VIRAL: A video of a priest humiliating an unwed mother during her - TopicsExpress


VIRAL: A video of a priest humiliating an unwed mother during her babys baptism has been circulating online, after the babys grandmother uploaded it on her Facebook account Sunday. Ok. Ill comment on this. (my own personal assessment as a priest) The priest might have his lapses and behaved in a tactless manner. But the Lola or the whole family might have talk about it in a proper way to address the issue. Remember, iya ato bata (babys mom) kag POSTING it in facebook, the more she added insult to injury kay na exposed pa gid the more ang iya bata sa mga wla nakabalo. Amo man sa pari, di man maka help sa iya kay ginpakahuy-an man sya sa facebook. Pano pa sya karon makapangayo forgiveness kun damage has been done to him man. I understand the feeling of a mother to see her daughter being humiliated like that. Pero tani nag think twice sya nga indi mangin vindictive by posting it kay nangin makalolooy pa gid ang iya bata nga amo ya ang biktima. Tani ang iya priority is on how to protect her daughter morally and emotionally. Ironically,she thanked all those who shared her video. She also said that as a priest, Ubach should have given her daughter advice instead of humiliating her. Te tani same with her man. Tani gin advise nya man ang pari nga mangin fatherly kag Christ-like ang pag approach. In short, wala man sya kinaiba sa pari. Worst, gamay lang ang nakabalo sa bunyag, sang gin post nya, te kadamuan kag daw tanan na kabalo. Lesson learned na lang tani from both parties. Lesson learned sa priest kag laity to support each other kag indi maglaglaganay kay we are just one body, one Church. Kagamay tani sini nga issue, but because sometimes nangin iresponsable kita sa paggamit sang social media, nangin daku na sya kag mabudlay na bawion. Now kay karon almost kabalo na ang tanan nga sala gid man sang pari, does it help her daughter? does it help the priest? does it solve the issue? Definitely No. Siguro para sa iya she won kay damo iya na gather na sentiment in favor sa iya nga pagpost. In a way nga nangin selfish man sya sa feeling sang iya bata. In the end, wala me nagdaog. Kapiredehan sang pari, sang nanay kag sang bata. Ang daog? Ang mga tawo nga usyusero kag mahilig magpinanglibak na wala mahimo sa ila kabuhi. Lesson? An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. (Gandhi) Lets Pray that we find the grace to forgive this Priest for his wrongdoings and his poor judgement. If we judge him with harsh words on social media, are we not the same as the priest who humiliated this woman?
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 03:53:03 +0000

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