VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Some of the words I use at show off - TopicsExpress


VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Some of the words I use at show off time!!!! Lol =D I compiled these and did write the definations myself in my own simple words. All would definitely not sound odd to you but no doubt some would. Here they are: Inferno- fire, hell or conflagation Wordsmith- skilled at using words Certitude- feel of certainty Viva voce- by words of mouth Viva - live long Reticent- not revealing ones thought or feelings readily Mesmerized- spell bound Propinquity- proximity Autistic- autism, difficulty in relating Ceteris paribus - all other things being equal. Lollygag- to dawdle or Spending time aimlessly idle. Kerfuffle- a commotion or fuss Eulogize Conundrum- a difficult problem or question twisted with pun Proclivities- a tendency to do something regularly Shenanigan- deceitful trick Resfeber-craze for travelling Ossifying- seize developing or changing Ostentation - seeming apparent but not genuine. (e.g. Excuse) Baby spit up - white cheesy chalky substance vomited by new babies Puking/emesis/throw up - to vomit Miscontrue - misconcept Hemorrhage - continuous unstoppable loss of blood, money et cetera Centura - census of info about school, curriculum, alumni and so on Mobocracy - rule or domination by the masses Deprecable - something that can or should be disapproved. Indubitable - impossible to doubt, too apparent to be argued Apothesis - putting aside or an area for book shelve in church Miasma - bad air causing diseases Oligarchy - govt by few Aristocracy - govt by few privileged Kleptocracy or cleptocracy or kleptogachy - govt for self interest Plutocracy - govt by d richest Similitude - old form of similarity Proselyte - a new convert or person in an org Camaraderie- the graceful feelings of friendship among a group of people By Abegunde Sunday O. Author of Unleash Your Potential Beyond Just Motivation @sunnystar247 @speakingpen
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:29:57 +0000

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