to Fit with me at my new Sadie’s Rockin’ Online Yoga Studio! I upload all my best classes and workshops there, ones you can’t get on You Tube or anywhere else. WHY PRACTICE WITH ME? I’ve designed the style of yoga, Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, that will give you DOUBLE the results as most any other style, if not all of them. That means for 20 minutes practicing with me, you’ll get 40 minutes’ worth of: weight loss calorie burn fatburning lean muscle building detoxification flexibility whole-body strength and tone hormonal optimization (anti-aging, immunity…) metabolic switching on better sleep more energy & clarity all day! And now, great news! Wherever you live or travel, You can still practice with me at my brand new online yoga studio, and get all my exclusive, best full-length classes, workshops and more (over 30 classes and growing)—all with one super-low monthly payment of $8! But the first month is only ONE DOLLAR. Heres how to grab it, babes!!: HOW TO SIGN UP? It’s easy! Go to my online studio at powhow. Here’s the direct link: powhow/classes/sadie-nardinis-rockin-online-yoga-studio 2) Click on the big yellow button on the right that says: $8.00 PER MONTH 3) Then use this discount code at register: SADIEVIP1 and get your first month for only $1! I hope to see you there—so we can rock it together more often, and get you even more fit, fierce and fabulous! xoSadie Main photo by MPG Mondetta Performance Gear
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 16:36:26 +0000

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