VISUALIZE YOUR WAY TO FINANCIAL PROSPERITY. Be Careful What You Focus On and Visualize... It Usually Shows Up. - Gary A. Ferraro VISUALIZATION It is extremely important that you learn and use the art and the science of attracting and manifesting wealth to you with Visualization, Digital Vision Boards and Digital Visualization Movies. To manifest wealth and use the law of attraction for achieving financial prosperity and your dream life most effectively you must visualize. When you close your eyes and you visualize having financial prosperity and money and then imagine doing all the things you want with that financial prosperity and money, you are creating a new internal reality and internal wiring for yourself in your mind, heart and soul. Your brain, your subconscious mind and the law of attraction do not know the difference between whether you are imagining that financial prosperity and money (or anything else you desire for that matter) and whether it is reality or not. So when you imagine and envision it, the law of attraction kicks in and your brain receives and wires in those thoughts and images as though you were actually living them and have them, imprints and wires them into your neural circuits and your subconscious mind - and then ultimately it must and will fulfill those visualizations to you in real life. When you are in the mental and emotional place where what you are envisioning feels and looks vividly real, you will know that it has penetrated your subconscious mind, and the law of attraction must and will deliver it. Visualization in combination with affirmations is one of the key ingredients to mastering the law of attraction and manifesting financial prosperity. To optimize and achieve the desired results using visualization and affirmations you must do several critical things. You must: 1) Think the right thoughts. 2) Say the right positive, present-tense words and statements. 3) Picture the right empowering images. 4) Focus intensely on and emotionalize your ideal life with belief and empowering emotions attached to them. 5) Be persistent in your efforts and actions with the visualization. There are 5 critical parts to effective visualization. It is important that you learn, practice and master the art of effective visualization in order to take advantage of the power that visualization can give to you in your life both financially and in all other ways. We will discuss each of these five critical parts over the next five days so stay tuned and dont miss it. TO LEARN HOW YOU CAN GET WIRED FOR WEALTH GO TO: facebook/wiredforwealth wired-for-wealth TO HELP YOU ON YOUR DREAMLIFE JOURNEY... GET THE FREE NEW 2014 EDITION OF THE E-BOOK SELF EMPOWERMENT WEALTH STRATEGIES (Tm). SELF EMPOWERMENT WEALTH STRATEGIES (Tm) is our FREE gift to you and to the world! TO GET IT FREE CLICK HERE Help Us Spread Hope, Inspiration and Transformation Around the World by Sharing the Wealth and Sending SELF EMPOWERMENT WEALTH STRATEGIES (Tm) and WIRED FOR WEALTH (Tm) To Your Family, Friends and Colleagues. You can also contact us via email at info@wired-for-wealth and request SELF EMPOWERMENT WEALTH STRATEGIES (Tm).
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 05:48:08 +0000

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