VIRTUAL VISUAL IMAGES! They are pictures of your preferred future - TopicsExpress


VIRTUAL VISUAL IMAGES! They are pictures of your preferred future which act as windows that allow you to see where you are going from where you are. Every man and woman of purpose should have them on their wall—a vision wall! To the visionary person, it is a window that lets one to have a peek at ones future before it even unfolds for all to see. What it is really, its simply hope in pictures. Its what you cling to the most when life gives you nothing else to hold on to. Its the art that helps you to look at your present tribulations with the eyes of your future glories and thereby being inspired to triumph in hope. No, it is certainly not the act of hallucination; it is rather the art of holding on to the word of Almighty God until it comes to pass in your life. Thats what God led Abraham to do after He promised him that hell be a father of many nations despite the fact that he and his wife Sarah were already too old let alone being barren for child bearing. Gods chief strategy of choice to help Abraham to believe the promise He made to him was to expose him to the counting of the stars at night and to get him to imagine that he was counting his descendants in those stars. Thats how much God needed him to hold on to that promise! And with that, it was going to take him nothing less than one hundred percent commitment to constantly visit with that virtual visual image—his vision wall, for his eyes to brows for strength every night before he goes to bed. This was important for him to be able to remind himself of the promise God made to him especially when thoughts of doubts come creeping on his head. He would then have to sneak out of his house and raise his head again against all those doubts in his head by recounting the stars just like God had taught him the night before in order to rebut all the doubts. And, that in itself was an imperative for him to be able to go through the night times victoriously. (Genesis 15:5) Now, if God did that to assist him to hold on to His promise at night, dont you think He would also want to assist him to hold on to His promise in the day time as well? You bet, He would! In fact, it was just after Abraham had obeyed by taking his only son Isaac to Mount Moria as a sacrifice, that God commended him for not withholding his only son, and thus God promised to bless and multiply his descendants as THE SAND WHICH IS ON THE SEASHORE (Genesis 22:17) There again, you can see Gods intention in wanting to make sure that He assists Abraham to keep the image of the promise made to him in the forefront of his head even in the day time. Every time he went to the sea and saw the seashores it reminded him of his descendants. So, he was well equipped with virtual visual images necessary to enable him to rebut every doubt that would attack his mind through out the course of the day just as well. Actually, if we were to put it as it was put to Joshua later on it would read as follows, This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE IN IT DAY AND NIGHT that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. FOR THEN YOU WILL MAKE YOUR WAY PROSPEROUS, AND THEN YOU WILL HAVE GOOD SUCCESS. (Joshua 1:8) You know God is the ultimate teacher you will ever meet! If you diligently follow His instructions you will never go wrong in life. Isaiah rightly calls Him the teacher of profit. (Isaiah 48:17) Now, having said all that, we now need to zero in on you! Would God really go to such lengths as to require of Abraham to operate with a vision wall in order to guarantee him results but not actually require the same of you and I? I dont think so, do you? In fact, God did have something to say about that, and I do want to share it with you. Its in (Isaiah 51:1-2) it reads, Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness, You who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug. LOOK TO ABRAHAM YOUR FATHER, And to Sarah who bore you; For I called him alone, AND BLESSED HIM AND INCREASED HIM. Thats pretty clear now, isnt it? Its a monkey see monkey do approach to which there are no exceptions if results is the goal. Its clear that God wants us to emulate Abrahams example of hope in our hopeless situations. These words really stand out to me: LOOK TO ABRAHAM YOUR FATHER! In other words we are instructed to consider those that have gone before us and to follow their example of victory and success. I also like how Peter puts it in the book of Acts, Its Gods own truth, nothing could be plainer: GOD PLAYS NO FAVORITES! It makes no difference who you are or where youre from—IF YOU WANT GOD AND ARE READY TO DO AS HE SAYS, THE DOOR IS OPEN. (Acts 10:34-35) (MSG) My goodness, that blesses me! I hope that inspires you to dream for another level. Are you ready for another level? If you are, then the door is open! #VirtualVisualImages#RestingInRighteousness#AbusekhoUbunzima
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 16:49:22 +0000

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