VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3591 (Wednesday, July 9, - TopicsExpress


VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3591 (Wednesday, July 9, 2014) You Cannot Run Every day, we hear or otherwise learn about people whose behavior causes them to try to avoid personal responsibility; they claim they “didn’t do it,” or that they “didn’t mean to” or they “didn’t know.” For every action – or inaction – we set into motion an eventual consequence; that consequence isn’t always immediate nor is it fully predictable, but the consequence will appear – sooner or later. If the farmer plants corn, but intended to plant watermelon, he won’t get watermelon, he’ll get precisely what he planted, regardless of his intentions or actions or excuses - or his wishes. If someone plants a rosebush in their backyard, but the winds blow weed seeds into that same fertile soil, the rose will grow but so will the weeds; and the weeds will – over time – strangle the rose. The planter may explain that his or her intentions were good, but neglect and carelessness always sets into motion an untended consequence. “Wishing it weren’t so” doesn’t matter – we always reap what we’ve sown, whether intended or unintended; that’s a law of nature, and no amount of human excuses, explanation or rationalization makes any difference in the court of nature. I remember someone of great authority said about a barbaric ruler – “You can run, but you cannot hide, and if you try to hide, you will be found.” The ruler ran and he was found, and he paid the ultimate consequence. What I’m attempting to explain in this message today is simply an issue of ‘cause and effect.’ We can try to avoid the effect, but it lingers until later, and when the effect arises, we will suffer the consequence, no matter how remorseful we may be and certainly not if we promise never to do it again; for every cause, a coming consequence. This ‘cause and effect’ phenomenon works in all areas of our life; our actions set into motion a law of nature, and it works in our spiritual world, it works in our personal world and it works in our business world; if, for example another Distributor in AdvoCare is working with someone who he or she has nurtured in preparation for sponsoring him or her, and another Distributor comes along and sponsors that person – knowing that the proposed ‘new Distributor’ has been working with the first Distributor, the wheel of consequence begins to turn, and the seed of future compensation has been sown. And now, here’s my real point; if a person ‘intends’ to catch up on and pay off all of his debt but doesn’t, there’s a coming consequence; if a person ‘meant to start’ investing part of his or her income so they can begin earning interest instead of paying it – but never gets around to it – all of the clever explanations in the world won’t make any difference. If a person joins AdvoCare as a Distributor but never goes seriously and consistently to work to build his business, then once again, the law is set into motion. But ‘down the road,’ as he or she enters the autumn of their years, with debt continuing to grow, and all the money spent and none of it invested, the day of ‘wailing and gnashing of teeth’ will inevitably come. It’s best to learn – as quickly as possible – the discipline of self-responsibility! The views expressed on this post are those of Ron Reynolds and do not necessarily reflect the views of AdvoCare.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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