VISION: When there is no vision, the people perish but blessed - TopicsExpress


VISION: When there is no vision, the people perish but blessed are those who keep the law (Prov.29:18) Vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom. Vision could also be termed a mental image of what the future will or could be like. A man without a vision is a man without a future and a man without a future will always return to the past hence if you find a man who talk about the good old days and always refer to the things that happened in the past as better than today and tomorrow; they have no vision thus they always return to their vomit just like the people of Israel immediately they could not see Moses who went up the mountain to meet God they went to Aaron and said makes us gods and take us back to Egypt. Look at our Leaders discussing about the National polity; the past, present and future then you will tell where they have vision or not. You will always be pulled by your past or your future Look at your life, check whether you have a vision THINGS THAT VISION DOES IN YOUR LIFE: It contradicts your present reality; when the Israelites were still under slavery they had a vision of going away from slavery into their own land It will take you beyond where you are currently if you look into the next 10 years and you see life as it is now then you have no vision. Vision will confront your present comfort; it will turn a spender into an investor; it will turn a timid person into a bold person. It will challenge your comfort zone. It will tell you the way you spend your time is wrong. It will tell you that the type of people you associate with is wrong. The worst is when we spiritualize our inefficiencies; there are things God does and there are things you can do because He has given you wisdom, imagination, and knowledge. Vision will confront your sense of comfort A vision helps you to conceive new opportunities, new ideas where there is seemingly no way A vision will connect you to resources. Without vision you will not recognise what you are looking for even when it is in your face. A vision will help you concentrate your energy. You have to focus your energy just like Jesus monitored His Energy to know who touched Him because Energy left Him when that woman touched Him with faith amidst a teeming cloud. Your Best effort is to concentrate your Energy, some people do not deserve your anger. If I have to use my anger I will use it in solving problems like poverty, ultism e.t.c There are some people you see them in the rare-view mirror and you say bye-bye to them. HOW DO PEOPLE RECEIVE VISION: 1. DIRECT FROM GOD Paul received his vision through a spiritual revelation direct from GOD {Acts.26:12-19} I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision to preach the gospel to the gentiles 2. THROUGH DEEP CONCERN FOR SOMETHING: Nehemiah was greatly depressed when he realized that Jerusalem was pulled down and gates were destroyed. It did not come directly from God but he heard about a problem and had a deep concern to repair or correct it {Neh.1& 2} 3. THROUGH ASSOCIATION WITH THOSE WHO HAVE VISION: Joshua received the same commission Moses had because he was hanging around a man of vision {Deut.34:9} Check out your own as you flee from vision-less associations and concern. Make hay while the sun shines!!! I refuse to conform to what has been I refuse to be tolerated rather I will be celebrated for eternity!!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:47:38 +0000

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