VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3341 (Wednesday, July 24, - TopicsExpress


VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3341 (Wednesday, July 24, 2013) Five-Part Formula Many years ago, while living near Washington, D.C., I attended a very special seminar conducted by Jim Rohn. I had recently resigned my position at General Dynamics in Rochester, New York to engage full-time as a Distributor in direct sales; Jim was a corporate employee of the company with whom I was a new distributor, and he was conducting a seminar he called Adventures in Achievement. Deep inside of me, I knew that I had found the vehicle that would allow me to take back control over more of my life, and what I heard from Jim Rohn confirmed those convictions. One of the subjects he covered was The Day That Turns Your Life Around. We all have several days in our lives that can do that, but most people let ‘the moment pass’; they’re too busy doing too many of the things they don’t want to do. Here’s the essence of what I heard at the seminar Jim conducted; over the years, I made some changes to what I had heard, and after becoming president of his company, this subject became the hallmark of our personal development company; DESIRE: This is the first of the five components of “the day that turns your life around” and if all five occur within a single day or hour, you’re on your way toward revolutionizing your life, but it all begins with having the desire to do so. The chances that a ‘comfortable’ person will move in a new and better direction without having a passionate desire are remote. DISGUST: Lots of people have some measure of a desire for things to get better, but they don’t have the disgust to go along with that desire, and if we haven’t yet reached the point where we – with strong emotion – say, “That’s it! I have had it!!” then the desire (without the disgust) won’t work its potential magic. DECISION: If things are going to change, we have to change, and making the decision to thrust ourselves into something that can make change possible is absolutely essential; if we just keep doing what we’ve always done, we’ll keep getting the same results as always. ACTION: After your emotions have been activated, you have to take some action with the decision you’ve mad, and this is where most people don’t break out of their safety and security zone. RESOLVE: Starting in a new and better direction is a good start, but we have to stay at it – no matter how things go in the beginning, and being resolved means we’re just not going to give up and turn back, no matter what; the man says – “I’m going to climb that mountain all the way to the top; you’re going to see me waving my flag from the summit, or dead somewhere on the side, but I’m not turning back. Find an idea or a vehicle that can get you to where you want to go, and give it your best! By the way – in 1983, as I sat in my office at Jim Rohn Productions signing copies of “The Gift”, the phone rang; it was a man who had been listening to a cassette tape for a few years and wore it out. He ordered a copy of everything we had – books, tapes, workbooks – everything. He said the cassette tape titled “The Day That Turns Your Life Around” had done exactly that for him. Several years later, I met him for the first time. He had made a significant amount of money and was starting his own direct sales company; his name was – Charlie Ragus – and the company was … AdvoCare. May you have ‘a day’ like I’ve just described, and if you do, your whole world can change!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:48:08 +0000

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