VJ Video Retrospective - FLDTV0027 - Recorded - TopicsExpress


VJ Video Retrospective - FLDTV0027 - Recorded 2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok...settle in...I have a lot to say about this video. I guess I will start at the beginning. I tend to have a lot of random visual ideas floating about in my head that I pull from when choosing projects. Sometimes these ideas merge...this is what happened here. Idea - 1) The black and yellow of Kill Bill. I was already messing with levels a lot to get some clean visuals and playing with tints to control the palette. Something about the black and yellow motif used in the movie “Kill Bill” drew me in and I wanted to use it as a bold visual focus. I had no idea of what subject matter to use though. 2) Star Wars. I liked the sci-fi retro visual aspect of this movie and was drawn to using it for that reason, but at the same time Star Wars is so saturated within pop culture that I wanted to stay away from it an almost equal amount. By combining these 2 ideas I felt that I would be doing something visually bold enough that I could potentially get past the saturated baggage that Star Wars brings. I think it worked. On a more technical note this is the video I discovered JITTER on! When cutting footage there were a few places where the footage either didn’t look good bouncing or there were just too few frames to animate effectively over. I came up with the idea of randomizing the frame playback instead. It worked way better than I expected! Jitter is still one of my staples, but like all techniques I had to first abuse it before I learned to properly use it. Darth & Vader said they dug the video. Bonus points on that!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 03:17:10 +0000

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