VISUME (VIDEO RESUME) Have never heard of a visume and have no - TopicsExpress


VISUME (VIDEO RESUME) Have never heard of a visume and have no idea what it does for you? Read on to find out what a visume is, how it can complement your paper resume, and how you can start recording one! What is a visume ? A video resume or a visume is a short video created by a job applicant that best describes his skills and qualifications. Why should you record a visume? A visume complements your traditional resume with a visible impact, and allows you to demonstrate interpersonal, creative and technical skills to your employer, while showcasing your personality. Employers will be able to determine whether you would fit into the company culture through the way you present yourself since your visume provides a more personal view of you than a paper resume. If you make the right impression, your visume could get you to the interview stage quicker. How and where can you record your visume? STJobs is providing you with the opportunity and tools to record your visume at the fair! Simply pre-register for the fair and select your time slot. You will need to arrive 20 minutes before your selected time slot at the STJobs booth (blue zone) as you are required to attend a briefing before the start of your visume recording. Tips for recording a winning visume Prepare your points or script in advance, and keep it clear, concise and straight to the point. You may want to: Introduce yourself. Talk about your educational background and explain your work experiences/relevance of your course of study to the field you wish to enter. Talk about your interests and hobbies. Illustrate your career goals and aspirations. Thank your potential employer for his time. Rehearse what you want to say beforehand. Practising gives you more confidence. You may choose to showcase a relevant talent or skill. During the visume recording Treat this visume recording session as you would an actual interview and ensure you dress appropriately and neatly. Speak audibly and clearly. Avoid using obscenities or mentioning your expected salary. Have your script at hand for reference, but speak as though you are having a conversation with someone and not merely reciting your script. Lean forward while you are seated, give eye contact, make open hand gestures and most importantly, smile!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:27:38 +0000

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