VISION OF THE GREAT FLOOD OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION COMING TO THE EARTH. Nahum 1 : 8 But with an overruning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies. In 2011, the LORD JESUS CHRIST by HIS special Grace showed me a prophetic vision in my dream. I saw myself in this dream preaching the Word of God. Sharing Christian tracks and warning people about the imminency of the rapture from street to street. All of a sudden, i saw myself standing on a very high mountain, screaming and yelling at the top of my voice, JESUS IS COMING! GIVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST, JESUS IS COMING! yelling to a very large city. But those passing by never paid attention to my cry. At this point while standing on the mountain, i felt water flowing down my feet rushing down the mountain. I turned my head facing backward to see where the water water coming from. I saw a mighty flood coming with a lot of destruction and dead bodies floating on th surface of the flood as it approaches speedily with a rushing great noise. I heared the voice of the HOLY GHOST speaking to me, HE said to my ears; THE FLOOD IS COMING! THE FLOOD OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION IS COMING!. I trembled at my feet, and ran down from the mountain quickly into a compound where i met a woman and her two children. I knelt down with this family and beggan to pray, thanking the LORD for giving me the strength to finish the work HE ASK ME TO DO FOR HIM, and pleading to the LORD to acept my soul in heaven. While kneeling down saying these prayers with this family, the flood rushed forcefully into the compound then i woke up. Late 2012, that same family whom the LORD SHOWED ME IN THE MIGHTY VISION OF THE LORD are now residing here in Ghana with me all the way from NIGERIA. BELOVETH, THE LORD HAS LAYED IT IN MY HEART TO SHARE THIS HERE ON FACEBOOK AT THIS TIME. THE LORD HAS ALSO REVEALED TO ME THAT THE ASSIGNMENT HE GAVE ME TO HIS CHURCH IS ALMOST DONE. JESUS CHRIST IS COMING! PREPARE YOURSELF NOW TO REPENTANCE FROM SIN. TIME IS ABSOLUTELY OVER. AMEN! SHALOM!!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 22:01:38 +0000

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