VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3733 (Tuesday, January 27, - TopicsExpress


VITAMINS FOR THE MIND by Ron Reynolds #3733 (Tuesday, January 27, 2015) Thoughts Written Down If there’s one thing that I did through most of my years that helped carry me from where and how I was to where and how I am, it’s this; in my darkest as well as my brightest moments, I made it a point to reduce the thoughts passing through my mind to a simple statement; first, doing so taught me something about the value of ‘writing things down.’ Second, it helped me to reduce how I was feeling and what I was changing and becoming to a simple statement that summarized my deepest thoughts. Had I not done so, all those thoughts would have dissipated into a rapidly fading memory, and I would have had all those ‘turning points’ but they would not have remained as ever-present memories that serve me to this day. We all have possibilities within us that are far greater than our ambition. It’s always a strong, collective effort that creates the attractive, individual reward. People don’t respond to your solutions until they see that they have a problem. Your better future is not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice – your choice. We all have to strive to overcome the tendency to remain how we are. Without an outside influence to encourage us to do more and to be more, we tend to settle for what we have and for what we are, while hoping for things to get better. Those who seek greater progress must prepare for greater challenge. Don’t wait for things to becomes easier, ask that you might become better. We teach best that which we most need to hear. Some of those who are the ‘best among us’ allow their growing success, influence and power to corrupt their original principles. Only if you are not afraid of the truth can you ever hope to find it and benefit from it. We must not only work on how to earn, we must also work on how to live. Each of these rather short phrases represented a major turning point in my life, and the thoughts and the emotions I was going through at the time of the writing, imbedded themselves in my heart and in my mind and continue to guide me even today. The same can happen to and for you; get a journal and begin to discipline yourself to capture your own thoughts and feelings on paper, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at where that takes you. The views expressed on this post are those of Ron Reynolds and do not necessarily reflect the views of AdvoCare.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:00:00 +0000

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