VITAL FORCE--The concept of the vital force is integral to - TopicsExpress


VITAL FORCE--The concept of the vital force is integral to understanding homeopathic medicine. This concept helps explain the dynamics of how the potentised remedy interacts with the sick person to effect a cure. Vital force is not a biochemical entity. Rather, it is a bio-electrical energy that affects a humans mental and physical functioning. It is that quality which animates living organisms and constantly seeks homeostasis and health in an inherently intelligent way. All aspects of nature, whether mineral, vegetable, or animal, also have underlying energy patterns. Homeopathic remedies are derived from these three kingdoms. The energy pattern or vital force of these remedies is enhanced by potentisation(extreme dilutions and much vigorous shaking) and, when matched with the vital force of sick people, promotes a healing response. Homeopathy maintains that the vital force permeates all levels of human existence-body, mind, and spirit-and is similar to the energy stimulated by acupuncture needles. People are viewed as a dynamic whole, with the vital force acting as the integrating factor. Healthy people have a particular quality or pattern to their vital force, but when they become sick this subtle energy is distorted. Even during illness, however, this healing force reacts in the most self-preserving manner, and its plan is clearly articulated through the symptom complex. In homeopathy, energy qualities of the remedy (as revealed by the proving of the remedy) are matched with the unhealthy persons energy qualities (as revealed by physical, mental, and emotional symptoms). Through the law of similars, unhealthy people can be cured. It is thought that the similar vibratory qualities of the remedy and the sick person produce a harmonic resonance that helps to balance the persons vital force. Western medical science describes the defense mechanisms of the human organism as physiochemical phenomena. Antibodies, lymphocytes, gamma globulin, and interferon are thought to somehow interact to protect and rid the body of internal or external disease agents. The factors that underlie their functioning, however, remain elusive. Homeopathic theory states that the vital force underlies these defense mechanisms. If the vital force is aligned, then the defences maintain homeostasis; if the life force is disturbed, illness results. Allopathic medicine acknowledges that disease can result from the defective functioning of physiologic energy, which generates heat, enhances metabolism, and, along with enzymes, maintains important physiochemical reactions in the body. These latter energy reactions are responsible for transmission of nerve impulses and production of ATP or cellular energy from oxygen and glucose. However, allopathic medicine does not recognise that disease and disharmony can manifest on a subtler energy level. As a consequence, no treatment is directed toward eliminating illness that reflects these energy imbalances. The energy referred to in homeopathy is more fundamental and subtle; it underlies the the physiologic energy of the body. Without this deep, the biochemical reactions could not occur. Technology has not developed to a sufficient degree to analyse this vital energy. We cannot assume, however, that the energy is not real. Two hundred years ago people would have scoffed at the idea of electrical energy, and not long ago the concept of nuclear energy seemed preposterous. As technology advanced, these energies were isolated, channelled, and reproduced with amazing rapidity and skill. Eastern medical traditions and a few branches of Western medicine have discovered that the underlying subtle energy is not only real, but is fundamental to health and disease. In time it may be recognised in traditional allopathic medicine. Perhaps the modern technologies of nuclear magnetic resonance(MRI),PET scanners, or electron spectrometry will someday be able to detect the energy described by homeopathy. Bill Hortons Healing Massage and Homeopathy
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 10:08:41 +0000

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