VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3607 (Thursday, July 31, - TopicsExpress


VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3607 (Thursday, July 31, 2014) How Time Flies! Welcome to the last day of the seventh month of what still seems like a new year! Have the goals and ‘resolutions’ you made at the beginning of this year become part of your new and better emerging reality, or are things still pretty much unchanged? These are valid questions, and they’re going to make most people run from the answer; but there are those who are running to and running with the solutions, and they’re new disciplines have allowed them to steer their lives in a better direction. Based on the responses I get every day, there are those who have left their job because their results from AdvoCare have allowed them to work from their home and spend much more quality time with their children. That is an established fact, just as it’s a fact that many have made considerable progress in paying off their debt – and some have paid off, or nearly paid off, their mortgage. What is it that makes some people take control over their life while others have allowed seven months of this year to pass with very little if any improvement in their circumstances. With so many needing so much, why do so few move toward the solutions while so many sit in the shadows of the valley of circumstance. While there may be many answers, the major answer is that among ‘those who do’ respond by taking control over their lives had what I’ve always called ‘the day that turns your life around’; that’s a single day – and sometimes a single moment – in which a person says, “Enough is enough! I’m not going to live this way anymore,” and regardless of the short term inconvenience, they do whatever they must to find and to embrace a viable (although not always comfortable) solution. What was the ‘magic wand’ that gets waved over a few while the many keep doing the same things they’ve always done? Well, the so-called ‘magic wand’ is in two parts; first, the person who took control was driven by a moment of complete disgust with things as they are; they emotionally reached a tipping point in which an unspoken resolve was made to stand up and do something; that was me many years ago, and I remember vividly the intense of my ‘unspoken resolve driven by total disgust. The second part is a burning, insatiable desire for the kind of life and lifestyle that I saw other people living and enjoying. The burning desire I refer to is difficult to describe with words, but a good beginning at trying to define this unique form of ‘desire’ is that it has to be driven by a passion, and the passion for whatever it is has to have a specific purpose – an action step leading to something better that the our mind and its imagination has allowed us to ‘see’ because of our delicate mixture of desire and disgust. Of course, if you’re not fully and completely disgusted, forget it, because your comforts of the moment will soothe you into accepting your disgust and lack of desire. Now, are those of you who have allowed seven months to pass with no measurable progress going to use the last five months the same way? The views expressed on this post are those of Ron Reynolds and do not necessarily reflect the views of AdvoCare.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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