VKV TECHNOLOGIES BEST CORE JAVA TRAINING IN CHENNAI Overview of Core Java Java programming language is developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is object oriented, platform independent, simple, secure, architectural–neutral, portable, robust, multi threaded, high performance, distributed and dynamic. It can be used to develop software and also applets. A java program can run on various operating systems without rewriting the code. And this is possible because of java run-time environment which tells the operating system what to do by interpreting the java code. Java Language Environment Object Oriented Platform Independent Automatic Memory Management Compiled / Interpreted approach Robust Secure Dynamic Linking Multithreaded Built-in Networking Java Fundamentals Data types Operators Control Statements Arrays Enhanced for-loop Static import Auto boxing C-style formatted I/O Variable arguments Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming Object and Class Definition Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a single class Inheritance and Polymorphism Writing Java Classes Encapsulation Polymorphism Inheritance OOP in Java Class Fundamentals Using Objects Constructor Garbage Collection Method Overloading Method Overriding Static Members Understanding Interface Using Interfaces class Packages Why packages Understanding Classpath Access modifiers and their Scope Exception Handling Importance of Exception Handling Exception Propagation Exception Types Using try and catch throw, throws, finally Writing User defined Exceptions I/O Operations in Java Byte Oriented Streams File Handling Readers and Writers Multithreaded Programming Introduction to Multi-Threading Understanding Threads and its States Java Threading Model Thread class and Runnable Interface Thread Priorities Thread Synchronization Inter thread Communication Preventing Deadlocks Network Programming Introduction to Networking InetAddress URL TCP Socket and ServerSocket UDP Socket Developing a Chat Application Java Util Package / Collections Framework Collection and Iterator Interface Enumeration List and ArrayList Vector Comparator Set Interface and SortedSet Hashtable Properties Generics Introduction to Generics Using Built-in Generics Collections Writing Simple Generic Class Bounded Generics Wild Card Generics Inner Classes Nested Top Level Classes Member Classes Local Classes Anonymous Classes Abstract Window Toolkit Graphics Color and Font AWT Components/Controls Event Handling and Layouts Swing Programming Introduction to Swing and MVC Architecture Light Weight Component Swing Hierarchy Atomic Components e.g. JButton, JList and more Intermediate Container e.g. JPanel, JSplitPane and more Top-Level Container e.g. JFrame and JApplet Swing Related Events Course Features & Benefits:- Experienced Corporate Trainer Additional Practice sessions Learning day to day operations. Lowest Fee Full Course covering every advanced topic Individual attention VKV Training Benefits Training by Real Time Professionals Project Oriented Training Running Notes Flexible Timings Excellent Lab Facility Small Training Batch Certification Support Our course content is designed in such a way that it is suitable to the beginners as well as the professionals who would like to update themselves with the new technologies. Our trainers will provide you the hands on experience on the real time projects. About The Trainer Karthick has over Ten years of experienced in Core java. Trainer is an expert in implementation projects and support projects. In the training real time scenarios will be covered which helps the job seeker to handle the projects easily. He is take batches on Core Java and Advance Java. And he is having most significant teaching experience in java real time tools.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:04:50 +0000

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